Page last updated
Mon 24 Mar 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!
This page reports the specimens in the MUSSELpdb and provides a map if geocodes are known. The taxonomic history reports the record of different names and combinations that have been applied to this species (and its synonyms) since 2007.
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Bivalvia | Unionoida | Hyrioidea | Hyriidae | Velesunioninae | Velesunio species Velesunio moretonicus (Reeve, 1865): specimens 6 nominal species as synonyms
Range: Tasmania. Map of Georeferenced Specimens
Australia |
 BMNH_41-3-24-49 Tasmania
 BMNH_MP_134 Tasmania
 BMNH_MP_065 Derwent River, V.D. Land
 USNM_40859 Moreton Bay, New South Wales, Australia
 ZMB_MP_0435 Tasmania
 UMMZ_111893_01 Tasmania, Australia
 DMNH_172976 North Esk River, Tasmania, Australia
 AMS_61896 Liffey Falls, Tasmania, Australia [-41.7, 146.767 ± 1 km]
 AMS_47313 St. Pauls River, Lewis Hill, Avoca, Tasmania, Australia [-41.783, 147.717 ± 1 km]
 AMS_61880 South Esk River, Tasmania, Australia [-41.566, 147.181 ± 100 km]
 AMS_125974 Blackman River, Tasmania, Australia [-42.15, 146.917 ± 10 km]
 AMS_61710 Macquarie R at Campbell Town, near junction with Elizabeth R, Tasmania, Australia [-41.935, 147.43 ± 10 km]
 AMS_125975 Macquarie R, Ross, Tasmania, Australia [-42.032, 147.488 ± 1 km]
 AMS_125977 Liffey River, Tasmania, Australia [-41.667, 146.933 ± 100 km]
 AMS_61711 Blackman R., at Tunbridge, Tasmania, Australia [-42.15, 147.417 ± 10 km]
 AMS_62150 St. Pauls River, Lewis Hill, Avoca, Tasmania, Australia [-41.783, 147.717]
 AMS_126270 Tullochgorum, South Esk R, Tasmania, Australia [-41.667, 147.892 ± 10 km]
 AMS_125976 Cressy, S of Launceston, Tasmania, Australia [-41.7, 147.083 ± 10 km]
 AMS_159236 Royal George, St Pauls R (On stones and weed in fast flowing part river.), Tasmania, Australia [-41.821, 147.889 ± 1 km]
 AMS_126311B Tasmania
 AMS_47304 Tasmania
 AMS_42293 Tasmania
 DMNH_78644 Currency Creek, Murray River, Australia
 USNM_149640 Tasmania
 USNM_40861 Australia
 USNM_170113 Tasmania
 USNM_568987 Tasmania
 USNM_853893 Tasmania
 USNM_853935 St. Pauls River, at Royal Gorge, Tasmania
 USNM_85719 Van Dieman’s Land [Tasmania]
 ZMB_9198 Van Dieman’s Land [Tasmania]
 CM_61.1533 200 miles from seacoast of East Australia
 ANSP_64901 Avea [?] River, Lewis Hill, Tasmania
 ANSP_65246 St. Pauls River, Avoca, N. Tasmania
 ZMB_9118 Tasmanien
 ANSP_71733 Currency Ck., trib. of Murray R., Aust.
 BMNH_1958-5-16-1 Moreton Bay, Australia
 AMS_12905 South Esk River, Tasmania, Australia [-41.783, 147.7 ± 100 km]
 BMNH_1958-5-16-2 Van Dieman’s Land [Tasmania]
 MCZ_190268 Blackmann’s River, Tasmania
 MCZ_197493 Macquarie River, Tasmania
 MCZ_85123 South Esk River, Tasmania
 MCZ_190269 Macquarie River, near junction with Elizabeth River at Campbell town, Tasmania
 BMNH_MP_106 Northern Tasmania
AMS_433816 Australia
Page updated: 09:34:02 Mon 24 Mar 2025 |