Page last updated
Mon 24 Mar 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!
This page reports the specimens in the MUSSELpdb and provides a map if geocodes are known. The taxonomic history reports the record of different names and combinations that have been applied to this species (and its synonyms) since 2007.
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Bivalvia | Unionoida | Etherioidea | Iridinidae | Aspathariinae | Chambardia species Chambardia trapezia (Martens, 1897): specimens 5 nominal species as synonyms
Range: Lake Victoria, Lake Albert and the Victoria Nile, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. Map of Georeferenced Specimens
Congo (DRC) |
 MRAC_59258 Mahagi Port
Kenya |
 INHS_25763 Lake Victoria, Kisumu, Dunga Beach, Nyanza, Kenya
 IRSNB_MP_0512 Baie de Kaviroudo, Victoria Nyanza
 ANSP_359782 Mbita Passage, Lake Victoria, Nyanza Province
Rwanda |
 MRAC_796644 Rwanda: Lac Ihema
Tanzania |
 BMNH_84-2-19-132-133 Victoria Nyanza, south shore
 MCZ_53205 Sagayo, Tanganyika Territory
 BMNH_1902-5-26-44 Victoria Nyassa, Nyemirembe
 SMF_12235 D.O. Afrika
 SMF_12234 D.O. Afrika
 BMNH_1937-12-30-13152 Mwanza, Victoria Nyanza
 ZMB_MP_0016 Busisi...Victoria Nyanza
 ZMB_108814 Bukoba
 MCZ_288403 Lake Victoria, Mwanza, South Bay, East Africa
 ZMB_MP_0023 Manyonga, Ussukama
Uganda |
 MCZ_260512 Lake Victoria, Murchison Bay Botanic Gardens, Entebbe, Uganda
 BMNH_92-8-27-8-10 Lake Victoria, Ripon Falls
 BMNH_MP_241 Uganda
 BMNH_1906-3-30-38-40 Victoria Nyanza, Entebee
 MNHN_MP_0911 Au Nord du Victoria Nyanza, dans les environes d’ Entebbe
 BMNH_MP_229 Lake Kyoga, Uganda
 MRAC_576254 Lac Victoria, Entebe
 MCZ_123637 Lake Albert, Bugungu, near Butiaba, Uganda
 MCZ_132973 Lake Victoria, Entebbe, Uganda
 MCZ_142359 Lake Victoria (Victoria Nyanza), Uganda
 MCZ_142363 Lake Victoria, Kazi, near Entebbe, Uganda
 USNM_606819 Lake Victoria Nyanza, Entebbe, Uganda
 ANSP_348697 Shore of Lake Victoria, Kitala, Entebbe Dist. Uganda
 ZMB_108816 Bare, Buddu
 BMNH_1902-5-26-45 Victoria Nyanza, Budde
 MCZ_175090 Lake Victoria, Jinja, Uganda
 ZMB_108817 Towalio, Buddu, Soweh, Uganda
ZMB_108817b Towchio [?], Buddu, Soweh, Uganda
unknown |
 IRSNB_MP_0518 Igauga Usogo, N. Lake Victoria Nyanza
 BMNH_1904-4-6-37 Victoria Nyanza
 MRAC_MP_0002 Lac Albert
 BMNH_1924-11-28-90-96 Victoria Nyanza
 BMNH_1901-8-16-23 Victoria Nyanza
 BMNH_MP_027 South America [?]
 BMNH_1930-12-3-364 Victoria Nyanza
 MRAC_57629 Lac Victoria
 ZMB_108815 Mbugu, Victoria Nyansa
 ANSP_83081 Kisuani, German East Africa [questionable locality]
 ANSP_83083 Victoria Nyanza
Page updated: 09:22:20 Mon 24 Mar 2025 |