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Thu 06 Mar 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
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This page documents data for Jenyns (1832), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.
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Publication information
Jenyns, L. 1832. A monograph on the British species of Cyclas and Pisidium. Trans. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 4: 289-.
Click here for online access.
Attributed Genus Names
Euglesa Jenyns, 1832
‘Leach MS’ Jenyns, 1832, Trans. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 4: 302.
Attributed Species Names
Pisidium pulchellum Jenyns, 1832
‘Leach’ Jenyns, 1832, Trans. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 4: 306, pl. 21, figs. 1-5.
Pisidium nitidum Jenyns, 1832
Jenyns, 1832, Trans. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 4: 304, pl. 20, figs. 7-8.
Pisidium pusillum Jenyns, 1832
Jenyns, 1832, Trans. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 4: 302, pl. 20, figs. 4-6.
(reference to Cyclas pusilla Turton, 1822)
Pera henslowiana Jenyns, 1832
‘Leach’ of Authors.
Jenyns, 1832, Trans. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 4: 308.
Hanley, 1843, Illustr. Descr. Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells: 91.
Leach, 1852, Syn. Moll. Gr. Brit.: 291 [as ‘Pera henslowiana’].
Prime, 1870, Amer. J. Conch. 5: 169.
Clessin, 1874, Conch. Cab. 9(3): 13.
Clessin, 1874, Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. 13: 149 [as ‘Pisidium henslowianum’].
Servain, 1882, Hist. Moll. Acéph. Francfort: 19 [as ‘Pisidium henslowianum’].
Prime, 1895, Cat. Corbiculadae: 60 [as ‘Pisidium henslowianum’].
Dall, 1903, Trans. Wagner Free Inst. 3(6): 1463.
Thiele, 1934, Handb. Syst. Weichtierk. 3: 853 [1297].
Kantor et al., 2010, Cat. Contin. Moll. Russia: 308 [as ‘Tellina henslowiana’].
(error for Tellina henslowana Sheppard, 1825)
Taxonomic Opinions
Cyclas calyculata Draparnaud
+ Tellina lacustris Müller, 1774
Cyclas cornea Lamarck
+ Tellina rivalis Müller, 1774
+ Cyclas stagnicola Lamarck, 1818
+ Tellina stagnicola Sheppard, 1825
Cyclas rivicola Leach
+ Cyclas aequata of Authors, unknown year
+ Cyclas cornea Draparnaud, 1801
Pisidium amnicum Nobis
+ Tellina rivalis Maton, 1797
+ Cyclas palustris Draparnaud, 1806
+ Cyclas obliqua Lamarck, 1818
+ Pera henslowiana Jenyns, 1832
+ Pera fluviatilis Leach, 1852
Pisidium henslowiana [sic] Nobis
+ Cyclas appendiculata Turton, 1831
+ Pera henslowiana Jenyns, 1832
Pisidium nitidum Nobis
Pisidium obtusale Pfeiffer
+ Cyclas obtusalis Lamarck, 1818
+ Pera gibba Leach, 1852
Pisidium pulchellum Nobis
+ Cyclas fontinalis Draparnaud, 1806
+ Pera pulchella Leach, 1852
Pisidium pusillum Nobis
+ Cyclas fontinalis Draparnaud, 1806
+ Cyclas pusilla Turton, 1822
+ Cyclas fontinalis Nilsson, 1822
+ Cyclas gibba Alder, 1831
+ Euglesa henslowiana Leach, 1852
Page updated: 09:54:49 Thu 06 Mar 2025 |