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Mon 17 Feb 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
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This page documents data for Paetel (1875), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.
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Publication information
Paetel. 1875. Fam. Gatt. Moll.: .
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Attributed Genus Names
Eurynea Stimpson, 1851
‘Rafinesque’ of Authors.
Stimpson, 1851, Shells of New England: 13.
Adams & Adams, 1857, Gen. Rec. Moll. 2(31-32): 490.
Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 79.
Paetel, 1890, Cat. Conch.-Samml. 3: 142.
(error for Eurynia Rafinesque, 1820)
Telederma Lea, 1852
‘Swainson’ of Authors.
Lea, 1852, Synopsis Fam. Naiades: 22.
Reeve, 1864, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 7,sp. 25.
Lea, 1870, Synopsis Fam. Naiades: 33.
Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 203.
(error for Theliderma Swainson, 1840)
Euphira Mörch, 1853
‘Gistel’ of Authors.
Mörch, 1853, Cat. Conch. Yoldi 2: 28.
Adams & Adams, 1857, Gen. Rec. Moll. 2(31-32): 506.
Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 79.
Westerlund, 1902, Rad. Jugoslav. Akad. 150: 137.
(error for Eufira Gistl, 1848)
Musculum Paetel, 1875
‘Link’ of Authors.
Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 130.
Contreras-Arquieta, 2000, Mexicoa 2(1): 45.
(error for Musculium Link, 1807)
Bartellettia Paetel, 1875
Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 22.
(error for Bartlettia H. Adams, 1866)
Dythalamia Paetel, 1875
Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 73.
(error for Dithalmia Jay, 1835)
Decarambis Paetel, 1875
‘Rafnq.’ Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 67.
(error for Decurambis Rafinesque, 1831)
Mytolomia Paetel, 1875
Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 133.
(error for Mytilomya Bronn, 1838)
Bautisa Paetel, 1875
Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 22.
(error for Batissa Gray, 1853)
Rurynea Paetel, 1875
Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 175.
(error for Eurynia Rafinesque, 1820)
Dithalamia Paetel, 1875
Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 71.
(error for Dithalmia Jay, 1835)
Monelagmus Paetel, 1875
‘Agas.’ Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 127.
(error for Monelasmus Agassiz, 1846)
Sintoina Paetel, 1875
Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 191.
(error for Sintoxia Rafinesque, 1820)
Monocondyloia Paetel, 1875
Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 128.
(error for Monocondylaea d’Orbigny, 1835)
Page updated: 10:08:16 Mon 17 Feb 2025 |