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The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
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This page documents data for Heude (1874), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.
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Publication information
Heude, M.P. 1874. Diagnoses molluscoum in fluminibus provinciæ Nankingensis collectorum. Journal de Conchyliologie 22: 112-118.
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Attributed Species Names
Anodonta edulis Heude, 1874
 Heude, 1874, J. de Conch. 22: 117.
Heude, 1875, Conch. Fluv. Nanking (1): pl. 8, fig. 18.
Type(s): SYNTYPE MNHN_MP_3399, Song Kiang fou, Chine Centrale.
Unio pfisteri Heude, 1874
 Heude, 1874, J. de Conch. 22: 112.
Heude, 1875, Conch. Fluv. Nanking (1): pl. 1, fig. 1.
Type(s): SYNTYPES MNHN_MP_3396, Riviere de Nanking, Chine Central.
Unio languilati Heude, 1874
 Heude, 1874, J. de Conch. 22: 116.
Heude, 1875, Conch. Fluv. Nanking (1): pl. 7, fig. 17.
Type(s): SYNTYPE MNHN_MP_3381, Riviere de Province du Nanking, Chine Centrale.
Mycetopus iridineus Heude, 1874
 Heude, 1874, J. de Conch. 22: 117.
Heude, 1875, Conch. Fluv. Nanking (1): pl. 8, fig. 19.
Heude, 1885, Conch. Fluv. Nanking (9): pl. 72, figs. 137-137b [var. b].
Type(s): SYNTYPES MNHN_MP_3395, Rivieres de Tai ping fou et de Fou tcheou fou.
Unio celtiformis Heude, 1874
 Heude, 1874, J. de Conch. 22: 113.
Heude, 1875, Conch. Fluv. Nanking (1): pl. 1, fig. 4.
Type(s): SYNTYPES MNHN_MP_3397, Riviere de Fou-Tchou (Kiang Si).
Unio pisciculus Heude, 1874
 Heude, 1874, J. de Conch. 22: 115.
Heude, 1875, Conch. Fluv. Nanking (1): pl. 2, figs. 6-6a.
Type(s): SYNTYPES MNHN_MP_3382, riviere du Ning Kouo, Kiangsi, Chine Centrale.
Unio capitatus Heude, 1874
 Heude, 1874, J. de Conch. 22: 114.
Heude, 1875, Conch. Fluv. Nanking (1): pl. 2, fig. 5.
Type(s): SYNTYPE MNHN_MP_3401, Chine Centrale.
Unio heudei Heude, 1874
‘Bazin, mss’ Heude, 1874, J. de Conch. 22: 114.
Heude, 1875, Conch. Fluv. Nanking (1): pl. 1, fig. 3 [as ‘Unio corderii’].
(renamed Unio corderii Heude, 1875)
Type(s): SYNTYPES MNHN_MP_3407, Chine Centrale.
Unio rufescens Heude, 1874
 Heude, 1874, J. de Conch. 22: 113.
Heude, 1875, Conch. Fluv. Nanking (1): pl. 1, fig. 2.
Type(s): SYNTYPE MNHN_MP_3394, Riviere de Fou-Tchou (Kiang Si).
Monocondylea nankingensis Heude, 1874
 Heude, 1874, J. de Conch. 22: 116.
Heude, 1875, Conch. Fluv. Nanking (1): pl. 4, fig. 9 [as ‘nankinensis’ on plate caption].
Type(s): SYNTYPES MCZ_167240, Nanking, China.
Page updated: 09:45:20 Mon 24 Mar 2025 |