
Page last updated
Wed 04 Dec 2024

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

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This page documents data for Burdick & White (2007), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.

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Publication information

Burdick, R.C. & M.W. White. 2007. Phylogeography of the wabash pigtoe, Fusconaia flava (Rafinesque, 1820) (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies 73: 367-375.

Click here for online access.

Cladogram Figures

(click the figure number to see the cladogram)

fig. 3

Attributed Species Names

Quadrula (Fusconia [sic] beadleana Frierson, 1927
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Frierson, 1927, Check List N. Amer. Naiades: 57.
Vidrine, 1993, Histr. Distr. Freshw. Mussels LA: 63 [as ‘Pleurobema beadleanum’].
Burdick & White, 2007, J. Moll. Studies 73: 370 [as ‘Pleurobema beadleanum’].
Haag, 2012, N. Amer. Freshw. Mussels: 71 [as ‘Pleurobema beadleanum’].
(error for Unio beadleianus Lea, 1861)

Fusconaia flava Burdick & White, 2007
‘Rafinesque’ Burdick & White, 2007, J. Moll. Studies 73: 371.
(misidentified reference to Obliquaria (Quadrula) flava Rafinesque, 1820)

Quincuncina berkei Burdick & White, 2007
‘Walker’ Burdick & White, 2007, J. Moll. Studies 73: 370.
(error for Quincuncina burkei Ortmann & Walker, 1922)

Taxonomic Opinions

Elliptio crassidens (Lamarck, 1819)

Elliptio dilatata (Rafinesque, 1820)

Fusconaia barnesiana (Lea, 1838)

Fusconaia cerina (Conrad, 1838)

Fusconaia cor (Conrad, 1834)

Fusconaia cuneolus (Lea, 1840)

Fusconaia ebena (Lea, 1831)

Fusconaia escambia (Clench & Turner, 1956)

Fusconaia flava (Rafinesque, 1820)

Fusconaia masoni (Conrad, 1834)

Fusconaia ozarkensis (Call, 1887)

Fusconaia subrotunda (Lea, 1831)

Lampsilis ornata

Plethobasus cyphyus (Rafinesque, 1820)

Pleurobema beadleanum [sic] (Lea, 1861)

Pleurobema chattanoogaense (Lea, 1858)

Pleurobema clava (Lamarck, 1819)

Pleurobema collina (Conrad, 1834)

Pleurobema cordatum (Rafinesque, 1820)

Pleurobema decisum (Lea, 1831)

Pleurobema furvum (Conrad, 1834)

Pleurobema georgianum (Lea, 1841)

Pleurobema gibberum (Lea, 1838)

Pleurobema hanleyianum (Lea, 1852)

Pleurobema oviforme (Conrad, 1834)

Pleurobema perovatum (Conrad, 1834)

Pleurobema plenum (Lea, 1840)

Pleurobema pyriforme (Lea, 1857)

Pleurobema rubellum (Conrad, 1834)

Pleurobema rubrum (Rafinesque, 1820)

Pleurobema sintoxia (Rafinesque, 1820)

Pleurobema stabile (Lea, 1861)

Pleurobema strodeanum (Wright, 1898)

Pleurobema taitianum (Lea, 1834)

Quincuncina berkei [sic] (Walker, 1922)

Cladogram Figure 3
  +----------------------------------------- Lampsilis_ornata      
--+  +-------------------------------------- Parvaspina_collina    
  |  |                                                             
  |  |  +----------------------------------- Reginaia_ebenus       
  +--+  |                                                          
     |  |                             +----- Eurynia_dilatata      
     |  |  +--------------------------+                            
     |  |  |                          |  +-- Plethobasus_cyphyus   
     +--+  |                          +--+                         
        |  |                             +-- Elliptio_crassidens   
        |  |                                                       
        |  |  +----------------------------- Pleurobema_plenum     
        |  |  |                                                    
        |  |  |                          +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana 
        +--+  +--------------------------+                         
           |  |                          +-- Pleuronaia_gibber     
           |  |                                                    
           |  |              +-------------- Pleurobema_stabile    
           |  |              |                                     
           |  |              |           +-- Pleurobema_rubellum   
           |  |              |     +-----+                         
           |  |              |     |     +-- Pleurobema_strodeanum 
           +--+  +-----------+  +--+                               
              |  |           |  |  |  +----- Pleurobema_beadleianum
              |  |           |  |  +--+                            
              |  |           |  |     |  +-- Pleurobema_perovatum  
              |  |           |  |     +--+                         
              |  |           +--+        +-- Pleurobema_taitianum  
              |  |              |                                  
              |  |              |        +-- Pleurobema_clava      
              |  |              |  +-----+                         
              |  |              |  |     +-- Pleurobema_oviforme   
              |  |              |  |                               
              |  |              +--+     +-- Pleurobema_decisum    
              +--+                 |  +--+                         
                 |                 |  |  +-- Pleurobema_hanleyianum
                 |                 +--+                            
                 |                    |  +-- Pleurobema_pyriforme  
                 |                    +--+                         
                 |                       +-- Pleurobema_georgianum 
                 |                    +----- Pleurobema_sintoxia__1
                 |                    |                            
                 |  +-----------------+  +-- Pleurobema_cordatum__2
                 |  |                 |  |                         
                 |  |                 +--+-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__2
                 |  |                    |                         
                 +--+                    +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__3
                    |  +-------------------- Pleurobema_cordatum__1
                    |  |                                           
                    +--+  +----------------- Fusconaia_subrotunda  
                       |  |                                        
                       |  |              +-- Fusconaia_cor         
                       +--+  +-----------+                         
                          |  |           +-- Fusconaia_cuneolus    
                          |  |                                     
                          +--+  +----------- Fusconaia_ozarkensis  
                             |  |                                  
                             |  |        +-- Fusconaia_masoni      
                             +--+  +-----+                         
                                |  |     +-- Fusconaia_flava__3    
                                |  |                               
                                +--+  +----- Fusconaia_flava__1    
                                   |  |                            
                                   |  +----- Fusconaia_cerina__4   
                                      |  +-- Fusconaia_cerina__1   
                                      |  |                         
                                      |  +-- Fusconaia_cerina__2   
                                         +-- Fusconaia_cerina__3   
                                         +-- Fusconaia_flava__2    

Page updated: 11:17:37 Wed 04 Dec 2024

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