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Thu 06 Mar 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!
The nominal species (available and otherwise) in this synonymy are listed by usage rather than strictly by publication date. The primary sorting order is by the most recent year (since 1969) that the species name was treated as valid, and then nominal species are sorted secondarily by publication year. The taxonomic history of the valid species (since 1900) is listed at the bottom of the page.
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Bivalvia | Sphaerioida | Sphaerioidea | Sphaeriidae | Sphaeriinae | Euglesa species Euglesa fallax (Sterki, 1896): nominal species
Pisidium fallax Sterki, 1896
Sterki, 1896, Nautilus 10(2): 20.
Pisidium fallax — Sterki (1896), Herrington (1962), Mackie et al. (1980), Turgeon et al. (1998), Schultheiß et al. (2008), Bogan (2010), ITIS (2012), Clewing et al. (2013), Saito et al. (2022)
Pisidium (Cyclocalyx) fallax — Clarke (1973), Burch (1975), Bespalaya et al. (2017), Fuentealba-Jara et al. (2017)
Cyclocalyx fallax — Lee & Ó Foighil (2003)
Euglesa (Cyclocalyx) fallax — Mouthon & Forcellini (2017)
Euglesa (Casertiana) fallax — Bespalaya et al. (2023)
Pisidium fallax var. sepentrionale Sterki, 1898
Sterki, 1898, Nautilus 12(7): ??.
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Pisidium fallax Sterki, 1896; renamed Pisidium fallax var. boreale Sterki, 1899; renamed Pisidium fallax var. errans Sterki, 1905)
Pisidium fallax var. sepentrionale — Sterki (1898)
Pisidium (Cyclocalyx) fallax — Burch (1975)
Pisidium kirklandi Sterki, 1899
Sterki, 1899, Nautilus 13(1): ??.
Pisidium kirklandi — Sterki (1899)
Pisidium fallax — Herrington (1962)
Pisidium (Cyclocalyx) fallax — Burch (1975)
Pisidium fallax var. boreale Sterki, 1899
Sterki, 1899, Nautilus 13(1): ??.
(homonym of Pisidium boreale Westerlund, 1876; intro'd as intra-sp. of Pisidium fallax Sterki, 1896; new name for Pisidium fallax var. sepentrionale Sterki, 1898)
Pisidium fallax var. boreale — Sterki (1899)
Pisidium (Cyclocalyx) fallax — Burch (1975)
Pisidium fallax var. errans Sterki, 1905
Sterki, 1905, Nautilus 19(7): ??.
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Pisidium fallax Sterki, 1896; new name for Pisidium fallax var. sepentrionale Sterki, 1898)
Pisidium fallax var. errans — Sterki (1905)
Pisidium (Cyclocalyx) fallax — Burch (1975)
Pisidium fallax var. mite Sterki, 1905
Sterki, 1905, Nautilus 19(7): ??.
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Pisidium fallax Sterki, 1896)
Pisidium fallax var. mite — Sterki (1905)
Pisidium (Cyclocalyx) fallax — Burch (1975)
Pisidium fallax pressum F.C. Baker, 1928
F.C. Baker, 1928, Bull. Wisconsin Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey 70(2): ??.
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Pisidium fallax Sterki, 1896)
Pisidium fallax pressum — F.C. Baker (1928)
Pisidium (Cyclocalyx) fallax — Burch (1975)
Taxonomic History (since 1900)
Pisidium fallax var. errans — Sterki (1905)
Pisidium fallax var. mite — Sterki (1905)
Pisidium fallax pressum — F.C. Baker (1928)
Pisidium fallax — Herrington (1962), Mackie et al. (1980), Turgeon et al. (1998), Schultheiß et al. (2008), Bogan (2010), ITIS (2012), Clewing et al. (2013), Saito et al. (2022)
Pisidium (Cyclocalyx) fallax — Clarke (1973), Burch (1975), Bespalaya et al. (2017), Fuentealba-Jara et al. (2017)
Cyclocalyx fallax — Lee & Ó Foighil (2003)
Euglesa (Cyclocalyx) fallax — Mouthon & Forcellini (2017)
Euglesa (Casertiana) fallax — Bespalaya et al. (2023)
Page updated: 09:36:00 Thu 06 Mar 2025 |