Unionoida | Unionoidea | Unionidae | Gonideinae | Gonideini | Koreosolenaia species Koreosolenaia sitgyensis Lee, Kim, Lopes-Lima & Bogan in Lopes-Lima et al., 2020: specimens 2 nominal species as synonyms
Range: South Korea. Map of Georeferenced Specimens
There are no specimens in the MUSSELpdb for this species.
Genbank Vouchers
South KoreaNCSM_113454 (COI, 28S) Dal Stream, Goesan-gun, South Korea (36.7742, 127.8415) NNIBR_IV28172 (COI) Dal Stream, Chungju-si, South Korea (36.931, 127.9313)
Mp_PARK_C10 (COI, 16S, Cytb) SXNU_22101915 (CYL01) (COI, mtGenome) SXNU_22101901 (ND1, 18S) SXNU_22101931 (CYL07) (COI) SXNU_22101916 (CYL02) (COI) SXNU_22101929 (CYL05) (COI) ND3 (COI) SXNU_22101930 (CYL06) (COI) SXNU_22101928 (CYL04) (COI) SXNU_22101917 (CYL03) (COI) SXNU_22101932 (CYL08) (COI) 210729-65 (COI) 210729-64 (COI) 2020-BS02 (COI)