Page last updated
Wed 11 Sep 2024 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!
This page reports the specimens in the MUSSELpdb and provides a map if geocodes are known. The taxonomic history reports the record of different names and combinations that have been applied to this species (and its synonyms) since 2007.
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Unionoida | Unionoidea | Unionidae | Ambleminae | Lampsilini | Delphinonaias species Delphinonaias largillierti (Philippi, 1847): specimens 3 nominal species as synonyms
Range: Yucatan, Mexico and Guatemala. Map of Georeferenced Specimens
Belize |
UF_257491 New River, Orange Walk, Orange Walk District, Belize
UF_424038 E Side Indian River Lagoon, across from Indian Church and Lamanai, Orange Walk Disctrict, Belize 17.7496, -88.6528
FMNH_113136 Rio Hondo, 0.75 mi N Botes, British Honduras
UF_517942 Rio Bravo, Bahia de Chetumal Cedar Crossing on Gallon Jug Rd., Rio Bravo Cons. Area Orange Walk District, Belize ~18°N, ~87°W
Guatemala |
MNHN_IM_2000-1672 Marias du Rio Usumacinta; dans les Marecages [swamps] du Yucatan
BMNH_93-2-4-1588 Lac de Flores, Peten, Guatemala
Honduras |
AMS_126902 Honduras. Dubious record.
USNM_83936 Honduras. Dubious record.
Mexico |
INHS_91065 Rio Chacamax, Gulf of Mexico - Grijalva - Usumacinta - Chacamax, La Libertad, Chiapas, Mexico
BMNH_1952-10-30-134 Yucatan
BMNH_MP_XXX Yucatan, Marias de S. Geronimo
INHS_90933 Laguna de Catazaja, Gulf of Mexico - Grijalva - Usumacinta, Catazajá, Chiapas, Mexico
BMNH_93-2-4-2024 propre San Geronimo, Yucatan
UF_270339 [Yucatan, Mexico]
UF_164062-63 Laguna de Las Leonas, 10 km S Balacan, Tabasco, Mexico
ZMA_210649 Data misinterpreted as “Tabas County, United States”
AMS_102112 - 11 marsh, 19.6 mi SW Januata, Tabasco, Mexico [from Fred Thompson 3-2011; FGT 368. Tabasco, marsh 19.8 mi. SE of Jonuta; June 6, 1965]
MCZ_155569 San Geronimo, Campeche, Mexico. “Interior of Yucatan” according to the MCZ database
ZMB_MP_0524 Tabasco
BMNH_93-2-4-1589 Yucatan, Marias de S. Geronimo
BMNH_1907-10-28-182 Yucatan
USNM_161478 Montecristo, Tabasco, Mexico
USNM_161479 Montecristo, Tabasco, Mexico
COMA_B.0837 Rio González, Laguna del Horizonte, Tabasco, México
unknown |
MNHN_MP_1290 [no locality available - Central America]
USNM_83937 Central America
BMNH_45-9-26-87-89 Central America
Page updated: 09:40:12 Wed 11 Sep 2024 |