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Thu 06 Mar 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!
The nominal species (available and otherwise) in this synonymy are listed by usage rather than strictly by publication date. The primary sorting order is by the most recent year (since 1969) that the species name was treated as valid, and then nominal species are sorted secondarily by publication year. The taxonomic history of the valid species (since 1900) is listed at the bottom of the page.
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Bivalvia | Veneroida | Cyrenoidea | Cyrenoididae | Geloina species Geloina erosa (Solander, 1786): nominal species 1 specimen available.
Venus erosa Lightfoot, 1786
‘S.’ Lightfoot, 1786, Catalogue of the Portland Museum: 186, no. 3961.
Venus erosa — Lightfoot (1786)
Capsa violacea — Humphrey (1797)
Polymesoda erosa — van Benthem Jutting (1953), Bogan (2010)
Polymesoda (Geloina) erosa — Morton (1984)
Geloina erosa — OBIS (2012), He & Zhuang (2013), Liao et al. (2020), Wu et al. (2023)
Venus coaxans Gmelin, 1791
Martini & Chemnitz, 1782, Conchyl. Cab. 6: pl. 32, fig. 336.
Gmelin, 1791, Syst. Nat. 1(6): 3278.
Venus coaxans — Gmelin (1791)
Cyclas zeylanica — Lamarck (1806)
Cyclas (Corneocyclas) ceylanica — Blainville (1818)
Cyrena zeylanica — Lamarck (1818), Hanley (1843), Deshayes (1854)
Cyrena ceylonica — Prime (1870)
Cyrena ceylanica — Clessin (1877)
Cyrena (s.s. sec. Geloina) coaxans — Dall (1903)
Cyrena coaxans — Schepman (1919)
Polymesoda (Geloina) coaxans — Brandt (1974), B.J. Smith (1992)
Polymesoda ceylonica — Hadl (1976)
Polymesoda (Geloina) erosa — Morton (1984)
Polymesoda coaxans — Bogan (2010)
Geloina coaxans — OBIS (2012), Wu et al. (2023)
Geloina erosa — He & Zhuang (2013)
Venus ceylonica Martini & Chemnitz, 1782
Martini & Chemnitz, 1782, Conchyl. Cab. 6: 333, pl. 32, fig. 336. [non-binomial]
Venus ceylonica — Martini & Chemnitz (1782)
Cyclas zeylanica — Lamarck (1806)
Cyrena zeylanica — Lamarck (1818)
Cyrena ceylonica — Prime (1870), Prime (1895)
Cyrena ceylanica — Clessin (1877)
Polymesoda (Geloina) coaxans — Brandt (1974)
Polymesoda ceylonica — Hadl (1976)
Polymesoda (Geloina) erosa — Morton (1984)
Geloina erosa — He & Zhuang (2013)
Capsa violacea Humphrey, 1797
Humphrey, 1797, Mus. Col.: 59.
Capsa violacea — Humphrey (1797)
Cyclas zeylanica Lamarck, 1806
Lamarck, 1806, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 7: 420.
Lamarck, 1818, Hist. Natur. Anim. sans Vert. 5: 554’ [2nd page 554].
Cyclas zeylanica — Lamarck (1806)
Cyrena zeylanica — Lamarck (1818), Hanley (1843), Deshayes (1854)
Cyrena ceylonica — Prime (1870)
Cyrena ceylanica — Clessin (1877)
Cyrena (s.s.) ceylanica — Fischer & Crosse (1894)
Cyrena (s.s. sec. Geloina) coaxans — Dall (1903)
Polymesoda (Geloina) ceylanica — Thiele (1934)
Polymesoda erosa — van Benthem Jutting (1953)
Polymesoda (Geloina) coaxans — Brandt (1974)
Polymesoda ceylonica — Hadl (1976)
Polymesoda (Geloina) erosa — Morton (1984)
Geloina erosa — He & Zhuang (2013)
Cyclas ceylanica Blainville, 1818
‘Chemnitz’ Blainville, 1818, Dict. Sci. Nat. 12: 279.
Cyclas ceylanica — Blainville (1818)
Cyclas (Corneocyclas) ceylanica — Blainville (1818)
Cyrena ceylanica — Deshayes (1830), Philippi (1848)
Cyrena zeylanica — Deshayes (1854)
Cyrena papua Lesson, 1830
Lesson, 1830, Voy. Coquille 2(1): 428.
Type(s): SYNTYPES MNHN_MP_3518, Nvelle. Guinee.
Cyrena papua — Lesson (1830), Hanley (1843), Deshayes (1854), Clessin (1877)
Cyrena papuana — Prime (1870), Prime (1895)
Polymesoda (Geloina) coaxans — Brandt (1974)
Polymesoda ceylonica — Hadl (1976)
Geloina erosa — He & Zhuang (2013)
Cyrena cyprinoides Quoy & Gaimard, 1834
Quoy & Gaimard, 1834, Voy. Astrolabe, Zool. 3(1): 513, pl. 82, figs. 1-3.
(homonym of Cyrena cyprinoides Gray, 1825)
Cyrena cyprinoides — Quoy & Gaimard (1834), Hanley (1843), Deshayes (1854), Prime (1870), Clessin (1877), Prime (1895)
Polymesoda (Geloina) coaxans — Brandt (1974)
Geloina erosa — He & Zhuang (2013)
Cyrena papuana Prime, 1870
“Lesson” Prime, 1870, Amer. J. Conch. 5: 146.
“Lesson” Prime, 1895, Cat. Corbiculadae: 26.
(error for Cyrena papua Lesson, 1830)
Cyrena papuana — Prime (1870)
Cyrena moussoni Martens, 1897
Martens, 1897, Zool. Erg. Nied. Ost. Ind. 4: 94.
Cyrena moussoni — Martens (1897)
Polymesoda erosa — van Benthem Jutting (1953)
Polymesoda (Geloina) coaxans — Brandt (1974)
Geloina erosa — He & Zhuang (2013)
Polymesoda erosa van Benthem Jutting, 1953
van Benthem Jutting, 1953, Treubia 22(1): 50, fig. 11.
(reference to Venus erosa Lightfoot, 1786)
Polymesoda erosa — van Benthem Jutting (1953)
Polymesoda (Geloina) coaxans — Brandt (1974)
Page updated: 09:36:50 Thu 06 Mar 2025 |