Unionoida | Unionoidea | Unionidae | Parreysiinae | Coelaturini | Nitia species Nitia teretiuscula (Philippi, 1847): specimens 10 nominal species as synonyms
Range: Widespread in the Nile and western Africa, perhaps including the Chad-Chari Basin. Map of Georeferenced Specimens
Egypt |
 UMMZ_232482 Aberawash, West of Cairo, Egypt
 UMMZ_232483 Sweet Water Canal, Egypt
 UMMZ_232484 Nile River, Old Cairo, Egypt
 UMMZ_232489 Egypt
 MCZ_17039 Egypt
 MCZ_74235 Nile River, Egypt
 MCZ_109260 Nile River, Egypt
 ANSP_366283 Upper Nile, Egypt
 IRSNB_MP_0304 Canal Mahmoudie
 IRSNB_MP_0305 Alexandrie
 BMNH_41-4-28-195-198 Egypt
 INHS_21570 Upper Egypt, Assuan Nile, opposite Elephantine Islands
 IRSNB_MP_0912 Nubie
 BMNH_1937-12-30-13153 El Faiyum, Egypt
 USNM_637227 1 mi W Imbala, 5-7 mi NW Cairo, Giza Prov., Egypt; NAMRU-3
 ZMB_MP_0400 Nubia
 ZMB_4864 Nubien .....El-Ordeh..W Halfa
 USNM_637230 Abu Rauwash, near Giza, Egypt
 USNM_637231 Abu Rauwash, near Giza, Egypt
 USNM_788496B Abu Rauwash, near Giza, Egypt
 SMF_13549 Egypten
 USNM_797920 Abu Rauwash, near Giza, Egypt
 USNM_797951 SE and above Fostat, Egypt
 USNM_605434 Bahr el Faraomijeh, NW of Menouf, Egypt
 FMNH_21724 Nile River, Egypt
 FMNH_49731 Abu Rauwash, near Giza, Egypt
 CM_61.1503 Egypt
 SMF_319203 Mittel ägyoten, Luxor Nil ...
 SMF_319204 Mittel ägypten, Nag Hammadi
 MNHN_MP_1039 Canal Mahmoudie
 UMMZ_109589 Alexandria
 SMF_83165 Nil. z. Katarak u. Insel Elephantine
 UMMZ_109592 River Nile, Nubia, Egypt
 UMMZ_109593 River Nile, S of first cataract
 UMMZ_109594 R. Nile, Nubia, Africa
 MNHN_MP_1042 Egypte
 MRAC_531684 Garagos, Hte Egypte
 UMMZ_109598 Alexandria
 USNM_801995 Abu Rauwash, Giza, Egypt
 ANSP_416305 Nile River, Warak Island, Cairo, Egypt
MCZ_MP_260 Nile River, Egypt
Nigeria |
 USNM_272926 Kaduna R., Wushishi, 11 mi S Zungeru, North Nigeria
Senegal |
 IRSNB_MP_0833 Senegal?
South Africa |
 UMMZ_22900 Natal
Sudan |
 MCZ_134113 Nile River, Fashoda, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
 MCZ_75726 Khor Pini, near Mt. Miri, Amadi Rd., Equitoria, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
 MCZ_52456 White Nile, Sennaar, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
 MCZ_173051 near Mogran, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
 MRAC_56270 Khartoum
 USNM_126306 Sennaar, Nubia, Nile Lat. 14
 IRSNB_MP_0306 Fachoda
 IRSNB_MP_0312 Khartoum
 MRAC_56406 Nil Blanc
 IRSNB_MP_0846 Nil Blanc
 MRAC_56410 S. Soudan
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1072-1081 near Mogran, S Sudan
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1063-1068 Tawila, S Sudan
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1091-1095 Hillet-Abbas, S Sudan
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1096-1099 Ad-Duwem, S. Sudan
 USNM_127180 White Nile
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1069-1071 S of Melut, S Sudan
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1085-1090 Gebel En, S Sudan
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1082-1084 Abba Island, S Sudan
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1100 Ad-Duwem, S. Sudan
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1061 Lul, S Sudan
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1062 Masran Id., S Sudan
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1057 Tawila, S Sudan
 BMNH_1906-6-13-7-8 Omdurman
 BMNH_1900-10-24-7 White Nile
 BMNH_1903-11-10-1-3 Selabi, White Nile
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1101-1102 Kosti, S Sudan
 BMNH_MP_438 Tawila, White Nile
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1059-1060 Gebel Ahmed, S Sudan
 BMNH_65-1-3-15 from the Nile region between 3° to 14° N lat.
 IRSNB_MP_2003 Fachoda
 USNM_215188 White Nile, Gordon Tree, above Khartoum
 USNM_215189 El Dueim, Sudan
 USNM_215190 Bahr el Ghazal, Sudan
 MCZ_289029 White Nile, Khartoum, Sudan
 INHS_21571 Upper Nile
 BMNH_1907-10-28-172 Sennaar
 UMMZ_43319 Sennar, Blue Nile
 ZMB_MP_0405 Nil Blanc
 ZMB_MP_0402 Oberer Nil
 ZMB_63815 S Sudan
 ZMB_MP_0423 Senaar
 ZMB_18788 Kaka, Weiper Nil
 ZMB_19175 Gazellenfl.
 SMF_1002 Abu Doleb [evtl. die ehemalige Missionsstation Doleib Hill, ca. 16 km S von Malakal], Bahr-el-Abiad [Bahr el-Abiad = Weißer Nil], Sudan
 ZMB_4841 Weisse Nil
 SMF_13546 Weisser Nil
 SMF_13548 Ober-Egypten
 SMF_13550 Weisser Nil
 SMF_13551 Weisser Nil, bei Kartum
 USNM_854666 Kaka, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
 AMNH_30807 White Nile, Egypt
 ZMB_77704 Khartum, Weiser Nil
 ZMB_MP_0411 Africa, Nilus Albus ?
 BMNH_1923-6-8-1219 near Mogran, S. Sudan
 BMNH_1948-8-25-2 Tawila
 MRAC_97716 Soudan, Bahr el Abiad
 MRAC_97717 Soudan, Bahr el Abiad
 MRAC_97719 Soudan, Bahr el Abiad
 UMMZ_184038 Upper Nile
 UMMZ_109591 White Nile
 SMF_83166 Bahr el-Asrak, Aegypten
 UMMZ_109595 White Nile
 UMMZ_109596 Southern Sudan
 UMMZ_109597 Fachoda
 MNHN_MP_1043 Le Nil Blanc
 MNHN_MP_1045 Fleuve Blanc
 UMMZ_248932 White Nile River, 15 mi S of Kosti Bridge, receding water on E bank, Sudan
unknown |
 ZMB_MP_0448 N.S. Wales
 ANSP_41738 Nile River
 ANSP_41671 [no locality available - Africa]
 IRSNB_MP_0303 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0832 Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0844 Le Nil
 MNHN_MP_1023 Le Nil
 BMNH_76-6-8-116 Niger
 BMNH_MP_437 Nile River
 BMNH_MP_440 Nile River
 BMNH_MP_441 Niger River
 BMNH_MP_439 Nile River
 BMNH_65-2-28-4 West Africa
 MRAC_59263 Le Nil
 IRSNB_MP_0891 Nil
 BMNH_MP_477 Laufikia [locality illegible] ... NOT from Tanganyika
 SMF_10393 Nil
 SMF_13547 Nil
 SMF_13552 [no locality available - Africa]
 AMNH_30808 Africa
 ZMB_MP_0412 Nil
 INHS_27633 Le Nil (Nile River)
 BMNH_67-1-9-2 Albert Nyanza
 BMNH_99-12-7-32-34 Niger
 UMMZ_109588 River Nile
 CM_61.8876 ?
 UMMZ_23755 [no locality available - Africa]
 MNHN_MP_1044 Le Nil
 ANSP_125770 Africa
Genbank Vouchers
EgyptANSP_416305-Ab (COI, 28S) Nile River, Warak Island, Cairo, Egypt ANSP_416305-Aa (COI, 28S) Nile River, Warak Island, Cairo, Egypt ANSP_416305-Ac (COI, 28S) Nile River, Warak Island, Cairo, Egypt
UgandaUGSB_4846 (21550) (16S, 28S, H3) Uganda: Lake Victoria (0.22738 S 32.63422 E)
NCSM_29496 (COI, 16S, ND1, 28S, 18S) UA_20993.1 (COI, 28S)