Page last updated
Mon 24 Mar 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
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This page documents data for Gray (1825), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.
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Publication information
Gray, J.E. 1825. A list and description of some species of shells not taken notice of by Lamarck. The Annals of Philosophy 9: 134-140.
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Attributed Genus Names
Attributed Species Names
Hyria intermedia Gray, 1825
Gray, 1825, Ann. Phil. 9: 138.
Hyria matoni Gray, 1825
Gray, 1825, Ann. Phil. 9: 138.
(new name for Mya variabilis Maton, 1811)
Cyrena childrenae Gray, 1825
Gray, 1825, Ann. Phil. 9: 137 [as ‘childrenæ’].
Anodonta adansonii Gray, 1825
Gray, 1825, Ann. Phil. 9: 138.
(new name for Mytilus dubius Gmelin, 1791)
Cyrena cyprinoides Gray, 1825
Gray, 1825, Ann. Phil. 9: 136.
Gray in Griffith & Pidgeon, 1833, [in] Cuvier, Animal Kingdom 12(38): pl. 31, fig. 5 [as ‘Villorita’].
Griffith & Pidgeon, 1834, [in] Cuvier, Animal Kingdom 12(39-40): 601 [as ‘Villorita’].
Modiola brasiliensis Gray, 1825
Gray, 1825, Ann. Phil. 9: ??.
Mytilus fluvis Gray, 1825
Gray, 1825, Ann. Phil. 9: ??.
Mytilus volgensis Gray, 1825
Gray, 1825, Ann. Phil. 9: ??.
Hyria elongata Swainson, 1841
Gray, 1825, Ann. Phil. 9: 138 [as ‘elongatum’]. [nomen nudum]
Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol.: 284, 380. [nomen nudum]
Swainson, 1841, Ex. Conch.: 29, pl. 24.
Taxonomic Opinions
Page updated: 09:44:18 Mon 24 Mar 2025 |