
Page last updated
Thu 06 Feb 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

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genus Pisidium Pfeiffer, 1821: valid species
     19 nominal genera as synonyms | Cladomics

Pisidium alticola (Kobelt, 1913)
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: New Guinea. [Australasia]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium amnicum (Müller, 1774)
17 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Widespread from Europe to the Amur Basin, eastern Russia. Introduced to the Laurentian Great Lakes and Cairo. Possibly in other parts of Africa. [Afrotropics, East Asia, North America, North Eurasia]
Genbank sequences: 16S, 18S, 28S, 5.8S, COI, ITS1.
Nature Serve: G5.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium amurense Moskvicheva in Zatravkin, 1985
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Russian Far East and Sakhalin Island. [East Asia]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium armillatum Kuiper, 1966
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Kenya. [Afrotropics]
Genbank sequences: 16S, 28S, COI, H3.
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium artifex Kuiper, 1960
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Kenya. [Afrotropics]
IUCN Red List: Vulnerable.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium aucklandicum Suter, 1907
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: New Zealand. [Australasia]

Pisidium behningi (Izzatullaev & Starobogatov, 1986)
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Central Asia. [North Eurasia]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium bejumae H.B. Baker, 1930
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Venezuela and Brazil. [South America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium betafoense Kuiper, 1953
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Madagascar. [Afrotropics]
IUCN Red List: Critically Endangered.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium boliviense Sturany, 1900
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Amazon, Brazil. [South America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium chatyrkulense (Izzatullaev & Starobogatov, 1986)
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Central Asia. [North Eurasia]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium chicha Ituarte, 2005
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Northern Argentina. [South America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium chiquitanum Ituarte, 2001
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Central Bolivia to northern Argentina. [South America]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium cruciatum Sterki, 1895
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Great Lakes and Interior Basin, North America. [North America]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.
Nature Serve: G4?.
Other web site: MolluscaBase 2.

Pisidium decurtatum (Lindholm, 1909)
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Baikal Lake and the Yenisei River. [North Eurasia]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium dilatatum Westerlund, 1897
11 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Northern Europe to Kamchatka. [East Asia, North Eurasia]
Genbank sequences: 16S, 28S, 5.8S, ITS1.
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.
Other web site: MolluscaBase 2.

Pisidium dorbignyi Clessin, 1879
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil. [South America]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium dubium (Say, 1817)
7 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Widespread in eastern North America. [North America]
Genbank sequences: 16S, 18S, 28S, 5.8S.
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.
Nature Serve: G5.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium fistulosum Mandahl-Barth, 1954
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Endemic to Lake Victoria. [Afrotropics]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium forense Meier Brook, 1967
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Southern Brazil. [South America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium gafurovi (Izzatullaev & Starobogatov, 1986)
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Central Asia. [North Eurasia]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium globulus Clessin, 1888
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Southern Brazil. [South America]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium harrisoni Kuiper, 1964
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Endemic to South Africa. [Afrotropics]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Pisidium huillichum Ituarte, 1999
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Chile. [South America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium idahoensis Roper, 1890
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Great Lakes west to the Pacific, North America. [North America]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern (Pisidium idahoense).
Nature Serve: G5 (Pisidium idahoense).
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium inacayali Ituarte, 1996
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Patagonia, Argentina. [South America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium invenustum Kuiper, 1966
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Tanzania. [Afrotropics]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium iquito Ituarte, 2004
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Amazon Basin, Peru. [South America]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium issykkulense (Izzatullaev & Starobogatov, 1986)
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Central Asia. [North Eurasia]

Pisidium jamaicense Prime, 1865
3 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Caribbean. [Central America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium johnsoni E.A. Smith, 1882
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Madagascar. [Afrotropics]
IUCN Red List: Vulnerable.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium kawamurai Mori, 1938
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Japan. [East Asia]

Pisidium lebruni Mabille, 1884
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Punta Arenas, Chile. [South America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium llanquihuense Ituarte, 1999
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Chile. [South America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium magellanicum (Dall, 1908)
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Southern Patagonia, Argentina and Chile. [South America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium meierbrooki Kuiper & Hinz, 1984
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Area around Lake Titicaca north to Cuzco, Peru, Bolivia and northern Chile. [South America]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium montigenum Kuiper, 1966
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Kenya and Uganda. [Afrotropics]
IUCN Red List: Near Threatened.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium observationis Pilsbry, 1911
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Argentina and Southern Brazil. [South America]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium ocloya Ituarte, 2005
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Northern Argentina. [South America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium omaguaca Ituarte, 2005
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Northern Argentina. [South America]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium orientale Prozorova, 1995
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Russian Far East. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: 16S.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium pamirense (Izzatullaev & Starobogatov, 1986)
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Central Asia. [North Eurasia]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium parenzani Gambetta, 1930
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Lake Ohrid, Albania and Macedonia. [North Eurasia]

Pisidium patagonicum Pilsbry, 1911
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Patagonia, Argentina. [South America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium pipoense Ituarte, 2000
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Parana Basin in Argentina. [South America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium plenilunium (Melvill & Standen, 1907)
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Argentina. [South America]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium punctatum Sterki, 1895
5 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Widespread in North America. [North America]
Nature Serve: G5 (Pisidium simplex).
Other web site: MolluscaBase 2.

Pisidium punctiferum (Guppy, 1867)
4 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Tropical North and South America. [Central America, North America, South America]
Nature Serve: G4G5.
Other web site: MolluscaBase 2.

Pisidium reticulatum Kuiper, 1966
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Zambezi Basin, Africa and Madagascar. [Afrotropics]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium sanguinichristi Taylor, 1987
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Known only from Middle Fork Lake in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Taos County, New Mexico (Rio Grande Basin). [North America]
IUCN Red List: Vulnerable.
Nature Serve: G1 Under Review.
Other web site: MolluscaBase 2.

Pisidium taraguyense Ituarte, 2000
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Argentina and Uruguay. [South America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium vegae Pilsbry, 1926
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Mexico. [Central America]

Pisidium vile Pilsbry, 1897
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Paraná Basin, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. [South America]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium volutabundum Vanatta, 1910
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Bermuda. [North America]
Other web site: MolluscaBase.

Pisidium wolfii Clessin in Miller, 1879
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Ecuador. [South America]

Page updated: 11:52:50 Thu 06 Feb 2025

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