Page last updated
Mon 17 Feb 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!
This page reports the specimens in the MUSSELpdb and provides a map if geocodes are known. The taxonomic history reports the record of different names and combinations that have been applied to this species (and its synonyms) since 2007.
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Bivalvia | Unionoida | Etherioidea | Iridinidae | Iridininae | Mutela species Mutela bourguignati Bourguignat, 1886: specimens 5 nominal species as synonyms
Range: Lake Victoria, Africa. Map of Georeferenced Specimens
Kenya |
 IRSNB_MP_0381 Baie de Kavirongo Victoria Nyanza
 INHS_25764 Lake Victoria, Kisumu, Dunga Beach, Nyanza, Kenya
 MRAC_58426 Lac Victora: Kisumi
 BMNH_MP_399 Victoria Nyanza, Rusinga Island, Kavirondo Gulf (sandy shore)
 UMMZ_111938 Lake Nyassa, British Central Africa
 ANSP_359141 Mirunda Bay, Lake Victoria, Nyanza Province, Kenya; 00 25 --S, 034 18 --E
 ANSP_359139 Rusinga Channel, Lake Victoria, Nyanza Province, Kenya; 00 23 --S, 024 08 --E
 ANSP_359142 Kendu Bay, Kavirondo Gulf, Lake Victoria, Nyanza Province, Kenya; 00 20 --S 034 40 --E
 ANSP_359778 Uganju Bay, Lake Victoria, Nyanza Province, Kenya; 00 47 S, 034 05 E
 ANSP_359140 Gingra Rock, Kavirondo Gulf, Lake Victoria, Nyanza Province, Kenya; 00 20 --S, 034 28 --E
 ANSP_359776 Mungeri Bay, L. Victoria, Nyanza Province, Kenya; 00 35 --S, 034 05 --E
 ANSP_359777 Wanyama Beach, Ruswga Island, Lake Victoria, Nyanza Province, Kenya; 00 20 --S, 034 10 --E
 ANSP_359779 Lumande Point, Rusinga Island, Lake Victoria, Nyanza Province, Kenya; 00 24 --S, 034 08 --E
Tanzania |
 ZMB_111978 Neuweid, Insel Ukerewe
 ZMB_108809 Busisi, Maissome, Victoria Nyansa Buddu
 ANSP_359780 Kaviri Bay, Mwanza, Lake Victoria, Tanzania; 2 30 --S, 032 40 --E
Uganda |
 BMNH_19921106 Lake Victoria, Island off Port Bell, Tanzania
 BMNH_19921108 Nile River, Bujagli Falls, near Jinza, Tanzania
 MCZ_132966 Lake Victoria, Entebbe, Uganda
 ANSP_195669 Lake Victoria, British E. Africa (Uganda)
 ZMB_109098 Buddu Kuste
 ZMB_4232 Towalio, Buddu
 ZMB_108812 Buddu
 ZMB_MP_0410 Buddu ..., Victoria Nyanza
 BMNH_MP_193 Lake Kyoga, Uganda
 ANSP_192642 Ripon Falls, Uganda, E. Africa
 BMNH_92-8-27-11-13 Lake Victoria, Ripon Falls, N end of the lake
 MCZ_175089 Lake Victoria, Jinja, Uganda
 MRAC_580360 Victoria Nile, Jinja, Uganda
 MCZ_218805 Lake Victoria, near Entebbe, Uganda
unknown |
 BMNH_1924-11-28-112-106-35-57 Victoria Nyanza
 BMNH_90-7-16-2 Victoria Nyanza
 BMNH_MP_167 Victoria Nyanza
 BMNH_1924-11-28-144-147 Victoria Nyanza
 IRSNB_MP_0527 Lake Victoria Nyanza
 ZMB_108811 Mbugu, Victoria Nyansa
 ZMB_108810 Mbugu, Victoria Nyansa
 IRSNB_MP_0572 Victoria Nyanza
 MNHN_MP_0730 Lac Nyanza
 ZMB_MP_0417 Mbugu
 ANSP_83080 Kisuani, German E. Africa; 4 ° 8’S nr 38° E [questionable locality]
 ANSP_84344 [no locality available - Africa]
 BMNH_1904-4-6-35-36 Victoria Nyanza
 BMNH_1901-8-16-25-27 Victoria Nyanza
 MNHN_MP_0529 Victoria Nyanza
Page updated: 09:50:14 Mon 17 Feb 2025 |