Diplodon aethiops (Lea, 1860) 4 synonyms | 45 specimens Range: Paraná System and coastal streams in southern Brazil and Uruguay. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon berthae Ortmann, 1921 1 synonym | 24 specimens Range: Rio dos Sinos and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon burroughianus (Lea, 1834) 2 synonyms | 76 specimens Range: Lower reaches of the rivers of the Paraná System, including the Rio Uruguay, South America. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon caipira (Ihering, 1893) 1 synonym | 5 specimens Range: Upper Paraná, Brazil. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon charruanus (d’Orbigny, 1835) 16 synonyms | 308 specimens Range: Paraná System and coastal streams in southern Brazil and Uruguay. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon chilensis (Gray, 1828) 43 synonyms | 307 specimens Range: Southern Chile and Argentina, on both sides of the Andes. [South America] Genbank sequences: 28S, COI. IUCN Red List: Least Concern. Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon delodontus (Lamarck, 1819) 14 synonyms | 175 specimens Range: Widespread in the Paraná System, and Atlantic Coastal streams in southern Brazil and Uruguay. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon ellipticus Spix in Wagner, 1827 14 synonyms | 100 specimens Range: Atlantic Coastal streams of Brazil, including the upper São Francisco; and the upper Paraná Basin. [South America] IUCN Red List: Endangered (Diplodon dunkerianus). Other web sites: ITIS 2 3 MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon fontainianus (d’Orbigny, 1835) 3 synonyms | 59 specimens Range: Coastal Brazil, from Paraiba south to Espirito Santo, and the upper Paraná Basin. [South America] IUCN Red List: Endangered (Diplodon fontaineanus). Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon funebralis (Lea, 1860) 5 synonyms | 113 specimens Range: Lower Paraná and Uruguay rivers, Brazil south to Argentina. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon garbei Ihering, 1910 1 synonym | 9 specimens Range: Doce and Paraiba do Sul basins, Brazil. [South America] Other web site: MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon granosus (Bruguière, 1792) 7 synonyms | 17 specimens Range: Guyanas, South America. [South America] IUCN Red List: Least Concern. Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon gratus (Lea, 1860) 4 synonyms | 104 specimens Range: Rio Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. [South America] Genbank sequences: COI. Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon greeffeanus (Ihering, 1893) 4 synonyms | 7 specimens Range: Upper Paraná, Brazil. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon guaporensis Bonetto & Tassara, 1987 1 synonym | 6 specimens Range: Rio Guapore in the upper Amazon Basin, Bolivia. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon guaranianus (d’Orbigny, 1835) 8 synonyms | 37 specimens Range: Widespread, in the upper Amazon from Ecuador to Bolivia and the Paraná Basin, South America. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon hildae Ortmann, 1921 1 synonym | 11 specimens Range: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon hylaeus (d’Orbigny, 1835) 2 synonyms | 58 specimens Range: Widespread, from the upper Amazon of Bolivia to the Paraná Basin, South America. [South America] IUCN Red List: Data Deficient (Rhipidodonta hylaea). Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon iheringi Simpson, 1914 1 synonym | 30 specimens Range: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon imitator Ortmann, 1921 1 synonym | 6 specimens Range: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon koseritzi (Clessin, 1888) 2 synonyms | 31 specimens Range: Rio Uruguay and Atlantic streams, southern Brazil. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon losadae Haas, 1966 1 synonym | 6 specimens Range: Orinoco Basin of Colombia and Venezuela. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon martensi (Ihering, 1893) 11 synonyms | 78 specimens Range: Paraná System and coastal streams in southern Brazil and Uruguay. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon multistriatus (Lea, 1831) 17 synonyms | 316 specimens Range: Atlantic Coastal streams of Brazil near Rio de Janeiro and the upper Paraná. [South America] IUCN Red List: Vulnerable (Diplodon expansus). Other web sites: ITIS 2 MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon obsolescens F. Baker, 1913 2 synonyms | 44 specimens Range: From the Guyanas south to the Amazon, South America. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon parallelopipedon (Lea, 1834) 14 synonyms | 114 specimens Range: Widespread in the Paraná System and coastal Uruguay, South America. [South America] IUCN Red List: Least Concern. Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon paranensis (Lea, 1834) 3 synonyms | 114 specimens Range: Widespread in the Paraná Basin, South America. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon parodizi Bonetto, 1962 2 synonyms | 18 specimens Range: Paraguay and Paraná rivers, Argentina. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon paulistus (Ihering, 1893) 4 synonyms | 34 specimens Range: Upper Paraná, Brazil. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon peraeformis (Lea, 1860) 4 synonyms | 9 specimens Range: Rio Uruguay, Uruguay and Argentina. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon pfeifferi (Dunker, 1848) 1 synonym | 2 specimens Range: Rio Negro (Atlantic drainage), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [South America] IUCN Red List: Vulnerable. Other web site: ITIS.
 Diplodon piceus (Lea, 1860) 1 synonym | 42 specimens Range: Paraná and adjacent coastal streams, Brazil and Uruguay. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon rhombeus Spix in Wagner, 1827 4 synonyms | 49 specimens Range: Amazon and São Francisco rivers, Brazil. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon rhuacoicus (d’Orbigny, 1835) 8 synonyms | 101 specimens Range: Paraná and Uruguay rivers and adjacent Atlantic streams from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Uruguay. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon rotundus Spix in Wagner, 1827 6 synonyms | 68 specimens Range: São Francisco and upper Paraná rivers, Brazil. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon solidulus (Philippi, 1869) 1 synonym | 2 specimens Range: Southern Chile. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon solisianus (d’Orbigny, 1835) 4 synonyms | 29 specimens Range: Paraná and Uruguay rivers, Uruguay. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon suavidicus (Lea, 1856) 9 synonyms | 162 specimens Range: Guyana, south through the lower Amazon and Tocantins, and Coastal streams in Espirito Santo, Brazil. [South America] Genbank sequences: 16S, 18S, 28S, COI, mtGenome. Other web sites: ITIS 2 MolluscaBase 2 3.
 Diplodon uruguayensis (Lea, 1860) 5 synonyms | 39 specimens Range: Paraná and Uruguay rivers, South America. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon variabilis (Maton, 1811) 11 synonyms | 85 specimens Range: Widespread in the Paraná Basin, South America. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon vicarius Ortmann, 1921 1 synonym | 5 specimens Range: Atlantic tributary near São Paulo, Brazil. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Diplodon voltzi Vernhout, 1914 1 synonym | 6 specimens Range: Surinam. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase.
 Diplodon wymanii (Lea, 1860) 6 synonyms | 99 specimens Range: Paraná and Uruguay rivers, South America. [South America] Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.