
Page last updated
Thu 06 Feb 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!

The nominal species (available and otherwise) in this synonymy are listed by usage rather than strictly by publication date. The primary sorting order is by the most recent year (since 1969) that the species name was treated as valid, and then nominal species are sorted secondarily by publication year.

The taxonomic history of the valid species (since 1900) is listed at the bottom of the page.

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species Pleurobema pyriforme (Lea, 1857): nominal species
     8 specimens available.

Unio pyriformis Lea, 1857
Lea, 1857, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 9: 31.
Lea, 1858, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 4 [O. 6]: 69, pl. 12, fig. 50.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_84781, near Columbus, Ga.

Unio pyriformisLea (1857), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margaron (Unio) pyriformisLea (1870)
Pleurobema (s.s.) pyriformisSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) pyriformeSimpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema pyriformeClench & Turner (1956), Haas (1969), Burch (1975), Turgeon et al. (1988), ..., FMCS (2021), Graf & Cummings (2021), Hopper et al. (2023), Hauck et al. (2023)

Unio bulbosus Lea, 1857
Lea, 1857, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 9: 172.
Lea, 1859, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 4 [O. 7]: 191 [9], pl. 21, fig. 75.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_84715, Flint R., near Macon, Ga.

Unio bulbosusLea (1857), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margaron (Unio) bulbosusLea (1870)
Pleurobema (s.s.) bulbosaSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) bulbosumSimpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema pyriformeClench & Turner (1956), Burch (1975), Brim Box & Williams (2000), Williams et al. (2011), Williams et al. (2014)
Pleurobema bulbosumHaas (1969), Kandl et al. (2001)

Unio reclusus B.H. Wright, 1898
B.H. Wright, 1898, Nautilus 11(10): 111.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_151029, Ocklockonee Riv., Leon Co., Fla.

Unio reclususB.H. Wright (1898)
Pleurobema (s.s.) reclusaSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema reclusaSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) reclusumSimpson (1914)
Pleurobema (s.s.) pyriformeFrierson (1927)
Pleurobema pyriformeClench & Turner (1956), Haas (1969), Burch (1975), Brim Box & Williams (2000), Williams et al. (2011), IUCN (2012), Williams et al. (2014)
Pleurobema reclusumKandl et al. (2001)

Unio striatus Lea, 1840
Lea, 1840, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 1: 287.
Lea, 1842, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 8 [O. 3]: 203 [41], pl. 12, fig. 16.
(homonym of Unio striatus Goldfuss, 1837; renamed Pleurobema simpsoni Vanatta, 1915)
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_84797, Columbus, Ga.

Unio striatusLea (1840), Conrad (1853), Sowerby (1868), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margaron (Unio) strictusLea (1852)
Unio (Lampsilis) striatusAdams & Adams (1857)
Margaron (Unio) striatusLea (1870)
Pleurobema (s.s.) striataSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) striatumSimpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema simpsoniVanatta (1915), Ortmann & Walker (1922)
Pleurobema modicumOrtmann (1923)
Pleurobema pyriformeClench & Turner (1956), Burch (1975), Brim Box & Williams (2000), Williams et al. (2008), Williams et al. (2014)
Pleurobema striatumHaas (1969)

Unio modicus Lea, 1857
Lea, 1857, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 9: 171.
Lea, 1859, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 4 [O. 7]: 204 [22], pl. 24, fig. 86.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_84787, Chattahoochee R., 10 mi above Columbus, Ga.

Unio modicusLea (1857), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margaron (Unio) modicusLea (1870)
Pleurobema (s.s.) modicaSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) modicumSimpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema simpsoniOrtmann & Walker (1922)
Pleurobema modicumOrtmann (1923), Haas (1969)
Pleurobema pyriformeClench & Turner (1956), Burch (1975), Brim Box & Williams (2000), Williams et al. (2008), Williams et al. (2011), Williams et al. (2014)

Unio amabilis Lea, 1865
Lea, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 17: 89.
Lea, 1868, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 6 [O. 12]: 257 [17], pl. 31, fig. 72.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_84573, Butler, Taylor Co., Ga.

Unio amabilisLea (1865), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margaron (Unio) amabilisLea (1870)
Unio (sec. Elliptio) amabilisSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) amabileSimpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema simpsoniOrtmann & Walker (1922)
Pleurobema modicumOrtmann (1923)
Pleurobema pyriformeClench & Turner (1956), Burch (1975), Brim Box & Williams (2000), Williams et al. (2011), Williams et al. (2014)
Pleurobema amabileHaas (1969)

Unio harperi B.H. Wright, 1899
B.H. Wright, 1899, Nautilus 13: 6.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_159197, [Spring Cr., Decatur Co.]. Ga.

Unio harperiB.H. Wright (1899)
Pleurobema (s.s.) harperiSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema harperiSimpson (1900), Haas (1969)
Pleurobema pyriformeClench & Turner (1956), Burch (1975), Brim Box & Williams (2000), Williams et al. (2011), Williams et al. (2014)

Unio strictus Lea, 1852
Lea, 1852, Synopsis Fam. Naiades: 26.
(error for Unio striatus Lea, 1840)

Unio strictusLea (1852)

Unio litus Lea, 1871
Lea, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 23: 189.
Lea, 1874, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 8 [O. 13]: 17 [21], pl. 5, fig. 13.
Type(s): FIGURED SYNTYPE USNM_85142, Cahawba R., Shelby Co., Ala.

Unio litusLea (1871), B.H. Wright (1888)
Pleurobema (s.s.) litaSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) litumSimpson (1914)
Pleurobema (s.s.) striatumFrierson (1927)
Pleurobema striatumHaas (1969)
Pleurobema perovatumWilliams et al. (2008), IUCN (2012)

Pleurobema simpsoni Vanatta, 1915
Vanatta, 1915, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 67: 559.
(new name for Unio striatus Lea, 1840)

Pleurobema simpsoniVanatta (1915), Ortmann & Walker (1922)
Pleurobema (s.s.) striatumFrierson (1927)
Pleurobema pyriformeClench & Turner (1956), Burch (1975), Brim Box & Williams (2000), Williams et al. (2008), Williams et al. (2011), Williams et al. (2014)
Pleurobema striatumHaas (1969)

Taxonomic History (since 1900)

Pleurobema (s.s.) striataSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) bulbosaSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) modicaSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) pyriformisSimpson (1900)
Unio (sec. Elliptio) amabilisSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) litaSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) reclusaSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema reclusaSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) harperiSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema harperiSimpson (1900), Haas (1969)
Pleurobema (s.s.) striatumSimpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema (s.s.) bulbosumSimpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema (s.s.) modicumSimpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema (s.s.) pyriformeSimpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema (s.s.) amabileSimpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema (s.s.) litumSimpson (1914)
Pleurobema (s.s.) reclusumSimpson (1914)
Pleurobema simpsoniVanatta (1915), Ortmann & Walker (1922)
Pleurobema modicumOrtmann (1923), Haas (1969)
Pleurobema pyriformeClench & Turner (1956), Haas (1969), Burch (1975), Turgeon et al. (1988), ..., FMCS (2021), Graf & Cummings (2021), Hopper et al. (2023), Hauck et al. (2023)
Pleurobema striatumHaas (1969)
Pleurobema bulbosumHaas (1969), Kandl et al. (2001)
Pleurobema amabileHaas (1969)
Pleurobema reclusumKandl et al. (2001)
Pleurobema perovatumWilliams et al. (2008), IUCN (2012)

Page updated: 12:06:18 Thu 06 Feb 2025

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