
Page last updated
Mon 17 Feb 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!

The nominal species (available and otherwise) in this synonymy are listed by usage rather than strictly by publication date. The primary sorting order is by the most recent year (since 1969) that the species name was treated as valid, and then nominal species are sorted secondarily by publication year.

The taxonomic history of the valid species (since 1900) is listed at the bottom of the page.

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species Pleuronaia dolabelloides (Lea, 1840): nominal species
     6 specimens available.

Unio dolabelloides Lea, 1840
Lea, 1840, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 1: 288.
Lea, 1842, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 8 [O. 3]: 215 [53], pl. 15, fig. 31.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_85828, Holston R., Tenn.

Unio dolabelloidesLea (1840), Conrad (1853), Küster (1861), Sowerby (1866), Lewis (1871)
Margaron (Unio) dollabelloidesLea (1852), Lea (1870)
Unio (Obovaria) dolabelloidesAdams & Adams (1857)
Unio dollabelloidesB.H. Wright (1888)
Pleurobema (s.s.) dolabelloidesSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Lexingtonia dolabelloidesOrtmann (1918), Ortmann & Walker (1922), Ortmann (1924), Ortmann (1925), ..., Graf & Cummings (2007), Manendo et al. (2008), Cummings & Graf (2010), Klymus et al. (2020)
Quadrula (Pleuronaia) dolabelloidesFrierson (1927), Haas (1969)
Lexingtonia dollabelloidesZanatta & Murphy (2006)
Pleuronaia dolabelloidesWilliams et al. (2008), Bogan (2010), Haag (2012), Campbell & Lydeard (2012), ..., Inoue et al. (2020), Graf & Cummings (2021), FMCS (2021), Hopper et al. (2023)
Lexingtonia dolabelloides dolabelloidesITIS (2012)

Pleurobema conradi Vanatta, 1915
Vanatta, 1915, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 67: 559.
(new name for Unio maculatus Conrad, 1834)

Pleurobema conradiVanatta (1915)
Lexingtonia dolabelloides conradiOrtmann (1918), Ortmann (1924), Ortmann (1925), ITIS (2012)
Lexingtonia conradiOrtmann & Walker (1922)
Quadrula (Pleuronaia) validaFrierson (1927), Haas (1969)
Lexingtonia dolabelloidesBurch (1975), R.I. Johnson (1980), Parmalee & Bogan (1998)
Pleuronaia dolabelloidesWilliams et al. (2008)

Unio maculatus Conrad, 1834
Conrad, 1834, New Fresh-Water Shells: 30, pl. 4, fig. 4.
Conrad, 1853, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 6: 252.
(homonym of Unio (Elliptio) nigra var. maculata Rafinesque, 1820; renamed Pleurobema conradi Vanatta, 1915)

Unio maculatusConrad (1834), Ferussac (1835), Hanley (1843), Conrad (1853), Küster (1861), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margarita (Unio) maculatusLea (1836), Lea (1838)
Margaron (Unio) maculatusLea (1852), Lea (1870)
Unio (Elliptio) maculatusMörch (1853)
Unio (Lampsilis) maculatusAdams & Adams (1857)
Pleurobema (s.s.) maculataSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) maculatumSimpson (1914)
Pleurobema conradiVanatta (1915)
Lexingtonia dolabelloides conradiOrtmann (1918)
Lexingtonia conradiOrtmann & Walker (1922)
Quadrula (Pleuronaia) validaFrierson (1927), Haas (1969)
Lexingtonia dolabelloidesBurch (1975)
Pleuronaia dolabelloidesWilliams et al. (2008)

Margaron (Unio) dollabelloides Lea, 1852
Lea, 1852, Synopsis Fam. Naiades: 35.
Lea, 1870, Synopsis Fam. Naiades: 56.
‘Lea’ B.H. Wright, 1888, Check List N. Amer. Unionidae etc.: [2].
‘Lea’ Zanatta & Murphy, 2006, MPE 41(1): 197 [as ‘Lexingtonia’].
(error for Unio dolabelloides Lea, 1840)

Margaron (Unio) dollabelloidesLea (1852)

Unio mooresianus Lea, 1857
Lea, 1857, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 9: 83.
Lea, 1866, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 6 [O. 11]: 39 [43], pl. 14, fig. 37.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_84695, Tuscumbia, Ala.

Unio mooresianusLea (1857), Lea (1866), Lewis (1871), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margaron (Unio) mooresianusLea (1870)
Pleurobema (s.s.) dolabelloidesSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Lexingtonia dolabelloidesOrtmann (1918), Ortmann (1925), Burch (1975), Parmalee & Bogan (1998)
Quadrula (Pleuronaia) dolabelloidesFrierson (1927), Haas (1969)
Pleuronaia dolabelloidesWilliams et al. (2008)

Unio thorntonii Lea, 1857
Lea, 1857, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 9: 83.
Lea, 1866, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 6 [O. 11]: 38 [42], pl. 14, fig. 36.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_85829, Tuscumbia, Alabama.

Unio thorntoniiLea (1857), Lea (1866), B.H. Wright (1888), de Gregorio (1914)
Margaron (Unio) thorntoniiLea (1870)
Pleurobema (s.s.) dolabelloidesSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Lexingtonia dolabelloidesOrtmann (1918), Ortmann (1925), Burch (1975), Parmalee & Bogan (1998)
Quadrula (Pleuronaia) dolabelloidesFrierson (1927), Haas (1969)
Pleuronaia dolabelloidesWilliams et al. (2008)

Unio mundus Reeve, 1864
‘Lea’ Reeve, 1864, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 16, sp. 72.
(misidentified reference to Unio mundus Lea, 1857)

Unio mundusReeve (1864)
Pleurobema (s.s.) holstonensisSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) holstonenseSimpson (1914)
Quadrula (Pleuronaia) dolabelloidesFrierson (1927), Haas (1969)

Unio circumactus Lea, 1871
Lea, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 23: 192.
Lea, 1874, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 8 [O. 13]: 15 [19], pl. 4, fig. 11.
Type(s): FIGURED SYNTYPE USNM_85830, Holston R., E. Tenn.

Unio circumactusLea (1871), B.H. Wright (1888)
Pleurobema (s.s.) dolabelloidesSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Lexingtonia dolabelloidesOrtmann (1918), Ortmann (1925), Burch (1975), Parmalee & Bogan (1998)
Quadrula (Pleuronaia) dolabelloidesFrierson (1927), Haas (1969)
Pleuronaia dolabelloidesWilliams et al. (2008)

Unio recurvatus Lea, 1871
Lea, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 23: 192.
Lea, 1874, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 8 [O. 13]: 10 [14], pl. 2, fig. 6.
Type(s): FIGURED SYNTYPE USNM_85800, Holston R., Tenn.

Unio recurvatusLea (1871), B.H. Wright (1888)
Pleurobema (s.s.) dolabelloidesSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Lexingtonia dolabelloidesOrtmann (1918), Parmalee & Bogan (1998)
Quadrula (Pleuronaia) dolabelloidesFrierson (1927), Haas (1969)
Pleuronaia dolabelloidesWilliams et al. (2008)

Unio subglobatus Lea, 1871
Lea, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 23: 191.
Lea, 1874, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 8 [O. 13]: 7 [11], pl. 1, fig. 3.
Type(s): FIGURED SYNTYPE USNM_85823, Florence, Ala.

Unio subglobatusLea (1871), B.H. Wright (1888)
Unio ebenusCall (1895)
Pleurobema (s.s.) subglobataSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) dolabelloidesSimpson (1914)
Lexingtonia dolabelloidesOrtmann (1918), Ortmann (1924), Ortmann (1925), Burch (1975), Parmalee & Bogan (1998)
Pleuronaia dolabelloidesWilliams et al. (2008)

Unio moorenianus Paetel, 1890
‘Lea’ Paetel, 1890, Cat. Conch.-Samml. 3: 159.
(error for Unio mooresianus Lea, 1857)

Unio moorenianusPaetel (1890)
Pleurobema (s.s.) dolabelloidesSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914)

Unio tornhatonii de Gregorio, 1914
‘Lea’ de Gregorio, 1914, Il Nat. Siciliano 2: 50.
(error for Unio thorntonii Lea, 1857)

Unio tornhatoniide Gregorio (1914)

Unio tornhatonii [sic] var. duckensis de Gregorio, 1914
de Gregorio, 1914, Il Nat. Siciliano 2: 50, pl. 11, figs. 2a-c.
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Unio thorntonii Lea, 1857)

Unio tornhatonii var. duckensisde Gregorio (1914)
Unio thorntonii var. duckensisde Gregorio (1914)

Taxonomic History (since 1900)

Pleurobema (s.s.) maculataSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) dolabelloidesSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Pleurobema (s.s.) holstonensisSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) subglobataSimpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) maculatumSimpson (1914)
Unio thorntoniide Gregorio (1914)
Pleurobema (s.s.) holstonenseSimpson (1914)
Unio tornhatoniide Gregorio (1914)
Unio tornhatonii var. duckensisde Gregorio (1914)
Unio thorntonii var. duckensisde Gregorio (1914)
Pleurobema conradiVanatta (1915)
Lexingtonia dolabelloides conradiOrtmann (1918), Ortmann (1924), Ortmann (1925), ITIS (2012)
Lexingtonia dolabelloidesOrtmann (1918), Ortmann & Walker (1922), Ortmann (1924), Ortmann (1925), ..., Graf & Cummings (2007), Manendo et al. (2008), Cummings & Graf (2010), Klymus et al. (2020)
Lexingtonia conradiOrtmann & Walker (1922)
Quadrula (Pleuronaia) validaFrierson (1927), Haas (1969)
Quadrula (Pleuronaia) dolabelloidesFrierson (1927), Haas (1969)
Lexingtonia dollabelloidesZanatta & Murphy (2006)
Pleuronaia dolabelloidesWilliams et al. (2008), Bogan (2010), Haag (2012), Campbell & Lydeard (2012), ..., Inoue et al. (2020), Graf & Cummings (2021), FMCS (2021), Hopper et al. (2023)
Lexingtonia dolabelloides dolabelloidesITIS (2012)

Page updated: 09:52:39 Mon 17 Feb 2025

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