Benin |
 MNHN_MP_0700 Dahomey, cercle de Zagnanado, sur le rivieres du Bas Oueme a Dogba
Burkina Faso |
 MCZ_288401 Volta Blanche, 53 km fr, Ouagadougou at bridge on rd. to Fada N’Gourma, Ivory Coast
 MNHN_MP_0710 Lac de Hte Volta, pres de Ouagadougou
Cameroon |
 ZMB_112980 Tshad ... Kamerun
Central African Republic |
 MNHN_MP_0719 Mamoun, Chari
Chad |
 SMF_12248_02 Muse Elu (Lere See), Benue Gebiet
 BMNH_1923-3-6-12-14 Lake Chad, Sudan
 ZMB_53629 Tsad... Süd Ufer
 MNHN_MP_0704 Fort Lamy, Tchad, Chari
 MNHN_MP_0725 Baga Sola, Lac Tchad
 MNHN_MP_0726 Lac Tchad, chanl entre Mischilela et Berem (iles basses)
 MNHN_MP_0735 lac de Lere Tchad
 UMMZ_248789 Chari River, sand bar in river, at J’D’jamena, Republic of Chad
 BMNH_1924-2-16-1-10 Lake Chad, Sudan
 MRAC_798078 Lac Tchad: Fort Lamy
 MRAC_799000 Nigeria: Lac Tchad, Malamfatori
 MNHN_MP_0702 Bahr Tuiga Parc National de Zakouma, Tchad
 MNHN_MP_0720 Tchad...
 MNHN_MP_0723 Lac Tchad
Congo (Brazzaville) |
 ANSP_413698 Congo River, Les Rapides, Brazzaville, Congo. Found in mud along the shore
 ANSP_416293 Congo River, Malebo Pool, far side of sand island, Kintele, Congo
 ANSP_413642 Congo River, Malebo Poo, near side of sand island, Kintele, Congo
 ANSP_413643 Congo River, Malebo Pool, far side of sand island, Kintele, Congo
 ANSP_416297 Congo River, Malebo Pool, backwater channel on sand island, Congo
 ANSP_416300 Congo River, Malebo Pool, isolated pool on sand island, Kintele, Congo
 MNHN_MP_1407_04 Stanley Pool, Brazzaville
 MNHN_MP_0767_02 N’goko & Haut Sangha [two labels]
 MNHN_5699 Gancini (Congo)
 INHS_31237 Congo River, Malebo Pool, far side of sand island, Kintele, Congo
 INHS_31241 Congo River, Malebo Pool, far side of sand island, Kintele, Congo
 INHS_31245 Congo River, Malebo Poo, near side of sand island, Kintele, Congo
 INHS_31249 Congo River, Malebo Pool, isolated pool on sand island, Kintele, Congo
 MNHN_MP_0738 Moyen Congo....
 MNHN_MP_0752 Bas Oubanghi
 MNHN_MP_0756 Congo (Bas Oubanghi)
 MNHN_MP_0757 Brazzaville
 MNHN_MP_0758 Oub. Congo
Congo (DRC) |
 IRSNB_MP_0641 Kinshasa
 MRAC_581471 Vista
 SMF_12269 Innerer Belgischer Kongo -Staat
 IRSNB_MP_0644 Mulango, Haut Lualaba, Congo Belge
 IRSNB_MP_0646 Nsendwe, Congo Belge
 MRAC_59209 Mulongo: Channel, entre la Kabamba a la Lualaba
 MCZ_88962 Luapula River, Kasenga, Belgian Congo
 MCZ_88961 Congo River, Kinshasa, Belgian Congo
 MCZ_109974 Lake Moero, Pweto, Belgian Congo
 MCZ_171720 Lake Edward, SW shore, Kamande, Belgian Congo
 MCZ_41067 Stanleyville, Belgian Congo
 MCZ_72824 Lake Albert, Mahagi Port, Belgian Congo
 BMNH_94-9-4-6 Upper Congo
 AMNH_72197 Stanleyville, Africa
 ANSP_146181 Kassai, Africa
 FMNH_293188 Lake Edward, Vitshumbi, Zaire
 ANSP_132310 Lualuba, Mulongo, Belgian Congo
 ANSP_133859 Stanleyville, Africa
 ANSP_132312 Stanleyville
 UMMZ_112005 Nsendwe, Congo Free State, Africa
 IRSNB_MP_0551 Yambinga
 IRSNB_MP_0557 Mulongo, entre Kikondja et Awkoro
 IRSNB_MP_0566 la Luapila a Kashiobwa
 IRSNB_MP_0569 Lac Moero... Kisangi...Lukon...
 IRSNB_MP_0571 La Luapula, Mulongo entre Kikondja et Ankoro
 IRSNB_MP_0573 Lac Moero pres du Lukongolwa
 IRSNB_MP_0574 La Luapula, a Kasenga
 IRSNB_MP_0581 Kinshasa
 MRAC_303658 Kalina, Pt. W.
 IRSNB_MP_0627 Kinshasa
 IRSNB_MP_0632 Nsendwe, Congo Belge
 MNHN_MP_0750 Haut Congo Belge
 MRAC_484066 La Luapula, a Kasenga
 MRAC_58455 Djuma, affluent de droite du Kwango
 MRAC_58459 Nsendwe
 MRAC_58502 Riv. Lualaba a Mulongo
 MRAC_58505 Nsendwe
 MRAC_58614 Lac Moero, a Lukomwalwa
 MRAC_58615 Lac Moero, ... Kilwa
 MRAC_58616 Lac Moero, ... Kisangi
 MRAC_58627 Riv. Luapula a Kasenga
 MRAC_58629 Riv. Lualaba entre Ankoro et Kikoudja: Mulongo
 MRAC_58630 Mulongo entre Ankoro et Kikoudja
 MRAC_58632 riv. Luapula: Kashiobwa
 MRAC_58638 riv. Lualpula a Kasenga
 IRSNB_MP_0714 Nsendwe, Congo Belge
Egypt |
 ANSP_417318 Nile River, Qanater El Khayreya, Egypt
 USNM_126443 R. Nile, Egypt
 USNM_126956C R. Nile, Egypt
 MRAC_59022 Egypte: Alexandrie
 USNM_126956 R. Nile, Egypt
 UMMZ_111994 Canal Mahmoudich, Egypt
 BMNH_MP_204 Lower Nile
 BMNH_1937-12-30-13155-13156 Lower Nile River
 MCZ_60132 Alexandria, Egypt
 ZMB_112978 Aegypten
 ZMB_112975 Cairo
 ZMB_16649 Cairo
 MNHN_MP_0728 Egypte
 MNHN_MP_0731 Ismailia canal
 ANSP_160929 Zoo Gardens, Cairo, Egypt
 ANSP_41819 Egypt
 BMNH_MP_210 Bahr el Faraomijeh, NW of Menouf, Egypt
 BMNH_58-6-9-7 Egypt
 UMMZ_111992 Alexandria, Egypt
 UMMZ_111974 The Nile, Egypt
 UMMZ_111995 Canal Mahmoudich, Egypt
 UMMZ_111991 The Nile, Egypt
 AMNH_30886 Egypt
 BMNH_MP_484 Shabra Maut
 USNM_605433 Bahr el Faraomijeh, NW of Menouf, Egypt
 IRSNB_MP_0629 Canal du Joseph, Egypte
 MNHN_MP_0696 Canal Ismailia
 IRSNB_MP_0689 Canal St. Georges, Egypte
 SMF_12258 Nil bei Kairo
 SMF_12250_01 Mahmudie-Kanal, bei Alexandrien
 IRSNB_MP_0637 Canal l’Alexandrie
 SMF_319213 Abu Simbel, shore of Lake Nassar, Aegypten
Gambia |
 BMNH_MP_214 Gambia River
 MCZ_255066 Gambia, Africa
 MCZ_MP.253 Gambia
 UMMZ_111990 Gambia, West Africa
 AMNH_35367 Gambia
 USNM_86784 Gambia, Af.
 MNHN_MP_0714 Gambie
Kenya |
 ANSP_81213 Lake Rudolf
Mali |
 IRSNB_MP_0397 Niger a Bamako
 MNHN_MP_0716 Mopti sur le Niger
 MNHN_MP_0717 Lac Faguibini, Gourao
 MNHN_MP_0718 Niger pres Mopti
 MNHN_MP_0727 Soudan francias
 MNHN_MP_0745 Soudan francais
 MNHN_MP_0724 entre Tombouctou et Bamba, Niger
 MNHN_MP_0747 Fleuve Bafing
 MNHN_MP_0768 Soudan Francais
Niger |
 MNHN_MP_0621 rive oued de Bosso à Nguigmi
Nigeria |
 SMF_12262 Schillem am Gongola Fl., Benue Zufl., östl. Nigerien
 SMF_3227 Schillem am Gongola Fl., Benue Zufl., östl. Nigerien
 IRSNB_MP_0373 Shillem - River Gongola, N.E. Nigeria
 IRSNB_MP_0393 N.E. Nigeria River Gongola Shileem
 ANSP_139951 Gongola River, Shillem, N.E. Nigeria
 BMNH_MP_166 N. Nigeria, Shillem, Gongola River
 MRAC_799003 Nigeria: Lac Tchad, Yobe river Yau
 MRAC_799004 Nigeria: Lac Tchad, Yobe river Yau
 USNM_853582 Samaru, between Kano & Kaduna, Nigeria
 USNM_853585 Mairuwa Lake, near Funtua, Nigeria
Senegal |
 IRSNB_MP_0647 Senegal
 IRSNB_MP_0648 Senegal
 ZMB_9615 Senegal
 USNM_126957 R. Cazamance
 IRSNB_MP_0374 Senegal
 ZMB_112979 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0680 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0681 du Senegal
 MCZ_37095 [Senegal], Africa
 MCZ_172817 confluence of Faleme and Senegal rivers, Senegal
 MCZ_37533 Senegal
 UF_93229 Senegal
 USNM_25945 Senegal, Africa
 ANSP_41821 Senegal
 UMMZ_111987 Senegal, West Africa
 UMMZ_111978 Senegal, Africa
 UMMZ_108015 Nyan, Senegal, West Africa
 FMNH_6545 Senegambia, West Africa
 FMNH_8381 Senegambia, West Africa
 BMNH_MP_213 Senegambia
 IRSNB_MP_0399 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0698 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0699 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0703 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0705 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0706 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0707 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0708 Cazamance, Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0709 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0711 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0713 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0694 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0695 Senegal
 AMNH_31292 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0733 Senegal
 MNHN_MP_0736 Senegal
 IRSNB_MP_0681 Senegal
 IRSNB_MP_0683 Senegal
 IRSNB_MP_0684 Senegal
 IRSNB_MP_0691 Senegal
 USNM_86785A Senegal
 DMNH_173093 Senegal
 IRSNB_MP_0638 Senegal
 SMF_3039 Senegal
South Africa |
 BMNH_MP_402 Groenland
Sudan |
 SMF_1001 Djebel Auel [Jebel Aulia], Bahr-el-Abiad [Bahr al-Abiad = Weißer Nil]
 BMNH_MP_383 mouth of the White Nile
 BMNH_MP_384 El Dueim, S. Sudan
 UMMZ_111983 Fachoda, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Africa
 BMNH_65-1-3-16 from the Nile region between 3° to 14° N lat.
 ZMB_77702 Weiner Nil, Kartum, Sudan
 ZMB_112990 Weiper Nil
 MCZ_20896 Dinder River, near Beit-el-Wahsh, Blue Nile, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
 MCZ_173629 Jur River, near Galual, Tonj, Bahr-el-Ghazal, Sudan
 MCZ_289033 White Nile, Khartoum, Sudan
 USNM_215186 White Nile, Gordon Tree, above Khartoum
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1121-1129 near Mogran, S. Sudan
 BMNH_MP_194 Lake Shambi
 BMNH_MP_195 S of Melut
 MNHN_MP_0766 Fleuve Blanc
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1137-1141 Tawila, S. Sudan
 BMNH_MP_181 Ad-Duwem
 USNM_608148 Jur River, near Galual, Tonj, Bahr-el-Ghazal, Sudan
 ANSP_125477 Upper Nile
 BMNH_1950-4-25-82-84 Ed Duein, White Nile, Sudan
 UMMZ_248928 White Nile River, 15 mi S of Kosti Bridge, receding water on E bank, Sudan
 USNM_426723 Kaka, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
 IRSNB_MP_0626 Senaar
 USNM_86786 Kordofan, Central Africa
 UMMZ_111691 Fachoda
 SMF_12259 Weisser Nil, bei Kartum
Uganda |
 BMNH_MP_207 Lake Kyoga, Uganda
 BMNH_MP_197 Lake Albert, Uganda
 BMNH_MP_175 Tonia, Albert Nyanza
 IRSNB_MP_0633 Uganda
 IRSNB_MP_0686 Uganda
Zambia |
 BMNH_1905-6-19-2 Upper Chambesi River, Rhodesia
 MRAC_791837 Kasengo- rive
 USNM_602553 Chambezi River, Mbesuma Ranch, near Chinsali, N Rhodesia
 MRAC_58637 Riv. Luapula a ...
unknown |
 IRSNB_MP_0640 Nil
 BMNH_MP_381 [no locality available - Africa]
 BMNH_MP_386 Kmorgamh [?]
 IRSNB_MP_0645 [locality illegible]
 BMNH_MP_218 Africa
 IRSNB_MP_0649 Nil
 BMNH_43-11-27-79 Sierra Leone & Nile
 BMNH_MP_215 Africa
 CM_61.8880 Africa
 CM_61.1542 [no locality available - Africa]
 BMNH_MP_200 Africa
 BMNH_1900-7-17-286 Nile River
 ZMB_112988 Afrika
 ZMB_112991 [no locality available - Africa]
 ZMB_112981 [no locality available - Africa]
 IRSNB_MP_0396 [no locality available - Africa]
 ZMB_112977 Afrika
 USNM_17392 W Africa
 MNHN_MP_0761 Albert Nyanza
 BMNH_41-4-28-152 Nile River
 AMNH_193791 Nile River
 BMNH_MP_183 Victoria Nyanza
 BMNH_1901-8-16-12 Albert Nyanza, British Central Africa
 BMNH_1940-8-1-218 Lake Edward
 BMNH_MP_209 [no locality available - Africa]
 ANSP_41820 [no locality available - Africa]
 ANSP_125478 “Ishadda, West Africa”
 UMMZ_111989 West Africa
 UMMZ_111986_01 Tropical Africa
 BMNH_38-4-16-150 Sierra Leone & Nile
 USNM_86785 Africa
 IRSNB_MP_0628 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0635 Nil
 USNM_90314 Africa
 MNHN_MP_0721 Niger
 MNHN_MP_0729 Nil, Afrique
 MRAC_58454 Tanganyika
 IRSNB_MP_0685 [Congo]
 IRSNB_MP_0687 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0692 Africa occid.
 IRSNB_MP_0700 [no locality available - Africa]
 AMS_127035 Africa
 SMF_12261 [no locality available - Africa]