Page last updated
6 January 2011 |
Freshwater Mussels of Angola
Species Diversity. Twenty-three species of freshwater mussels in three families occur in the Angola Region. The family Unionidae is represented by 7 species in two genera. Links for specimen records and synonymies query the MUSSEL Project Datase.
Family Unionidae
Genus Coelatura
C. gabonensis

ANSP 134027 Congo Estuary, Zambi, DRC.
Distribution. Coelatura gabonensis occurs in coastal streams in Gabon and the Congo River, from the mouth into the Upper Congo.
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C. rotula

ANSP 133847 (holotype) Congo River, Malebo Pool, Kinshasa, DRC.
Distribution. Known only from the vicinity of Malebo Pool. Not specifically reported from within the borders of Angola.
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C. stagnorum
+ bourguignati

ANSP 133851 Congo Estuary, Zambia, DRC.

Holotype of C. stagnorum bomae Pilsbry & Bequaert. ANSP 134032 Congo Estuary, Boma, DRC.
Distribution. Known only from the lowest stretch of the Congo, near the mouth.
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C. leopoldvillensis

MCZ 142358 Congo Estuary, Zambi, DRC.
Distribution. Widespread in the Congo, from near the mouth into the Upper Congo.
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C. mossambicensis

ANSP 413310 Luangwa River, Luangwa Bridge, Zambia.
Distribution. A widespread species in eastern Africa, C. mossambicensis is known from streams from southern Tanzania to Mozambique. In the study region, it has been reported from the Zambezi from as far up as Lake Kariba, but not from within the borders of Angola.
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C. kunenensis

ANSP 344590 Thamalakane River, Maun, Botswana.

Type of Unio zambesiensis Preston. BMNH 1905.8.29.1 Zambezi River, just above Victoria Falls.
Distribution. Widespread from the Cunene, Okavango and Upper Zambezi basins. Not known from outside the Angola region.
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Genus Cafferia
C. caffra

ANSP 189005. Kleinmonde River, Port Alfred, South Africa.
Distribution. C. caffra is typically a South African species, reaching its northern limit in the Zambezi Basin in Zambia. Not specifically reported from within the borders of Angola.
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