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Mon 17 Feb 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!
The nominal species (available and otherwise) in this synonymy are listed by usage rather than strictly by publication date. The primary sorting order is by the most recent year (since 1969) that the species name was treated as valid, and then nominal species are sorted secondarily by publication year. The taxonomic history of the valid species (since 1900) is listed at the bottom of the page.
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Bivalvia | Sphaerioida | Sphaerioidea | Sphaeriidae | Sphaeriinae | Sphaerium species Sphaerium corneum (Linnaeus, 1758): nominal species 11 specimens available.
Tellina cornea Linnaeus, 1758
Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. 1: 678.
(renamed Cornea communis Megerle von Mühlfeld, 1811)
Tellina cornea — Linnaeus (1758), Poiret (1801)
Nux nigella — Humphrey (1797)
Cardium corneum — Montagu (1803), Turton (1807)
Cyclas (Corneocyclas) rivalis — Blainville (1818)
Cyclas cornea — Lamarck (1818), Nilsson (1822), Eichwald (1829), Deshayes (1830), ..., Schlüter (1838), Hanley (1843), C.B. Adams (1847), Leach (1852)
Sphærium corneum — Deshayes (1854), Prime (1870), Westerlund (1871), Servain (1882), Prime (1895)
Sphaerium (Grüppe Corneola) corneum — Clessin (1877)
Sphærium (s.s.) corneum — Dall (1903)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Thiele (1934), Zhadin (1965), Burch (1975), Cooley & Ó Foighil (2000), ..., Bank (2006), Vinarski & Kantor (2016), Fuentealba-Jara et al. (2017), Bespalaya et al. (2023)
Sphaerium corneum — Herrington (1962), Mackie et al. (1980), Kuiper et al. (1989), Korniushin (1998), ..., Múrria et al. (2020), Príe et al. (2021), Saito et al. (2022), Prié et al. (2023)
Sphaerium (s.s.) cornea — Mansur & Meier-Brook (2000)
Sphaerium (Corneola) westerlundi Westerlund, 1873
Clessin in Westerlund, 1873, Fauna Moll. Terr. Fluv. Suec. Norv. Dan. (2): 508.
Sphaerium (Corneola) westerlundi — Westerlund (1873)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum var. westerlundi — Zhadin (1965)
Sphaerium corneum — Korniushin (1998)
Sphaerium (Sibirisphaerium) westerlundi — Starobogatov et al. (2004)
Sphaerium westerlundi — Bogan (2010), Kantor et al. (2010)
Sphaerium (s.s.) westerlundi — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Sphaerium levinodis Westerlund, 1876
Westerlund, 1876, Nach. Deuts. Mal. Ges. 8(8-9): 102.
Sphaerium levinodis — Westerlund (1876), Kantor et al. (2010)
Sphaerium (Sibirisphaerium) levinodis — Starobogatov et al. (2004)
Sphaerium (s.s.) levinodis — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Sphaerium capiduliferum Lindholm, 1909
Lindholm, 1909, Zool. Issl. Oz. Baik. 4: 81, pl. 2, fig. 51.
Sphaerium capiduliferum — Lindholm (1909), Kantor et al. (2010)
Sphaerium (Sibirisphaerium) capiduliferum — Starobogatov et al. (2004)
Sphaerium (s.s.) capiduliferum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Amesoda falsinucleus Starobogatov & Korniushin, 1986
Novikov in Starobogatov & Korniushin, 1986, unknown publication: 37.
Amesoda falsinucleus — Starobogatov & Korniushin (1986), Kantor et al. (2010)
Amesoda (Asiocyclas) falsinucleus — Starobogatov et al. (2004)
Sphaerium (Nucleocyclas) falsinucleus — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Chama cinerca Dezallier d’Argenville, 1742
Dezallier d’Argenville, 1742, Hist. nat. Lithol. Conch.: 326, 321, pl. 27, fig. 9.
Chama cinerca — Dezallier d’Argenville (1742)
Sphærium corneum — Prime (1870)
Tellina rivalis Müller, 1774
Müller, 1774, Verm. Terr. et Fluv. 2: 202.
Tellina rivalis — Müller (1774)
Cardium corneum — Montagu (1803)
Cyclas (Corneocyclas) rivalis — Blainville (1818)
Cyclas cornea — Lamarck (1818), Nilsson (1822), Alder (1831), Jenyns (1832), Held (1836), Hanley (1843)
Cyclas rivalis — Studer (1820)
Sphærium corneum — Deshayes (1854), Prime (1870), Westerlund (1871), Prime (1895)
Sphaerium (Grüppe Corneola) corneum — Clessin (1877)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Cardium nux Da Costa, 1778
Da Costa, 1778, British Conch.: 173, pl. 13, fig. 2.
Cardium nux — Da Costa (1778)
Cardium corneum — Montagu (1803)
Cyclas cornea — Leach (1852)
Sphærium corneum — Prime (1870)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Nux nigella Humphrey, 1797
Humphrey, 1797, Mus. Col.: 59.
Nux nigella — Humphrey (1797)
Sphærium corneum — Deshayes (1854), Prime (1870)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Cardium amnicum Pultney, 1799
Pultney, 1799, Cat. Birds. Shells. Dorsetshire: 31.
(misidentified reference to Tellina amnica Müller, 1774)
Cardium amnicum — Pultney (1799)
Cardium corneum — Montagu (1803)
Cyclas cornea — Leach (1852)
Sphærium corneum — Prime (1870)
Cyclas rivalis Draparnaud, 1806
Draparnaud, 1806, Hist. Moll. France: 154, pl. 10, figs. 4-5.
(reference to Tellina rivalis Müller, 1774)
Cyclas rivalis — Draparnaud (1806)
Cyclas cornea — Held (1836), Leach (1852)
Cornea communis Megerle von Mühlfeld, 1811
Megerle von Mühlfeld, 1811, Mag. Ges. Nat. Fr. Berlin 5: 57.
(new name for Tellina cornea Linnaeus, 1758)
Cornea communis — Megerle von Mühlfeld (1811)
Sphærium corneum — Deshayes (1854), Prime (1870)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Cyclas stagnicola Lamarck, 1818
‘Leach’ Lamarck, 1818, Hist. Natur. Anim. sans Vert. 5: 559.
‘Leach, in litt.’ Prime, 1870, Amer. J. Conch. 5: 152. [nomen nudum]
Cyclas stagnicola — Lamarck (1818), Leach (1852)
Cyclas calyculata — Lamarck (1818)
Cyclas cornea — Jenyns (1832)
Sphærium corneum — Prime (1870)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Cyclas cornea var. fossarum Krynicki, 1837
Krynicki, 1837, Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Moscou 10(2): 59. [nomen nudum]
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Tellina cornea Linnaeus, 1758)
Cyclas cornea var. fossarum — Krynicki (1837)
Sphærium corneum — Prime (1870)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Cyclas lutea Anton, 1839
Ziegler in Anton, 1839, Verz. Conchylien: 14.
Cyclas lutea — Anton (1839)
Sphærium corneum — Prime (1895)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Cyclas globosa Villa, 1841
Megerle in Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 44.
Cyclas globosa — Villa (1841)
Sphærium corneum — Prime (1895)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Cyclas leachii Villa, 1841
“Ziegler MSS” Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 44.
Cyclas leachii — Villa (1841)
Sphærium corneum — Deshayes (1854), Prime (1870)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Cyclas plumbeus Villa, 1841
Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 44.
Cyclas plumbeus — Villa (1841)
Sphærium corneum — Deshayes (1854), Prime (1870)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Cyclas flavescens Macgillivroy, 1843
Macgillivroy, 1843, Hist. Moll. An.: 208, 246.
Cyclas flavescens — Macgillivroy (1843)
Sphærium corneum — Deshayes (1854), Prime (1870)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Cyclas citrina Brown, 1844
Brown, 1844, Ill. Rec. Conch.: 132, pl. 37, fig. 37.
Cyclas citrina — Brown (1844)
Sphærium corneum — Deshayes (1854), Prime (1870)
Sphærium scaldianum — Prime (1870), Prime (1895)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Cyclas alata Leach, 1852
Leach, 1852, Syn. Moll. Gr. Brit.: 291.
Cyclas alata — Leach (1852)
Sphærium corneum — Prime (1870)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Burch (1975), Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Cyclas isocardioides Dupuy, 1852
‘Normand’ Dupuy, 1852, Hist. Natur. Moll. France (6): 668.
Cyclas isocardioides — Dupuy (1852)
Sphærium corneum — Prime (1870)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Sphaerium corneum var. δ tomentosum Westerlund, 1871
Westerlund, 1871, Nova Reg. Soc. Scient. 8: 154.
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Tellina cornea Linnaeus, 1758)
Sphaerium corneum var. δ tomentosum — Westerlund (1871)
Sphærium corneum δ tomentosum — Westerlund (1871)
Sphaerium corneum — Kantor et al. (2010)
Taxonomic History (since 1900)
Sphærium (s.s.) corneum — Dall (1903)
Sphaerium capiduliferum — Lindholm (1909), Kantor et al. (2010)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum — Thiele (1934), Zhadin (1965), Burch (1975), Cooley & Ó Foighil (2000), ..., Bank (2006), Vinarski & Kantor (2016), Fuentealba-Jara et al. (2017), Bespalaya et al. (2023)
Sphaerium corneum — Herrington (1962), Mackie et al. (1980), Kuiper et al. (1989), Korniushin (1998), ..., Múrria et al. (2020), Príe et al. (2021), Saito et al. (2022), Prié et al. (2023)
Sphaerium (s.s.) corneum var. westerlundi — Zhadin (1965)
Amesoda falsinucleus — Starobogatov & Korniushin (1986), Kantor et al. (2010)
Sphaerium (s.s.) cornea — Mansur & Meier-Brook (2000)
Sphaerium (Sibirisphaerium) westerlundi — Starobogatov et al. (2004)
Sphaerium (Sibirisphaerium) levinodis — Starobogatov et al. (2004)
Sphaerium (Sibirisphaerium) capiduliferum — Starobogatov et al. (2004)
Amesoda (Asiocyclas) falsinucleus — Starobogatov et al. (2004)
Sphaerium westerlundi — Bogan (2010), Kantor et al. (2010)
Sphaerium levinodis — Kantor et al. (2010)
Sphaerium (s.s.) westerlundi — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Sphaerium (s.s.) levinodis — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Sphaerium (s.s.) capiduliferum — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Sphaerium (Nucleocyclas) falsinucleus — Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Page updated: 09:54:47 Mon 17 Feb 2025 |