Page last updated
Thu 06 Feb 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!
This page reports the specimens in the MUSSELpdb and provides a map if geocodes are known. The taxonomic history reports the record of different names and combinations that have been applied to this species (and its synonyms) since 2007.
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Unionoida | Unionoidea | Unionidae | Ambleminae | Popenaiadini | Nephronaias species Nephronaias calamitarum (Morelet, 1849): specimens 12 nominal species as synonyms
Range: Southern Mexico to northern Guatemala. Map of Georeferenced Specimens
Guatemala |
 MCZ_99991 Rio Blanco, Guatemala
 UF_93201 Rio Blanco, nr. Livingston, Izabel Prov., Guatemala
 UF_93202 Rio Blanco, nr. Livingston, Izabel Prov., Guatemala
 INHS_21775 Conchins River, Guatemala
 AMNH_97358 Lake Peten, 2 mi SE Flores, Arroyo Pontiel, Guatemala
 ZMB_24206B Coban, Guatemala
 USNM_128989 System de Polochic, Guatemala
 FMNH_59270 Rio Blanco, near Livingston, Guatemala
 FMNH_67973 Rio Blanco, near Livingston, Guatemala
 FMNH_198383 Rio Blanco, near Livingston, Guatemala
 CM_61.6194 Rio Blanco, Livingston, Guatemala
 CM_61.6195 Rio Blanco, Livingston, Guatemala
 UMMZ_65538 San Pedro River, Mactun, Dept. Peten, Guatemala
 INHS_21776 Livingston, Guatemala
 INHS_21778 Rio Blanco, Livingston, Guatemala
 INHS_21777 Rio Blanco, near Livingston, Guatemala
 UMMZ_65539 Arroyo Chocop, about 12 mi above Mactun, Dept. Peten, Guatemala
 MCZ_20915 Rio Blanco, near Livingston, Guatemala
 MCZ_23329 Rio Blanco, Livingston, Guatemala
 MCZ_302383 Rio Blanco, near Livingston, Guatemala
 MCZ_45446 Rio Blanco, opposite Livingston, Guatemala
 MCZ_45966 Rio Blanco, opposite Livingston, Guatemala
 MCZ_63013 Rio Blanco, trib. of Rio Dulce, opposite Livingston, Guatemala
 MCZ_99994 Rio Blanco, Livingston, Guatemala
 MNHN_MP_1313 Rio Dulce, Livingston, Guatemala
 UMMZ_107981 Rio Blanco, Guatemala
 UMMZ_107983 Rio Blanco, near Livingston, Guatemala
 USNM_250686 Finca de Providencia, Guatemala
 USNM_252119 Atlantic Drainage, Guatemala
 USNM_271023 Rio Blanco, Livingston, Guatemala
 UMMZ_108013 Rio Blanco, Guatemala
 UF_229381 Livingston, Guatemala
 UMMZ_149474 small stream in town of Panzos, Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala
Mexico |
 INHS_90948 Rio Michol, Gulf of Mexico - Grijalva - Usumacinta - Tulija - Michol, 6.9 mi WSW Palenque, near ruins in cow pasture, Chiapas, Mexico
 USNM_86104 Mexico
 BMNH_1900-3-19-22 Mexico
 INHS_91070 trib. Usumacinta, Gulf of Mexico - Grijalva - Usumacinta, downstream waterfall at Cascada de Misol Ha, near Cabanas, Chiapas, Mexico
 USNM_251191 Lake, Playa at Catasaja, Mexico
 BMNH_1907-12-30-377 Baluntie, near Palenque
 BMNH_93-2-4-2009 Baluntie, near Palenque
 FMNH_32928 stream, near the ruins at Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico
 BMNH_93-2-4-2008 Baluntie, near Palenque
 BMNH_93-2-4-2010 Baluntie, near Palenque
 MNHN-IM-2000-1653 dans le Michol aux env de Palenque
unknown |
 AMNH_30268 [no locality available - Central America]
Page updated: 12:04:20 Thu 06 Feb 2025 |