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The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!
The nominal species (available and otherwise) in this synonymy are listed by usage rather than strictly by publication date. The primary sorting order is by the most recent year (since 1969) that the species name was treated as valid, and then nominal species are sorted secondarily by publication year. The taxonomic history of the valid species (since 1900) is listed at the bottom of the page.
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Unionoida | Unionoidea | Unionidae | Ambleminae | Pleurobemini | Pleurobema species Pleurobema perovatum (Conrad, 1834): nominal species 10 specimens available.
Unio perovatus Conrad, 1834
Conrad, 1834, Amer. J. Sci. 25(2): 338, pl. 1, fig. 3.
Conrad, 1834, New Fresh-Water Shells: 47, pl. 2, fig. 3.
Conrad, 1853, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 6: 254.
Type(s): LECTOTYPE ANSP_129864, [no locality available - North America].
Unio perovatus — Conrad (1834), Ferussac (1835), Hanley (1843), Conrad (1853), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margarita (Unio) perovatus — Lea (1836), Lea (1838)
Margaron (Unio) perovatus — Lea (1852), Lea (1870)
Unio (Hyridella) perovatus — Adams & Adams (1857)
Pleurobema (s.s.) perovata — Simpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) perovatum — Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema perovatum — Haas (1969), Burch (1975), Turgeon et al. (1988), Williams et al. (1993), ..., FMCS (2021), Graf & Cummings (2021), Hopper et al. (2023), Hauck et al. (2023)
Unio nux Lea, 1852
 Lea, 1852, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 10 [O. 5]: 283 [39], pl. 24, fig. 43.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_85316, Alabama R., Ala.
Unio nux — Lea (1852), Küster (1861), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margaron (Unio) nux — Lea (1852), Lea (1870)
Unio perovatus — Conrad (1853)
Unio (Hyridella) nux — Adams & Adams (1857)
Pleurobema (s.s.) nux — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Pleurobema (s.s.) perovatum — Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema perovatum — Haas (1969), Parmalee & Bogan (1998), Williams et al. (2008), IUCN (2012)
Pleurobema nux — Burch (1975), ITIS (2012)
Unio johannis Lea, 1859
Lea, 1859, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 11: 171.
Lea, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 4 [O. 8]: 343 [25], pl. 55, fig. 168.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_84830, Alabama R., Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Unio johannis — Lea (1859), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margaron (Unio) johannis — Lea (1870)
Pleurobema (s.s.) johannis — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema johannis — Haas (1969), Burch (1975), Turgeon et al. (1988), Williams et al. (1993), ..., IUCN (2000), Graf & Cummings (2007), Cummings & Graf (2010), ITIS (2012)
Pleurobema perovatum — Williams et al. (2008), IUCN (2012), Williams et al. (2017), Graf & Cummings (2021)
Unio flavidulus Lea, 1861
Lea, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 13: 39.
Lea, 1862, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 5 [O. 8]: 97 [101], pl. 15, fig. 245.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_84719, Columbus, Miss.
Unio flavidulus — Lea (1861), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margaron (Unio) flavidulus — Lea (1870)
Pleurobema (s.s.) flavidulus — Simpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) flavidulum — Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema flavidulum — Haas (1969), Burch (1975), Turgeon et al. (1988), Williams et al. (1993), ..., Graf & Cummings (2007), Cummings & Graf (2010), Bogan (2010), ITIS (2012)
Pleurobema perovatum — Parmalee & Bogan (1998), Williams et al. (2008), IUCN (2012), Williams et al. (2017), Graf & Cummings (2021)
Unio simulans Lea, 1871
Lea, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 23: 190.
Lea, 1874, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 8 [O. 13]: 18 [22], pl. 5, fig. 15.
Type(s): FIGURED SYNTYPE USNM_84840, Cahawba R., Shelby Co., Ala.
Unio simulans — Lea (1871), B.H. Wright (1888)
Pleurobema (s.s.) simulans — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema simulans — Haas (1969), Burch (1975)
Pleurobema perovatum — Williams et al. (2008), IUCN (2012)
Pleurobema similans — ITIS (2012)
Unio concolor Lea, 1861
Lea, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 13: 40.
Lea, 1862, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 5 [O. 8]: 89 [83], pl. 12, fig. 237.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_85319, Big Prairie Cr., Perry Co., Ala.
Unio concolor — Lea (1861), Sowerby (1868), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margaron (Unio) concolor — Lea (1870)
Unio clavus — Call (1895)
Pleurobema (s.s.) brumbyanus — Simpson (1900)
Unio (s.s.) clavus — Call (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) brumbyanum — Simpson (1914)
Pleurobema (s.s.) concolor — Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema concolor — Haas (1969)
Pleurobema perovatum — Parmalee & Bogan (1998), Williams et al. (2008), IUCN (2012)
Unio interventus Lea, 1861
Lea, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 13: 60.
Lea, 1862, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 5 [O. 8]: 84 [88], pl. 11, fig. 233.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_84722, Cahawba R., Ala.
Unio interventus — Lea (1861), Reeve (1864), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margaron (Unio) interventus — Lea (1870)
Unio clavus — Call (1895)
Pleurobema (s.s.) interventus — Simpson (1900)
Unio (s.s.) clavus — Call (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) interventum — Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema interventum — Haas (1969)
Pleurobema perovatum — Williams et al. (2008), IUCN (2012)
Unio cinnamomicus Lea, 1861
Lea, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 13: 39.
Lea, 1862, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 5 [O. 8]: 100 [104], pl. 16, fig. 248.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_85317, Tombigbee R., Columbus, Miss.
Unio cinnamomicus — Lea (1861), B.H. Wright (1888)
Unio cinnamominus — Sowerby (1868)
Margaron (Unio) cinnamomicus — Lea (1870)
Pleurobema (s.s.) nux — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Pleurobema (s.s.) perovatum — Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema perovatum — Haas (1969), Williams et al. (2008), IUCN (2012)
Unio pallidofulvus Lea, 1861
Lea, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 13: 60.
Lea, 1862, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 5 [O. 8]: 83 [87], pl. 11, fig. 232.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_84721, Cahawba R., Ala.
Unio pallidofulvus — Lea (1861), B.H. Wright (1888)
Margaron (Unio) pallidofulvus — Lea (1870)
Unio clavus — Call (1895)
Pleurobema (s.s.) interventus — Simpson (1900)
Unio (s.s.) clavus — Call (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) interventum — Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema interventum — Haas (1969)
Pleurobema perovatum — Williams et al. (2008), IUCN (2012)
Unio placidus Küster, 1862
‘Lea Mss.’ Küster, 1862, Conchyl. Cab. 9(2): 262, pl. 88, fig. 2.
Unio placidus — Küster (1862)
Pleurobema (s.s.) nux — Simpson (1914)
Unio cinnamominus Sowerby, 1868
‘Lea’ Sowerby, 1868, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 83, sp. 436.
(error for Unio cinnamomicus Lea, 1861)
Unio cinnamominus — Sowerby (1868)
Pleurobema (s.s.) nux — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Pleurobema perovatum — Parmalee & Bogan (1998)
Unio pinkstoni S.H. Wright, 1897
S.H. Wright, 1897, Nautilus 10(12): 136.
Type(s): LECTOTYPE USNM_149649, Tuscaloosa Riv., Ala.
Unio pinkstoni — S.H. Wright (1897)
Pleurobema (s.s.) pinkstoni — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Pleurobema pinkstoni — Simpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) concolor — Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema concolor — Haas (1969)
Pleurobema perovatum — Parmalee & Bogan (1998), Williams et al. (2008), IUCN (2012)
Pleurobema similans Johnson, 1905
Johnson, 1905, Science 31(537): 590.
ITIS, 2012, ITIS: [web].
(error for Unio simulans Lea, 1871)
Pleurobema similans — Johnson (1905)
Taxonomic History (since 1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) perovata — Simpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) nux — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Pleurobema (s.s.) johannis — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema (s.s.) brumbyanus — Simpson (1900)
Unio (s.s.) clavus — Call (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) flavidulus — Simpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) interventus — Simpson (1900)
Pleurobema (s.s.) simulans — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema (s.s.) pinkstoni — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Pleurobema pinkstoni — Simpson (1900)
Pleurobema similans — Johnson (1905), ITIS (2012)
Pleurobema (s.s.) perovatum — Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema (s.s.) brumbyanum — Simpson (1914)
Pleurobema (s.s.) flavidulum — Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema (s.s.) interventum — Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema (s.s.) concolor — Frierson (1927)
Pleurobema perovatum — Haas (1969), Burch (1975), Turgeon et al. (1988), Williams et al. (1993), ..., FMCS (2021), Graf & Cummings (2021), Hopper et al. (2023), Hauck et al. (2023)
Pleurobema johannis — Haas (1969), Burch (1975), Turgeon et al. (1988), Williams et al. (1993), ..., IUCN (2000), Graf & Cummings (2007), Cummings & Graf (2010), ITIS (2012)
Pleurobema concolor — Haas (1969)
Pleurobema flavidulum — Haas (1969), Burch (1975), Turgeon et al. (1988), Williams et al. (1993), ..., Graf & Cummings (2007), Cummings & Graf (2010), Bogan (2010), ITIS (2012)
Pleurobema interventum — Haas (1969)
Pleurobema simulans — Haas (1969), Burch (1975)
Pleurobema nux — Burch (1975), ITIS (2012)
Page updated: 12:06:17 Thu 06 Feb 2025 |