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Mon 24 Mar 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
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The synonymy list the nominal family-group level taxa circumscribed within the valid taxon.
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Bivalvia | Unionoida superfamily UNIONOIDEA Rafinesque, 1820: nominal family-group taxa 2 families
ALASMIDONTOIDEA Rafinesque, 1820
Rafinesque, 1820, Ann. Gén. Sci. Phys. 5 (13): 317 [as ‘Alasmidia. Les Alasmides’].
Deshayes, 1830, Enc. Méth. 2 (Première partie): 13 [as ‘Alasmides’].
Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol.: 268, 381 [as ‘Alasmodontinæ’].
Frierson, 1927, Check List N. Amer. Naiades: 8-9, 18.
(correct name for Alasmodontoidea Swainson, 1840)
Type genus: Alasmidonta Say, 1818 = Alasmidonta | AMBLEMOIDEA Rafinesque, 1820
Rafinesque, 1820, Ann. Gén. Sci. Phys. 5 (13): 310 [as ‘Amblemidia, Les Amblémides’].
Deshayes, 1830, Enc. Méth. 2 (Première partie): 18 [as ‘Ablemidiæ’ [sic] ].
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 180.
Type genus: Amblema Rafinesque, 1820 = Amblema | ANODONTOIDEA Rafinesque, 1820
Rafinesque, 1820, Ann. Gén. Sci. Phys. 5 (13): 316 [as ‘Anodontidia, Les Anodontides’].
Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol.: 286, 381.
Ortmann, 1910, Nautilus 23: 117.
Type genus: Anodonta Lamarck, 1799 = Anodonta | UNIONOIDEA Rafinesque, 1820
Rafinesque, 1820, Ann. Gén. Sci. Phys. 5 (13): 290 [as ‘Uniodia, Les Uniodés’].
Fleming, 1828, Hist. Brit. Anim.: 408, 415.
Type genus: Unio Retzius, 1788 = Unio | ALASMODONTOIDEA Swainson, 1840
Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol.: 264, 268, 275, 287-288, 290, 381.
(name corrected to Alasmidontoidea Rafinesque, 1820)
Type genus: Alasmodon Thompson, 1820 = Alasmidonta | LAMPSILOIDEA Ihering, 1901
Ihering, 1901, Nautilus 15(4): 53.
Ortmann, 1910, Nautilus 23: 118.
Ortmann, 1912, Ann. Carnegie Mus. 8: 224.
Type genus: Lampsilis Rafinesque, 1820 = Lampsilis | QUADRULOIDEA Ihering, 1901
Ihering, 1901, Nautilus 15(5): 53 [as ‘Quadrulinæ’].
Haas, 1929, Senckenbergiana 11: .
Type genus: Quadrula Rafinesque, 1820 = Quadrula | MARGARITANOIDEA Ortmann, 1910
Ortmann, 1910, Nautilus 23: 116.
Ortmann, 1912, Ann. Carnegie Mus. 8: 223.
Ortmann, 1919, Mem. Carnegie Mus. 8(1): 2.
Type genus: Margaritana Schumacher, 1817 = Margaritifera | PLEUROBEMOIDEA Hannibal, 1912
Hannibal, 1912, Proc. Malac. Soc. London 10(2): 119.
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 179.
Type genus: Pleurobema Rafinesque, 1819 = Pleurobema | PROPTEROIDEA Hannibal, 1912
Hannibal, 1912, Proc. Malac. Soc. London 10(2): 119.
Type genus: Proptera Rafinesque, 1819 = Potamilus | GONIDEOIDEA Ortmann, 1916
Ortmann, 1916, Nautilus 30: 53.
Type genus: Gonidea Conrad, 1857 = Gonidea | PSEUDODONTOIDEA Frierson, 1927
Frierson, 1927, Check List N. Amer. Naiades: 67.
Type genus: Pseudodon Gould, 1844 = Pseudodon | MARGARITIFEROIDEA Henderson, 1929
Henderson, 1929, unknown publication: ??.
Henderson, 1935, GSA, Spec. Pap. 3: 68.
Haas, 1940, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 24: 119.
Type genus: Margaritifera Schumacher, 1816 = Margaritifera | LIMNOSCAPHOIDEA Lindholm, 1932
Lindholm, 1932, Trans. United Geol. Prosp. Serv. USSR 238: ??.
Type genus: Limnoscapha Lindholm, 1932 = Limnoscapha | PARREYSIOIDEA Henderson, 1935
Henderson, 1935, GSA, Spec. Pap. 3: 69.
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 186.
Type genus: Parreysia Conrad, 1853 = Parreysia | CAELATUROIDEA Modell, 1942
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 190.
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 64.
(name corrected to Coelaturoidea Modell, 1942)
Type genus: Caelatura Conrad, 1853 = Coelatura | CAFFERIOIDEA Modell, 1942
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 188.
Type genus: Cafferia Simpson, 1900 = Unio | COELATUROIDEA Modell, 1942
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 190 [as ‘Caelaurinae’].
Modell, 1964, Arch. Moll. 93: 116 [as ‘Caelaturinae’].
(correct name for Caelaturoidea Modell, 1942)
Type genus: Coelatura Conrad, 1853 = Coelatura | CONTRADENTOIDEA Modell, 1942
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 189.
Modell, 1945, Jena. Z. Med. Naturw. 78: 83.
Type genus: Contradens Haas, 1911 = Lens | ELLIPTIONOIDEA Modell, 1942
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 178, 180.
Modell, 1943, Arch. Moll. 75: 110.
Modell, 1964, Arch. Moll. 93: 88.
Type genus: Elliptio Rafinesque, 1819 = Elliptio | HEUDEANOIDEA Modell, 1942
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 184.
Modell, 1964, Arch. Moll. 93: 101.
Type genus: Heudeana Frierson, 1922 = Ptychorhynchus | HYRIOPSOIDEA Modell, 1942
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 188.
Modell, 1945, Jena. Z. Med. Naturw. 78: 83.
Modell, 1964, Arch. Moll. 93: 112.
Habe, 1977, Mollusc. Japan: 116.
Type genus: Hyriopsis Conrad, 1853 = Hyriopsis | LAMELLIDENTOIDEA Modell, 1942
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 188.
Modell, 1964, Arch. Moll. 93: 111.
Type genus: Lamellidens Simpson, 1900 = Lamellidens | LAMPROTULOIDEA Modell, 1942
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 187.
Modell, 1943, Arch. Moll. 75: 113.
Modell, 1964, Arch. Moll. 93: 109.
Type genus: Lamprotula Simpson, 1900 = Lamprotula | NANNONAIOIDEA Modell, 1942
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 190.
Modell, 1964, Arch. Moll. 93: 117.
Type genus: Nannonaia Haas, 1913 = Elongaria | PSEUDAVICULOIDEA Modell, 1942
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 176.
Type genus: Pseudavicula Simpson, 1900 = Prisodontopsis | RECTIDENTOIDEA Modell, 1942
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 189.
Modell, 1945, Jena. Z. Med. Naturw. 78: 83.
Modell, 1964, Arch. Moll. 93: 113.
Type genus: Rectidens Simpson, 1900 = Rectidens | BRAZZAEAOIDEA Leloup, 1950
Leloup, 1950, Res. Sci. Explor. Hydrob. Lac Tanganyika (1946-1947) 3: 73.
Pain & Woodward, 1968, Rev. Zool. Botan. Afr. 77: 192.
Type genus: Brazzaea Bourguignat, 1886 = Brazzaea | PSEUDOSPATHOIDEA Leloup, 1950
Leloup, 1950, Res. Sci. Explor. Hydrob. Lac Tanganyika (1946-1947) 3: 111.
Pain & Woodward, 1968, Rev. Zool. Botan. Afr. 77: 193, 212.
Type genus: Pseudospatha Simpson, 1900 = Pseudospatha | CUNEOPSOIDEA Mongin, 1963
Mongin, 1963, Mém. Soc. Géol. France 96: 19.
Type genus: Cuneopsis Simpson, 1900 = Cuneopsis | DENTASPATHARIOIDEA Modell, 1964
Modell, 1964, Arch. Moll. 93: 83.
Type genus: Dentaspatharia Modell, 1964 = Dentaspatharia | ACUTICOSTOIDEA Starobogatov, 1967
Starobogatov, 1967, Trudy 3rd Sess. Vses. Paleont. Obshch. 9: 178.
Type genus: Acuticosta Simpson, 1900 = Acuticosta | MWERUELLOIDEA Pain & Woodward, 1968
Pain & Woodward, 1968, Rev. Zool. Botan. Afr. 77: 193, 200.
Type genus: Mweruella Haas, 1936 = Prisodontopsis | PRISODONTOPSOIDEA Pain & Woodward, 1968
Pain & Woodward, 1968, Rev. Zool. Botan. Afr. 77: 193, 206.
Type genus: Prisodontopsis Tomlin, 1928 = Prisodontopsis | ARCIDOPSOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 61, 283.
Type genus: Arcidopsis Simpson, 1900 = Arcidopsis | CUMBERLANDOIDEA Heard & Guckert, 1970
Heard & Guckert, 1970, Malacologia 10: 338.
(name corrected to Cumberlandioidea Heard & Guckert, 1970)
Type genus: Cumberlandia Ortmann, 1912 = Cumberlandia | CUMBERLANDIOIDEA Heard & Guckert, 1970
Heard & Guckert, 1970, Malacologia 10: 338 [as ‘Cumberlandinae’].
Burch, 1975, Freshw. Unio. North Amer.: 8.
Davis & Fuller, 1981, Malacologia 20: 237, 250.
(correct name for Cumberlandoidea Heard & Guckert, 1970)
Type genus: Cumberlandia Ortmann, 1912 = Cumberlandia | CYPROGENIOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 70, 287.
Type genus: Cyprogenia Agassiz, 1852 = Cyprogenia | DROMOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 70, 287.
Type genus: Dromus Simpson, 1900 = Dromus | FRIERSONIOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 70, 287.
Type genus: Friersonia Ortmann, 1912 = Friersonia | GLEBULOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 70, 287.
Type genus: Glebula Conrad, 1853 = Glebula | LEGUMINAIOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 61, 283.
Type genus: Leguminaia Conrad, 1865 = Leguminaia | MEDIONIDOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 70, 287.
Type genus: Medionidus Simpson, 1900 = Medionidus | MEGALONAIADOIDEA Heard & Guckert, 1970
Heard & Guckert, 1970, Malacologia 10: 338.
Type genus: Megalonaias Utterback, 1915 = Megalonaias | OXYNAIOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 65, 284.
Type genus: Oxynaia Haas, 1911 = Nodularia | PHYSUNIONOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 68.
Type genus: Physunio Simpson, 1900 = Physunio | PILAEOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 70, 287.
(name corrected to Pileoidea Starobogatov, 1970)
Type genus: Pilea Simpson, 1900 = Epioblasma | PILEOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 70, 287 [as ‘Pilaeini’].
(correct name for Pilaeoidea Starobogatov, 1970)
Type genus: Pilea Simpson, 1900 = Epioblasma | POPENAIADOIDEA Heard & Guckert, 1970
Heard & Guckert, 1970, Malacologia 10: 339.
Type genus: Popenaias Frierson, 1927 = Popenaias | PSILUNIONOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 65, 284.
Type genus: Psilunio Sabba Stefanescu, 1896 = Potomida | PTYCHOBRANCHOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 70, 287.
Type genus: Ptychobranchus Simpson, 1900 = Ptychobranchus | STROPHITOIDEA Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 69, 287.
Gordon, 1980, Proc. Ark. Acad. Sci. 34: 58.
Gordon, 1985, Nautilus 99: 8.
Type genus: Strophitus Rafinesque, 1820 = Strophitus | MODELLNAIOIDEA Brandt, 1974
Brandt, 1974, Arch. Moll. 105: 301.
Type genus: Modellnaia Brandt, 1974 = Modellnaia | ANADONTOIDEA Zatravkin, 1983
‘Rafinesque’ Zatravkin, 1983, [in] I.M. Likharev, Molluscs: 41.
(error for Anodontoidea Rafinesque, 1820)
Type genus: Anodonta Lamarck, 1799 = Anodonta | PSEUDANODONTOIDEA Stadnichenko, 1984
‘Jaeckel’ Stadnichenko, 1984, Fauna Ukrayiny 29: 112.
Type genus: Pseudanodonta Bourguignat, 1876 = Pseudanodonta | NODULARIOIDEA Bogatov & Zatravkin, 1988
‘Starobogatov & Zatravkin’ Bogatov & Zatravkin, 1988, Trudy Zool. Inst. 187: 25.
Type genus: Nodularia Conrad, 1853 = Nodularia | JILINOCONCHOIDEA Ma, 1989
Ma, 1989, unknown publication: 259.
Type genus: Jilinoconcha Ma, 1989 = Plesielliptio | BRACHYANODONTOIDEA Starobogatov et al., 2004
Starobogatov et al., 2004, Key Freshw. Invert. Russia 6 (molluscs, polychaetes, nemerteans): 30.
Type genus: Brachyanodon Fischer & Crosse, 1894 = Anodonta | CHAMBERLAINIOIDEA Lopes-Lima et al., 2017
Bogan, Froufe & Lopes-Lima in Lopes-Lima et al., 2017, MPE 106: 182, 185.
Type genus: Chamberlainia Simpson, 1900 = Chamberlainia | CRISTARIOIDEA Lopes-Lima et al., 2017
Lopes-Lima, Bogan & Froufe in Lopes-Lima et al., 2017, MPE 106: 180.
Type genus: Cristaria Schumacher, 1817 = Cristaria | LANCEOLARIOIDEA Lopes-Lima et al., 2017
Froufe, Lopes-Lima, & Bogan in Lopes-Lima et al., 2017, MPE 106: 181.
Type genus: Lanceolaria Conrad, 1853 = Lanceolaria | LEOPARREYSIOIDEA Bolotov et al., 2017
Vikhrev, Bolotov & Kondakov in Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: 2.
Type genus: Leoparreysia Bolotov et al., 2017 = Leoparreysia | PILSBRYOCONCHOIDEA Bolotov et al., 2017
Bolotov, Vikhrev et Tumpeesuwan in Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: 11.
Type genus: Pilsbryoconcha Simpson, 1900 = Pilsbryoconcha | GIBBOSULOIDEA Lopes-Lima et al., 2018
Bogan, Bolotov, Froufe & Lopes-Lima in Lopes-Lima et al., 2018, MPE 127: 113.
Type genus: Gibbosula Simpson, 1900 = Gibbosula | INDOCHINELLOIDEA Bolotov et al., 2018
Bolotov, Pfeiffer, Vikhrev, & Konopleva in Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: 5.
Type genus: Indochinella Bolotov et al., 2018 = Indochinella | ACULAMPROTULOIDEA Huang et al., 2019
Huang & Wu in Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: 57.
Type genus: Aculamprotula Wu et al., 1999 = Aculamprotula | LEPIDODESMOIDEA Huang et al., 2019
Huang & Wu in Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: 57.
Type genus: Lepidodesma Simpson, 1896 = Lepidodesma | MIDDENDORFFINAIOIDEA Lopes-Lima et al., 2020
Lopes-Lima, Bolotov & Bogan in Lopes-Lima et al., 2020, MPE 146: [23].
Type genus: Middendorffinaia Moskvicheva & Starobogatov, 1973 = Middendorffinaia | CTENODESMOIDEA Zieritz et al., 2021
Pfeiffer, Zieritz, Rahim & Lopes- Lima in Zieritz et al., 2021, Aquatic Conserv.: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 31: 9.
Type genus: Ctenodesma Simpson, 1900 = Ctenodesma | POPENAIDOIDEA Graf & Cummings, 2021
Graf & Cummings, 2021, J. Moll. Studies 87(1): 6.
(error for Popenaiadoidea Heard & Guckert, 1970)
Type genus: Popenaias Frierson, 1927 = Popenaias | SCHEPMANIOIDEA Zieritz et al., 2021
Lopes-Lima, Pfeiffer & Zieritz in Zieritz et al., 2021, Aquatic Conserv.: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 31: 8.
Type genus: Schepmania Haas, 1910 = Schepmania | INDOPSEUDODONTOIDEA Bolotov et al., 2023
Bolotov, Konopleva, Kondakov & Vikhrev in Bolotov et al., 2023, Water 15: 22, Table 1.
Type genus: Indopseudodon Prashad, 1922 = Indopseudodon |
Page updated: 17:16:24 Mon 24 Mar 2025 |