Cameroon |
 MNHN_MP_0902 El Beid (N. Cameroun)
 MRAC_798072 Lac Tchad: El Beid
 BMNH_1911-10-27-1 River Logone, South of Lake Chad
Central African Republic |
 MNHN_MP_0213 Bassin du Chari, Le Mamoun pays de Senoussi
 MNHN_MP_0801 Mamoun, Chari
 MNHN_MP_0802 Bangoran, affult Chari
 MNHN_MP_0906 Bougourman (Chari)
 MNHN_MP_0934 Bongouarm, Territorie du Chari
Chad |
 SMF_12237 Muse Elu (= Lere See) Benue Gebiel
 UMMZ_248792 Chari River, sand bar in river, at J’D’jamena, Republic of Chad
 MNHN_MP_0901 Bongor (le Logone)
 MNHN_MP_0904 Samia lac Tchad
 MNHN_MP_0905 Baga Sola, lac Tchad
 MNHN_MP_0908 Le Chari
 MNHN_MP_0909 120 km sud Bongor du R. Logone (Tchad)
 MNHN_MP_0913 Le Chari
 MNHN_MP_0916 Bahr Tuiga Reserve de Zakouma, Tchad
 MNHN_MP_0920 50 km ENE d’ Amathie, Pays bord du Tchad
 IRSNB_MP_0559 Chari
 MNHN_MP_0958 Delta du Chari
 MRAC_798076 Lac Tchad
Egypt |
 MNHN_MP_0897 Joseph Canal, Egypt
 SMF_83004 Kanal zw Kairo, v Pyamiden v Giza
 SMF_83005 Aegypten
 ANSP_417317 Nile River, Qanater El Khayreya, Egypt
 SMF_83006 Aegypten
 SMF_83010 Fayum, Egypten
 SMF_MP_2376 Aegypten Neo...Sudel.. bei Tuma
 SMF_MP_2379 Aegypten Maadi [?] ca 10 km ...Kairo
 SMF_MP_2387 Aegypten Maadi [?] ca 10 km ...Kairo
 SMF_MP_2386 Neolith, ca 3500 v Ch Maadi Wuste ca 10 km Sude Kairo, Aegypten
 UMMZ_57490 Lake Karum, Karanis, Fayum District, Egypt
 SMF_12231 Egypten
 USNM_126485 Alexandria, Egypt
 SMF_12232 Lybische Wuste bei Kairo
 SMF_12224 Nil Ob Egypt
 SMF_12225 Nil bei El Fayum, Egypten
 SMF_834 Nil bei Kairo
 SMF_12226 Nil bei Beske
 IRSNB_MP_0331 Damanhour
 MCZ_155721 Alexandria, Egypt
 IRSNB_MP_0351 Alexandrie
 IRSNB_MP_0352 Alexandrie
 IRSNB_MP_0354 Alexandrie
 ZMB_23222 Cairo...Gizeh n Tyrami
 ZMB_MP_0025 Cairo bei Gizeh im Nil
 ZMB_1665 Aegypten
 MCZ_235206 Nikla, Giza, Egypt
 ZMB_77244 Maadi, ca 10 km Sud Cairo, Neolithic remains
 ZMB_MP_0007 Aegyptian
 ZMB_MP_0002 Aegyptian
 ZMB_MP_0004 Aegypt
 MCZ_60130 Nile River, Egypt
 BMNH_1908-12-15-8 Lower Nile
 MCZ_72823 Canal St. Joseph, Lower Egypt
 UMMZ_111920 River Nile, Egypt
 CM_61.13308 Lower Nile River, Egypt
 ANSP_149596 Nile River, Egypt
 UMMZ_111915 The Nile, Egypt
 UMMZ_111923 Egypt
 UMMZ_111922_02 The Nile, Egypt
 UMMZ_111924 Damanhour, Alexandria, Egypt
 UMMZ_184049 Lower Nile River, Egypt
 UMMZ_111919 Alexandria, Egypt
 UMMZ_111964 Mahmoudich, Egypt
 FMNH_21464 Nile River, Egypt
 FMNH_2588 Egypt
 FMNH_127728 Nikla, Giza, Egypt
 CM_61.1539 Egypt
 MNHN_MP_0860 Canal St. Joseph, Egypte
 UF_93224 Lower Nile River, Egypt
 USNM_339738 Alexandria, Egypt
 USNM_86780A Nile ? Egypt ?
 MNHN_MP_0853 Alexandrie, Egypte
 MNHN_MP_0854 bords du Nil, Alexandrie, Egypte
 MNHN_MP_0856 Alexandrie
 MNHN_MP_0857 Nil, la Cairo, Egypte
 MNHN_MP_0859 Fayoume ....
 MNHN_MP_0861 Canal St. Joseph, Egypte
 MNHN_MP_0898 Nil, Egypte
 MNHN_MP_0899 Nil, Egypt
 MNHN_MP_0900 The Nile, Egypt
 MNHN_MP_0910 Egypte
 SMF_MP_2388 Aegypten Neolith.. Sudel.. bei Tr..
 SMF_MP_2389 Aegypten Neolith.. Sudel.. bei Tr..
 AMNH_30845 Nile River, Egypt
 USNM_788506 8-10 mi N of Benha, Nikla, Giza, Egypt
 IRSNB_MP_0579 Le Nil Egypt
 BMNH_58-6-9-4 Egypt
 USNM_73089 Egypt
 USNM_793917 8-10 mi N of Benha, Nikla, Giza, Egypt
 IRSNB_MP_0610 Canal Mahmoudieh, Egypte
 USNM_797808 drainage canal, Tukh, Egypt
 IRSNB_MP_0620 Alexandrie
 IRSNB_MP_0621 Alexandrie
 IRSNB_MP_0625 Alexandrie Nil
 INHS_30204 Lower Nile River, Egypt
 BMNH_58-6-9-5 Egypt
 USNM_86782 R. Nile, Egypt
 MRAC_85592 Nile River, Egypte
 BMNH_98-7-1-1-6 25-30 mi East of Mansurah, in the Delta, Egypt
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1167-1173 Shabra Maut, Lower Egypt
 USNM_426708 Nile River, El Tura, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
 USNM_327676 “Pyramid” Hill, Lisht [?] Egypt
 BMNH_MP_263 Nile River, Egypt
 UMMZ_57492 Lake Karun, outcrops near Karanis, Fayum District, Egypt
Ethiopia |
 ZMB_78787 Abessinien
 ZMB_8591 Abessinien
 ZMB_MP_0008 Hawasa, Abessinien
 MNHN_MP_0845 Le Nil, en Ethiopie
Guinea |
 MNHN_MP_0808 Dans le haut Niger a Faranah
Malawi |
 IRSNB_MP_0353 Riv. Shire Zambezi
Mali |
 IRSNB_MP_0290 Koulikoro, Niger
 MNHN_MP_0737 Bamako, (Mali)
 MNHN_MP_0751 Bakoy
 MNHN_MP_0805 le Bani, entre San et Segou (Mali)
 MNHN_MP_0807 Arrezaf-Erouz, Soudan
 MNHN_MP_0812 Lac Debo, Youvarou, Mopti
 MNHN_MP_0837 Diafarabe (Afrique Oc.)
 MNHN_MP_0232 Fleuve Bakoy, affluent du Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0237 Fleuve Baffing, affluent du Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0284 Ouassoulou (Sudan Francais)
 MNHN_MP_0268 Bamako, Niger
 MNHN_MP_0994 Gao, Niger
 INHS_36877 Niger River (Atlantic Ocean - Niger Dr.) City of Bourem, Gao Region, Mali, 16.95029, -0.35432
 USNM_86781 Senegal R., Galassi
Morocco |
 MNHN_MP_0816 Zagora (Oued Dra Maroc)
Nigeria |
 SMF_12228 Schillem am Gongola Fl., N Nigerien
 SMF_6221 Hierzu Weichkorper in Alkohol A.d. Benu B. Numan, Ostl N. Nigerien
Senegal |
 ZMB_9619 Senegal
 IRSNB_MP_0291 Senegal
 ZMB_MP_0039 Bengal [NO - Senegal]
 ZMB_36572 Senegal
 SMF_12229 A.d. Senegal
 SMF_12233 Senegal
 IRSNB_MP_0343 Senegal
 IRSNB_MP_0344 Senegal
 MCZ_801 Senegal
 IRSNB_MP_0407 Basse-Faleme
 CM_61.1540 Senegal
 ANSP_9056 Senegal
 UMMZ_111916 Senegal, Africa
 UMMZ_111932 Gorée, Senegal, Africa
 MNHN_MP_0740 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0741 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0743 Ile de Thiouk, Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0746 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0753 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0754 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0755 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0760 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0762 Ile de ... Marigolo, Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0246 Riviere Faleme, affluent du Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0815 Senegal
 AMNH_31275_2 Senegal
 AMNH_31276 Senegal
 AMNH_61932 Senegal
 MRAC_57618 Senegal
 MRAC_57620 Senegal
 IRSNB_MP_0603 Senegal
 BMNH_MP_237 Senegal
 UF_270794 Senegal River, West Africa
 BMNH_43-11-24-17 Senegal
 USNM_86780 Senegal
 DMNH_173143 Senegal
Sudan |
 SMF_995 El Duem, Bahr el Abiad
 MCZ_172852 Esh Shaheinab, 30 mi N Omdurman, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
 MCZ_173628 Jur River, near Galual, Tonj, Bahr-el-Ghazal, Sudan
 SMF_319219 N Sudan, ....... Wadi el Grilk [?], N Kordofam
 ZMB_20555 Rohl
 ZMB_19174 Gazellenfluss
 ZMB_MP_0009 Oberer Nil
 ZMB_MP_0013 Weisser Nil
 ZMB_MP_0005 Ober Nil
 ZMB_18784 Weisser Nil
 MCZ_60133 White Nile, Fashoda, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
 MCZ_75875 Gel River, between Rumbek and Tonj Equitoria, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
 UMMZ_248921 Swampy bank of White Nile N of Kosti, Sudan & across from Aba Is.
 UMMZ_248925 Swampy bank of White Nile N of Kosti, Sudan & across from Aba Is.
 UMMZ_111921 White Nile, Fachoda, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Africa
 UMMZ_248923 15 miles S of Kosti bridge, White Nile, east bank receding water
 UMMZ_248922 Swampy area North of Kosti Bridge, White Nile River, Sudan
 MNHN_MP_0841 Nil Blanc
 MNHN_MP_0843 Fleuve Blanc
 MNHN_MP_0847 Haut Nil
 MNHN_MP_0850 fl. Nil Blanc
 MNHN_MP_0851 Fleuve Blanc
 BMNH_1923-6-8-906 El Dueim, S. Sudan
 BMNH_1923-6-8-904 Tawila, S. Sudan
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1174-1175 Manshiya, Lower Egypt, S. Sudan
 BMNH_1923-6-8-906-908 Kosti, S. Sudan
 BMNH_1903-11-10-4-5 White Nile, Selaki, in flooded ground
 MRAC_17728 Soudan: Bahr el Abiad
 BMNH_65-1-3-9 Victoria Nyanza or Nile above 14° N lat.
 SMF_998 Goz Abu Guma, Bahr el Abiad
 USNM_426726 22 mi S Kaka, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
 MRAC_57727 Soudan: Bahr el Abiad...
 MRAC_57729 Soudan: Bahr el Abiad...
 BMNH_1950-4-25-84 Ed Dueim, White Nile, edge of canal, Sudan
 MRAC_97726 Soudan: Bahr el Zeraf
 BMNH_MP_530 Manshiya, nr. Mena
Uganda |
 MRAC_57628 Wadelai
unknown |
 BMNH_MP_301 Pegu [no - Africa]
 BMNH_MP_391 Nile River
 ZMB_MP_0035 West Afrika
 SMF_12227 Riv. Niger
 SMF_12230 Nil Flu
 SMF_168345 Nil Fluss
 IRSNB_MP_0319 Nil
 MRAC_59009 Le Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0347 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0349 Nil
 SMF_MP_2375 [no locality available - Africa]
 USNM_131256 Africa
 ZMB_16650 [no locality available - Africa]
 ZMB_37438 Nil
 ZMB_90124 Nil
 CM_61.11326 River Nile
 ANSP_9058 River Nile
 ANSP_4181 River Nile
 UMMZ_22934 N.E. Africa
 ANSP_23169 Tropical Africa
 MCZ_MP.226 Nile River
 FMNH_120689 Le Nil (The Nile, Africa)
 ANSP_125467 W. Africa
 ANSP_125468 River Niger, Africa
 ANSP_125470 River Niger, West Africa
 MNHN_MP_0216 Le Nil
 MNHN_MP_0196 Le Nil
 CM_61.2493 River Nile
 UF_93226 Nile River
 USNM_26097 River Nile
 MNHN_MP_0814 bassin du Niger
 MRAC_57627 Le Nil
 MNHN_MP_0842 Le Nil
 MNHN_MP_0844 Le Nil
 MNHN_MP_0849 Le Nil
 MNHN_MP_0852 du Nil
 MNHN_MP_0855 Nil
 MNHN_MP_0858 Nil
 AMNH_31280 River Nile
 AMNH_30846 Nile River
 AMNH_31275_1 Nile River
 AMNH_31277 Africa
 AMNH_31278 Nile River
 MNHN_MP_0864 Le Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0556 Nil
 CM_61.8879 ?
 MRAC_57614 Riv. Niger
 MRAC_57615 Le Nil
 MRAC_57616 Le Nil
 MRAC_57617 Le Nil
 MRAC_57619 Le Nil
 MRAC_57622 Le Nil
 MNHN_MP_0999_02 Niger
 BMNH_1900-7-17-298 The Nile
 BMNH_1900-7-17-317 The Nile
 BMNH_46-7-24-12 Nile River
 MRAC_57626 Le Nil
 BMNH_MP_234 Nile River
 IRSNB_MP_0594 Nil
 BMNH_MP_220 [no locality available - Africa]
 IRSNB_MP_0601 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0605 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0609 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0611 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0617 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0622 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0623 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0624 Nil
 BMNH_MP_238 Nile River
 BMNH_MP_253 West Africa
 IRSNB_MP_0664 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0674 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0728 le Niger
 DMNH_48616 Le Nil (Nile River)
 DMNH_48617 Le Nil (Nile River)
BMNH_mp_227 West Africa