
Page last updated
Mon 24 Mar 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!

This page reports the specimens in the MUSSELpdb and provides a map if geocodes are known. The taxonomic history reports the record of different names and combinations that have been applied to this species (and its synonyms) since 2007.

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Bivalvia | Sphaerioida | Sphaerioidea | Sphaeriidae | Sphaeriinae | Pisidium

species Pisidium amnicum (Müller, 1774): specimens
     17 nominal species as synonyms

Taxonomic History (since 2007)

Pisidium amnicumSchultheiß et al. (2008), Van Damme & Van Bocxlaer (2009), IUCN (2010), Bogan (2010), ..., Saito et al. (2022), Clewing et al. (2022), Prié et al. (2023), Bespalaya et al. (2023)
Pisidium inflatumKantor et al. (2010)
Pisidium (s.s.) amnicumVinarski & Kantor (2016), Bespalaya et al. (2017), Voode (2017)
Cyclas obliquataVinarski & Kantor (2016)

Range: Widespread from Europe to the Amur Basin, eastern Russia. Introduced to the Laurentian Great Lakes and Cairo. Possibly in other parts of Africa.

Map of Georeferenced Specimens
species map

There are no specimens in the MUSSELpdb for this species.

Genbank Vouchers


UGSB_23485 (AL02/1) (COI, 16S, 28S) Albania, Tušemišta, Lake Ohrid shore (40.90095, 20.6939)


TAAMEST_15-1059-a-03 (COI, ITS1, 5.8S, 18S) Estonia, Lake Võrtsjärv

TAAMEST_15-1059-a-09 (COI, ITS1, 5.8S, 18S) Estonia, Amme Stream

TAAMEST_15-1059-a-08 (COI, ITS1, 5.8S, 18S) Estonia, Lake Peipsi

TAAMEST_15-1059-a-07 (COI, ITS1, 5.8S, 18S) Estonia, Lake Peipsi

TAAMEST_15-1059-a-02 (COI, ITS1, 5.8S, 18S) Estonia, Lake Võrtsjärv

TAAMEST_15-1059-a-01 (COI, ITS1, 5.8S, 18S) Estonia, Lake Võrtsjärv

TAAMEST_15-1059-a-05 (COI) Estonia, Lake Võrtsjärv

TAAMEST_15-1059-a-04 (COI) Estonia, Lake Võrtsjärv

TAAMEST_15-1059-a-06 (COI) Estonia, Lake Võrtsjärv

TAAMEST_15-1059-a-10 (COI) Estonia, Emajõgi River


Mp_4346_5052 (16S) Montenegro Lake Skutari at Crnojevica River (42.308, 19.087)

North Macedonia

UGSB_23486 (MK11/1) (COI, 16S, 28S) Macedonia, Struga, Lake Ohrid shore (41.174, 20.67643)

UGSB_23487 (COI, 16S) Macedonia, Misleschwbo, Lake Ohrid shore (41.16758, 20.72645)


RMBH_MSph_701 (16S, 28S) Russia: Tatarstan, Sviyaga river

RMBH_MSph_262 (16S, 28S) Russia: Nenets Autonomous Area, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Vashutkiny Lakes, Makty lake

RMBH_MSph_702 (16S) Russia: Tatarstan, Sviyaga river

RMBH_MSph_703 (16S) Russia: Tatarstan, Sviyaga river

RMBH_MSph_94 (16S) Russia: Udmurtia, Chepyk village, Cheptsa river

RMBH_MSph_165 (16S) Russia: Nenets Autonomous Area, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Vashutkiny Lakes, Bolshoy Starik lake

RMBH_MSph_677 (16S) Russia: Saratov region, Tauza river

RMBH_MSph_98 (16S) Russia: Pskov region, Dekshino village, Pachkovka river


GNM-MOLOV000009565 (COI)

UMMZ_266745 (16S)

GNM-MOLOV000009567 (COI)

St_up_2 (16S)

GNM-MOLOV000009566 (COI)

Mp_4346_5003 (16S)

RMBH_MSph_36_1 (16S)

Mp_4346_5002 (16S)

St_up_1 (16S)

Mp_4346_5004 (16S)

Page updated: 09:29:36 Mon 24 Mar 2025

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"Making the world a better place, one mollusk at a time."