Publication information
Morrison, C.L., N.A. Johnson, J.W. Jones, M.S. Eackles, A.W. Aunins et al. 2021. Genetic and morphological characterization of the freshwater mussel clubshell species complex (Pleurobema clava and Pleurobema oviforme) to inform conservation planning. Ecology and Evolution 11: 15325-15350.
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Cladogram Figures
(click the figure number to see the cladogram) fig. 4 fig. 5
Taxonomic Opinions
Cladogram Figure 4
+----------------- Fusconaia_flava
| +-- Pleurobema_clava
| +--+
--+ | +-- Pleurobema_oviforme
| +--------+
| | | +-- Pleurobema_decisum
| | +--+
+--+ +-- Pleurobema_hanleyianum
| +----------- Pleurobema_beadleianum
| +-------- Pleurobema_strodeanum
| +----- Pleurobema_rubellum
| +-- Pleurobema_taitianum
+-- Pleurobema_perovatum
Cladogram Figure 5
+-------------------- Fusconaia_flava
| +----- Pleurobema
--+ +-----------+
| | | +-- Pleurobema_clava
| | +--+
+--+ +-- Pleurobema_oviforme
| +-------------- Pleurobema_decisum
| |
+--+ +----------- Pleurobema_hanleyianum
| |
+--+ +-- Pleurobema_taitianum
| +-----+
| | +-- Pleurobema_perovatum
| +----- Pleurobema_rubellum
| +-- Pleurobema_strodeanum
+-- Pleurobema_beadleianum