
Page last updated
Mon 17 Feb 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!

This page documents data for Pfeiffer et al. (2016), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.

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Publication information

Pfeiffer, J.M., N.A. Johnson, C.R. Randklev, R.G. Howells & J.D. Williams. 2016. Generic reclassification and species boundaries in the rediscovered freshwater mussel ‘Quadrula’ mitchelli (Simpson in Dall, 1896). Conservation Genetics 17(2): 279-292.

Click here for online access.

Cladogram Figures

(click the figure number to see the cladogram)

fig. 2

Attributed Species Names

Unio ridellii Frierson, 1927
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Frierson, 1927, Check List N. Amer. Naiades: 54.
Haas, 1969, Das Tierreich 88: 300.
Pfeiffer et al., 2016, Conserv. Genet. 17(2): [3].
(error for Unio riddellii Lea, 1861)

Fusconaia mitchelli Pfeiffer et al., 2016
‘Simpson’ of Authors.
Pfeiffer et al., 2016, Conserv. Genet. 17(2): 281. [in part]
Inoue et al., 2018, Invert. Syst. 32: Table S2. [in part]
(misidentified reference to Unio mitchelli Dall, 1895)

Taxonomic Opinions

Amblema neislerii

Amblema plicata

Anodonta suborbiculata

Cyclonaias tuberculata

Cyrtonaias tampicoensis

Elliptio crassidens

Elliptio dilatata

Elliptio fumata

Elliptoideus sloatianus

Fusconaia askewi

Fusconaia burkei

Fusconaia cerina

Fusconaia escambia

Fusconaia flava

Fusconaia mitchelli (Simpson in Dall, 1896)
+ Unio iheringi B.H. Wright, 1898

Glebula rotundata

Hemistena lata

Lampsilis teres

Leptodea fragilis

Plethobasus cyphyus

Pleurobema clava

Pleurobema collina

Pleurobema cordatum

Pleurobema pyriforme

Pleurobema ridelli [sic]

Pleurobema sintoxia

Pleurobema strodeanum

Pleuronaia dolabelloides

Quadrula apiculata

Quadrula houstonensis

Quadrula mortoni

Quadrula petrina

Reginaia ebena

Reginaia rotulata

Sphenonaias taumilapana (Conrad, 1855)

Tritogonia verrucosa

Truncilla macrodon

Uniomerus declivis

Villosa lienosa

Cladogram Figure 2
  +-------------------------------------- Utterbackiana_suborbiculata
  |                                   +-- Amblema_plicata            
  |                                +--+                              
  |                                |  +-- Amblema_neislerii          
  |  +-----------------------------+                                 
--+  |                             |  +-- Reginaia_rotulata          
  |  |                             +--+                              
  |  |                                +-- Reginaia_ebenus            
  |  |                                                               
  |  |                                +-- Cyrtonaias_tampicoensis    
  |  |                          +-----+                              
  |  |                          |     +-- Glebula_rotundata          
  +--+                          |                                    
     |  +-----------------------+     +-- Lampsilis_teres            
     |  |                       |  +--+                              
     |  |                       |  |  +-- Leaunio_lienosus           
     |  |                       +--+                                 
     |  |                          |  +-- Truncilla_macrodon         
     |  |                          +--+                              
     |  |                             +-- Potamilus_fragilis         
        |  +----------------------------- Elliptoideus_sloatianus    
        |  |                                                         
        |  |              +-------------- Uniomerus_declivis         
        |  |  +-----------+                                          
        |  |  |           |  +----------- Quadrula_quadrula          
        |  |  |           +--+                                       
        +--+  |              |  +-------- Quadrula_verrucosa         
           |  |              +--+                                    
           |  |                 |  +----- Pustulosa_pustulosa        
           |  |                 +--+                                 
           |  |                    |  +-- Pustulosa_petrina          
           |  |                    +--+                              
           +--+                       +-- Cyclonaias_tuberculata     
              |                       +-- Elliptio_fumata            
              |  +--------------------+                              
              |  |                    +-- Elliptio_crassidens        
              |  |                                                   
              |  |  +-------------------- Parvaspina_collina         
              |  |  |                                                
              |  |  +-------------------- Plethobasus_cyphyus        
              +--+  |                                                
                 |  |                 +-- Hemistena_lata             
                 |  +-----------------+                              
                 |  |                 +-- Eurynia_dilatata           
                 |  |                                                
                 |  |              +----- Pleurobema_riddellii       
                 +--+           +--+                                 
                    |           |  |  +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia        
                    |           |  +--+                              
                    |  +--------+     +-- Pleurobema_cordatum        
                    |  |        |                                    
                    |  |        |  +----- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides   
                    |  |        |  |                                 
                    |  |        +--+  +-- Pleurobema_pyriforme       
                    |  |           |  |                              
                    +--+           +--+-- Pleurobema_strodeanum      
                       |              |                              
                       |              +-- Pleurobema_clava           
                       |  +-------------- Fusconaia_askewi           
                       |  |                                          
                       |  |           +-- Fusconaia_mitchelli        
                       +--+  +--------+                              
                          |  |        +-- Fusconaia_iheringi         
                          |  |                                       
                          +--+        +-- Fusconaia_escambia         
                             |  +-----+                              
                             |  |     +-- Fusconaia_burkei           
                                |  +----- Fusconaia_flava__2         
                                   |  +-- Fusconaia_cerina           
                                      +-- Fusconaia_flava__1         

Page updated: 09:59:46 Mon 17 Feb 2025

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"Making the world a better place, one mollusk at a time."