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Thu 06 Feb 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!
For each valid genus, the valid species are listed, Recent taxa first.
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Bivalvia | Unionoida | Unionoidea | Margaritiferidae | Margaritiferinae genus Margaritifera Schumacher, 1816: valid species 18 nominal genera as synonyms | Cladomics
 Margaritifera dahurica (Middendorff, 1850) 10 synonyms | 2 specimens Range: Amur Basin, Russia. [East Asia] Genbank sequences: 16S, 18S, 28S, COI, COI M-type, COII M-type, H3, mtGenome. IUCN Red List: Least Concern. Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Margaritifera falcata (Gould, 1850) 3 synonyms | 1 specimen Range: Pacific drainages from California north to Alaska, western North America; also from the upper Missouri River in Montana. [North America] Genbank sequences: 16S, 18S, 28S, COI, H3, ND1, mtGenome. IUCN Red List: Near Threatened. Nature Serve: G5. Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Margaritifera hembeli (Conrad, 1838) 2 synonyms | 0 specimens Range: Louisiana, eastern Gulf Coastal Plain, North America. [North America] Genbank sequences: 16S, 18S, 28S, COI, COII, COII M-type, H3, SRA, mtGenome. IUCN Red List: Critically Endangered. Nature Serve: G1G2 Threatened. Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Margaritifera laevis (Haas, 1910) 11 synonyms | 12 specimens Range: Kuril and Sakhalin islands, Russia and south through Japan. [East Asia] Genbank sequences: 16S, 18S, 28S, COI, H3, mtGenome. IUCN Red List: Data Deficient. Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2 3 4 5.
 Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) 31 synonyms | 22 specimens Range: Widespread in eastern North America and western Eurasia; reported from Iceland. [North America, North Eurasia] Genbank sequences: 16S, 16S M-type, 18S, 28S, COI, COI M-type, COII M-type, H3, ITS1, ND1, SRA, mtGenome, mtGenome M-type. IUCN Red List: Endangered. Nature Serve: G4. Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2 3 4.
 Margaritifera marrianae R.I. Johnson, 1983 2 synonyms | 1 specimen Range: Alabama, eastern Gulf Coastal Plain, North America. [North America] Genbank sequences: 16S, 18S, 28S, COI, H3, ND1, mtGenome. IUCN Red List: Endangered. Nature Serve: G1 Endangered. Other web sites: ITIS MolluscaBase 2.
 Margaritifera middendorffi (Rosén, 1926) 5 synonyms | 4 specimens Range: Southwestern and extreme southern Kamchatka, eastern Russia, south to Japan. [East Asia] Genbank sequences: 16S, 18S, 28S, COI, H3, mtGenome. IUCN Red List: Least Concern. Other web site: ITIS 2.
Margaritifera antiqua Gu & Yu, 1976 (Cretaceous) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Cretaceous, China. |
Margaritifera condoni (White, 1885) (Tertiary) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Miocene, North America. Other web site: MolluscaBase.
Margaritifera endlichi (White, 1877) (Cretaceous) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Cretaceous, North America. Other web site: MolluscaBase.
Margaritifera geyeri Modell, 1931 (Tertiary) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Oligocene, Europe. Other web site: MolluscaBase 2.
Margaritifera hantkeni Modell, 1950 (Tertiary) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Oligocene, Hungary. [North Eurasia] Other web site: MolluscaBase.
Margaritifera haushamensis Modell, 1931 (fossil) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Other web site: MolluscaBase.
Margaritifera herrei (Hannibal, 1912) (Tertiary) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Eocene, North America. Other web site: MolluscaBase.
Margaritifera inaequiradiatus (Gümbel, 1861) (fossil) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Other web site: MolluscaBase.
Margaritifera lagriega Delevene, Munt, Piñuela & García-Ramos, 2016 (Jurassic) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Late Jurassic, Spain. [North Eurasia] Other web site: MolluscaBase.
Margaritifera latiplicata (Noulet, 1846) (fossil) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: |
Margaritifera onariotis (Mayer, 1869) (fossil) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: |
Margaritifera plana (Ma, 1996) (Jurassic) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Jurassic, China. [East Asia] Other web site: MolluscaBase.
Margaritifera schneideri Modell, 1931 (fossil) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Other web site: MolluscaBase 2.
Margaritifera sinopae (Cockerell, 1915) (Tertiary) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Eocene, North America. Other web site: MolluscaBase.
Margaritifera tanggulaensis (Wen in Zhang et al., 1979) (Jurassic) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Jurassic, China. Other web site: MolluscaBase.
Margaritifera valdensis (Mantell, 1844) (Cretaceous) 1 synonym | 0 specimens Range: Cretaceous, England and Spain. [North Eurasia] Other web site: MolluscaBase.
Page updated: 11:53:32 Thu 06 Feb 2025 |