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The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
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The nominal species (available and otherwise) in this synonymy are listed by usage rather than strictly by publication date. The primary sorting order is by the most recent year (since 1969) that the species name was treated as valid, and then nominal species are sorted secondarily by publication year. The taxonomic history of the valid species (since 1900) is listed at the bottom of the page.
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Unionoida | Unionoidea | Unionidae | Parreysiinae | Leoparreysiini | Leoparreysia species Leoparreysia tavoyensis (Gould, 1843): nominal species 90 specimens available.
Unio tavoyensis Gould, 1843
Gould, 1843, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1: 140.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE MCZ_169389, Tavoy, British Burmah.
Unio tavoyensis — Gould (1843), Küster (1861), Reeve (1864), Hanley & Theobald (1876), Martens (1899)
Margaron (Unio) corrugatus — Lea (1852)
Margaron (Unio) tavoyensis — Lea (1870)
Parreysia (s.s.) tavoyensis — Simpson (1900), Preston (1912), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915), Subba Rao (1989), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Parreysia tavoyensis — Prashad (1922), Haas (1969), IUCN (2010), Bogan (2010), ..., Bolotov et al. (2017), Konopleva et al. (2017), Zieritz et al. (2018), Ortiz-Sepulveda et al. (2020)
Leoparreysia tavoyensis — Bolotov et al. (2017), Bolotov et al. (2018), Pfeiffer et al. (2018), Huang et al. (2019), ..., Bolotov et al. (2022), Bolotov et al. (2022), Konopleva et al. (2023), Bolotov et al. (2024)
Unio bhamoensis Theobald, 1873
 Theobald, 1873, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 42: 207, pl. 17, fig. 1.
Type(s): FIGURED SYNTYPE BMNH_88-12-4-1672, Bhamo, Burmah.
Unio bhamoensis — Theobald (1873), Nevill (1877), Martens (1899)
Unio bhamaoensis — Hanley & Theobald (1876), Paetel (1890)
Parreysia (s.s.) bhamoensis — Simpson (1900), Preston (1912), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915), Subba Rao (1989), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Parreysia bhamoensis — Prashad (1922), Srinivasa Rao (1928), Haas (1969), IUCN (2010), Bogan (2010), Zieritz et al. (2018)
Leoparreysia bhamoensis — Bolotov et al. (2017), Pfeiffer et al. (2018), Pfeiffer et al. (2019), Huang et al. (2019), Lopes-Lima et al. (2020), Graf & Cummings (2021)
Leoparreysia tavoyensis — Bolotov et al. (2022)
Unio feae Tapparone Canefri, 1889
Tapparone Canefri, 1889, Ann. Mus. Storia Nat. Genova 27: 340.
Type(s): TYPES ZSI_M16944/2, Meetan, Houngdaran River, Burma.
Unio feae — Tapparone Canefri (1889)
Parreysia (s.s.) feae — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915), Subba Rao (1989), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Parreysia feae — Prashad (1922), Haas (1969), IUCN (2010), Bogan (2010), Zieritz et al. (2018)
Leoparreysia feae — Bolotov et al. (2017), Graf & Cummings (2021)
Leoparreysia tavoyensis — Bolotov et al. (2022)
Unio houngdarauicus Tapparone Canefri, 1889
Hanley & Theobald, 1876, Conch. Indica (8): pl. 154, fig. 7 [as ‘U. Tavoyensis var. ?].
Tapparone Canefri, 1889, Ann. Mus. Storia Nat. Genova 27: 341.
Type(s): TYPES MUSEO CIVICO DI STORIA NATURALE, GENOA, ITALY, Houngdaran River, Meetan, Tenasserim, Lower Burma.
Unio houngdarauicus — Tapparone Canefri (1889)
Parreysia (s.s.) tavoyensis var. triembolus — Simpson (1900), Preston (1912), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915)
Parreysia houngdaranicus — Prashad (1922)
Parreysia tavoyensis — Haas (1969)
Parreysia (s.s.) houngdaranicus — Subba Rao (1989)
Parreysia (s.s.) houngdaranica — Graf & Cummings (2007)
Parreysia houngdaranica — Bogan (2010)
Leoparreysia houngdarauica — Bolotov et al. (2017), Graf & Cummings (2021)
Parreysia houngdarauica — Zieritz et al. (2018)
Leoparreysia tavoyensis — Bolotov et al. (2022)
Parreysia choprae Prashad, 1930
Prashad, 1930, Rec. Ind. Mus. 32: 248, fig. 1; pl. 8, figs. 1-4.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE ZSI_M13018/2, Bank of a hill stream about 5 miles from Hopin towards Namna, Myitkyina.
Parreysia choprae — Prashad (1930), Bogan (2010), IUCN (2010)
Parreysia tavoyensis — Haas (1969)
Parreysia (s.s.) choprae — Subba Rao (1989), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Leoparreysia choprae — Bolotov et al. (2017), Graf & Cummings (2021)
Leoparreysia tavoyensis — Bolotov et al. (2022)
Unio mandelayensis Theobald, 1873
 Theobald, 1873, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 42: 208, pl. 17, fig. 2.
Type(s): FIGURED SYNTYPE BMNH_1888-12-4-2018, Mandalay.
Unio mandelayensis — Theobald (1873), Tapparone Canefri (1889), Martens (1899)
Unio mandelayanus — Hanley & Theobald (1876)
Unio bhamoensis — Nevill (1877)
Parreysia (s.s.) bhamoensis — Simpson (1900), Preston (1912), Preston (1915)
Parreysia (s.s.) mandelayensis — Simpson (1914), Subba Rao (1989), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Parreysia mandelayensis — Prashad (1922), IUCN (2010), Bogan (2010), Whelan et al. (2011), Lopes-Lima et al. (2017), Araujo et al. (2017), Zieritz et al. (2018)
Parreysia bhamoensis — Haas (1969)
Leoparreysia bhamoensis — Bolotov et al. (2017), Graf & Cummings (2021)
Leoparreysia tavoyensis — Bolotov et al. (2022)
Unio lutens Lea, 1856
Lea, 1856, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 8: 93.
(incorrect original spelling of Unio luteus Lea, 1856)
Unio lutens — Lea (1856)
Parreysia (s.s.) corrugata — Simpson (1900), Preston (1912), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915)
Parreysia corrugata — Haas (1969), Bieler (2021)
Unio luteus Lea, 1856
 Lea, 1856, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 8: 93 [as ‘lutens’].
Lea, 1857, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 3 [O. 6]: 291 [11], pl. 24, fig. 4.
(correct name for Unio lutens Lea, 1856)
Type(s): HOLOTYPE AMNH_29109, Newville [Tavoy], Burma, Asia.
Unio luteus — Lea (1856)
Margaron (Unio) luteus — Lea (1870)
Parreysia (s.s.) corrugata — Simpson (1900), Preston (1912), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915)
Parreysia corrugata — Bieler (2021)
Leoparreysia tavoyensis — Bolotov et al. (2022)
Unio tavoiensis Küster, 1862
‘Gould’ Küster, 1862, Conchyl. Cab. 9(2): 309.
(error for Unio tavoyensis Gould, 1843)
Unio tavoiensis — Küster (1862)
Unio parma Sowerby, 1868
 ‘Benson’ Sowerby, 1868, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 95, sp. 514.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE (MONOTYPY) BMNH_88-12-4-1669, Tenasserim, Burma.
Unio parma — Sowerby (1868), Hanley & Theobald (1876), Tapparone Canefri (1889)
Margaron (Unio) tavoyensis — Lea (1870)
Parreysia (s.s.) tavoyensis — Simpson (1900), Preston (1912), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915)
Parreysia tavoyensis — Prashad (1922), Haas (1969)
Leoparreysia tavoyensis — Bolotov et al. (2022)
Unio bhamaoensis Hanley & Theobald, 1876
‘Theobald’ of Authors.
Hanley & Theobald, 1876, Conch. Indica (8): 62.
Paetel, 1890, Cat. Conch.-Samml. 3: 146.
(error for Unio bhamoensis Theobald, 1873)
Unio bhamaoensis — Hanley & Theobald (1876)
Unio mandelayanus Hanley & Theobald, 1876
Hanley & Theobald, 1876, Conch. Indica (8): 62.
(error for Unio mandelayensis Theobald, 1873)
Unio mandelayanus — Hanley & Theobald (1876)
Unio mandelayensis — Tapparone Canefri (1889)
Unio mandelayensis Tapparone Canefri, 1889
‘Theobald’ Tapparone Canefri, 1889, Ann. Mus. Storia Nat. Genova 27: 342.
(reference to Unio mandelayensis Theobald, 1873)
Unio mandelayensis — Tapparone Canefri (1889)
Leoparreysia tavoyensis — Bolotov et al. (2022)
Unio parma Tapparone Canefri, 1889
‘Benson, ex Reeve’ Tapparone Canefri, 1889, Ann. Mus. Storia Nat. Genova 27: 339.
(reference to Unio parma Sowerby, 1868)
Unio parma — Tapparone Canefri (1889)
Leoparreysia tavoyensis — Bolotov et al. (2022)
Unio savoyensis Paetel, 1890
‘Gld.’ Paetel, 1890, Cat. Conch.-Samml. 3: 166.
(error for Unio tavoyensis Gould, 1843)
Unio savoyensis — Paetel (1890)
Parreysia (s.s.) tavoyensis — Simpson (1900), Preston (1912), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915)
Parreysia tavoyensis — Prashad (1922), Haas (1969)
Unio houngdaranicus Simpson, 1900
‘Tapparone Canefri’ of Authors.
Simpson, 1900, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 22: 844.
Preston, 1912, Rec. Ind. Mus. 7: 301.
Simpson, 1914, Descr. Cat. Naiades: 1116.
Preston, 1915, Fauna Brit. India: 167.
Prashad, 1922, Rec. Ind. Mus. 24: 101.
Subba Rao, 1989, Freshw. Moll. India: 183.
Graf & Cummings, 2007, J. Moll. Studies 73: 311.
Bogan, 2010, FADA: [25].
(error for Unio houngdarauicus Tapparone Canefri, 1889)
Unio houngdaranicus — Simpson (1900)
Leoparreysia houngdarauica — Graf & Cummings (2021)
Leoparreysia tavoyensis — Bolotov et al. (2022)
Nodularia croninae Ortmann & Walker, 1922
 Walker in Ortmann & Walker, 1922, Nautilus 36(1): 5, pl. 1, figs. 2-3.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE (ORIG. DESIG.) UMMZ_110035, Mongyu Sealu, Burma [Mongu-Lealui; from original label].
Nodularia croninae — Ortmann & Walker (1922)
Indonaia cronini — Connolly (1925)
Indonaia croninae — Connolly (1931)
Indonaia kunenensis — Haas (1936)
Unio kunenensis — Connolly (1939)
Afronaia kunenensis — Haas (1969)
Caelatura kunenensis — Mandahl-Barth (1988)
Coelatura kunenensis — Daget (1998), Graf & Cummings (2011)
Indonaia cronini Connolly, 1925
‘Walker’ Connolly, 1925, Rec. Albany Mus. 3: [6].
(error for Nodularia croninae Ortmann & Walker, 1922)
Indonaia cronini — Connolly (1925)
Taxonomic History (since 1900)
Parreysia (s.s.) tavoyensis — Simpson (1900), Preston (1912), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915), Subba Rao (1989), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Parreysia (s.s.) corrugata — Simpson (1900), Preston (1912), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915)
Parreysia (s.s.) bhamoensis — Simpson (1900), Preston (1912), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915), Subba Rao (1989), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Parreysia (s.s.) feae — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915), Subba Rao (1989), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Parreysia (s.s.) tavoyensis var. triembolus — Simpson (1900), Preston (1912), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915)
Unio houngdaranicus — Simpson (1900)
Parreysia (s.s.) mandelayensis — Simpson (1914), Subba Rao (1989), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Parreysia tavoyensis — Prashad (1922), Haas (1969), IUCN (2010), Bogan (2010), ..., Bolotov et al. (2017), Konopleva et al. (2017), Zieritz et al. (2018), Ortiz-Sepulveda et al. (2020)
Parreysia bhamoensis — Prashad (1922), Srinivasa Rao (1928), Haas (1969), IUCN (2010), Bogan (2010), Zieritz et al. (2018)
Parreysia mandelayensis — Prashad (1922), IUCN (2010), Bogan (2010), Whelan et al. (2011), Lopes-Lima et al. (2017), Araujo et al. (2017), Zieritz et al. (2018)
Parreysia feae — Prashad (1922), Haas (1969), IUCN (2010), Bogan (2010), Zieritz et al. (2018)
Parreysia houngdaranicus — Prashad (1922)
Nodularia croninae — Ortmann & Walker (1922)
Indonaia cronini — Connolly (1925)
Parreysia choprae — Prashad (1930), Bogan (2010), IUCN (2010)
Indonaia croninae — Connolly (1931)
Indonaia kunenensis — Haas (1936)
Unio kunenensis — Connolly (1939)
Parreysia corrugata — Haas (1969), Bieler (2021)
Afronaia kunenensis — Haas (1969)
Caelatura kunenensis — Mandahl-Barth (1988)
Parreysia (s.s.) houngdaranicus — Subba Rao (1989)
Parreysia (s.s.) choprae — Subba Rao (1989), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Coelatura kunenensis — Daget (1998), Graf & Cummings (2011)
Parreysia (s.s.) houngdaranica — Graf & Cummings (2007)
Parreysia houngdaranica — Bogan (2010)
Leoparreysia tavoyensis — Bolotov et al. (2017), Bolotov et al. (2018), Pfeiffer et al. (2018), Huang et al. (2019), ..., Bolotov et al. (2022), Bolotov et al. (2022), Konopleva et al. (2023), Bolotov et al. (2024)
Leoparreysia bhamoensis — Bolotov et al. (2017), Pfeiffer et al. (2018), Pfeiffer et al. (2019), Huang et al. (2019), Lopes-Lima et al. (2020), Graf & Cummings (2021)
Leoparreysia feae — Bolotov et al. (2017), Graf & Cummings (2021)
Leoparreysia houngdarauica — Bolotov et al. (2017), Graf & Cummings (2021)
Leoparreysia choprae — Bolotov et al. (2017), Graf & Cummings (2021)
Parreysia houngdarauica — Zieritz et al. (2018)
Page updated: 09:49:15 Mon 17 Feb 2025 |