Unionoida | Unionoidea | Unionidae | Ambleminae | Lampsilini | Lampsilis species Lampsilis cardium Rafinesque, 1820: specimens 20 nominal species as synonyms
Range: Widespread in the Interior, Nelson, and Great Lakes basins, North America. Introduced to the Potomac River on the Atlantic Slope. Map of Georeferenced Specimens
Canada |
 USNM_84503 St. Helens Id., Montreal, Canada
 UMMZ_209195 Lake Pepin, Lake City, Minnesota
 USNM_29958 Devil’s Lake, Lenawee Co., Mich.
 USNM_84509 Cincinnati, Ohio
 CM_31.6994 Potomac River, Hancock, Washington Co., Maryland
 UMMZ_209212 L. Winnebago, nr. Oshkosh, Wis.
 UMMZ_304654 Mackinaw River, 1.5 mi SE Colfax, Co. Rd. 3600E Mclean County, Illinois, 40.5543°, -88.57409°
 USNM_84866 Cincinnati, Ohio
 UA_21020 Mackinaw River, 1.5 mi SE Colfax, Co. Rd. 3600E Mclean County, Illinois, 40.5543°, -88.57409°
 ANSP_416325 Sangamon River, Lake of the Woods, Mahomet, Champaign Co., Illinois 40.2040° N, 88.3876° W
unknown |
 ANSP_20210 [no locality available - North America]
Genbank Vouchers
USAINHS_49380 (COI, ND1, 28S, ITS1, 5.8S) St. Croix River, St. Croix drainage (46.0046, -92.4467) UMMZ_265707 (COI, 28S) Huron River, MI
BivAToL-421 (COI, 16S, 28S, 18S, H3) UMMZ_304654 (COI, 16S, 28S, SRA) MCZ_DNA100159 (COI, 28S, 18S) ASUMZ_1829_2 (16S) NRI8496.1 (COI) BivATOL_421.5a (SRA) 299TS (ND1) NEFC_B19-225 (mtGenome) NRI8556.1a (COI) NEFC_B19-224 (mtGenome)