
Page last updated
Thu 06 Mar 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!

This page reports the specimens in the MUSSELpdb and provides a map if geocodes are known. The taxonomic history reports the record of different names and combinations that have been applied to this species (and its synonyms) since 2007.

Search the database pages:

Unionoidea | Unionidae | Ambleminae | Quadrulini | Quadrulina | Pustulosa

species Pustulosa kieneriana (Lea, 1852): specimens
     4 nominal species as synonyms

Taxonomic History (since 2007)

Amphinaias asperataGraf & Cummings (2007), Cummings & Graf (2010)
Quadrula asperataZhou et al. (2007), Williams et al. (2008), Bogan (2010), Haag (2012), ITIS (2012), Szumowski et al. (2012)
Quadrula kienerianaWilliams et al. (2008), Bogan (2010), Szumowski et al. (2012)
Amphinaias keinerianaITIS (2013)
Cyclonaias kienerianaWilliams et al. (2017), Lopes-Lima et al. (2019), Graf & Cummings (2021), FMCS (2021), Bieler (2021), Hopper et al. (2023), Hauck et al. (2023)
Cyclonaias asperataWilliams et al. (2017), Johnson et al. (2018), Hauck et al. (2023)
Pustulosa kienerianaNeemuchwala et al. (2023)

Range: Coosa River, Alabama and Georgia, USA.

Map of Georeferenced Specimens
species map



Claiborne, Ala.


Coosawattee R., Ga.


Genbank Vouchers


UF_438236 (QaspAla007) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Alabama, Monroe County, Alabama River at RM 71, first bend in river downstream of Claiborne Lock & Dam; UTM Zone 16 3496668E, 447857N (31.603941, -87.54968)

UF_438211 (QaspAla012) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Alabama, Shelby County, Cahaba River at "Gate Shoals," 1.8 air miles NNW of Marvel, AL (33.17005, -87.01675)

UF_438236 (QaspAla008) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Alabama, Monroe County, Alabama River at RM 71, first bend in river downstream of Claiborne Lock & Dam; UTM Zone 16 3496668E, 447857N (31.603941, -87.54968)

UF_438660 (QaspAla001) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Alabama, Dallas County, Bogue Chitto Creek about 400 m above AL Hwy 22 crossing (32.31001, -87.27863)

UF_438660 (QaspAla002) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Alabama, Dallas County, Bogue Chitto Creek about 400 m above AL Hwy 22 crossing (32.31001, -87.27863)

UF_438236 (QaspAla006) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Alabama, Monroe County, Alabama River at RM 71, first bend in river downstream of Claiborne Lock & Dam; UTM Zone 16 3496668E, 447857N (31.603941, -87.54968)

UAUC_334 (16S, ND1) Coosawattee River, 2.5 mi upstream from Hwy 225 bridge, Gordon Co. GA

UAUC_792 (ND1) Alabama R.,Wilcox Co., Alabama

UAUC_2712 (ND1) Sucarnoochie Ck., Kemper Co., Mississippi

UAUC_333 (ND1) Coosawattee R., Gordon-Murray Co., Georgia

UF_438660 (SRA) USA, Alabama, Dallas County, Bogue Chitto Creek about 400 m above AL Hwy 22 crossing (32.31001, -87.27863)

UAUC_2503 (ND1) Coosa R., Elmore Co., Alabama

UAUC_784 (ND1) Alabama R., Wilcox Co., Alabama


Page updated: 09:43:31 Thu 06 Mar 2025

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