
Page last updated
Thu 06 Mar 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

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The nominal species (available and otherwise) in this synonymy are listed by usage rather than strictly by publication date. The primary sorting order is by the most recent year (since 1969) that the species name was treated as valid, and then nominal species are sorted secondarily by publication year.

The taxonomic history of the valid species (since 1900) is listed at the bottom of the page.

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species Hemistena lata (Rafinesque, 1820): nominal species
     2 specimens available.

Anodonta (Lastena) lata Rafinesque, 1820
Rafinesque, 1820, Ann. Gén. Sci. Phys. 5 (13): 317, pl. 82, figs. 17-18 [also as ‘Lastena lata’].
Rafinesque, 1864, [in] Binney & Tryon, reprint: 59.
Type(s): TYPE ANSP_20227, Kentucky River.

Anodonta (Lastena) lataRafinesque (1820)
Anodonta lataFerussac (1835)
Hemilastena lataAgassiz (1852)
Leptodea lataConrad (1853)
Unio latusKüster (1862)
Microcondylaea lataVest (1866)
Anodon lataSowerby (1867)
Lastena lataSimpson (1900), Ortmann (1912), Simpson (1914), Vanatta (1915), ..., Ortmann (1924), Ortmann (1925), Haas (1969), Stansbery (1970)
Hemistena lataFrierson (1927), Thiele (1934), Haas (1969), Burch (1975), ..., Inoue et al. (2020), FMCS (2021), Graf & Cummings (2021), Hopper et al. (2023)

Unio dehiscens Say, 1829
Say, 1829, New Harm. Dissem. 2(20): 308, sp. 5.
Say, 1831, Amer. Conch. 3: pl. 24.
Say, 1858, [in] Binney, Compl. Writings T. Say: 131, 225.
(renamed Odatelia radiata Rafinesque, 1832)

Unio dehiscensSay (1829), Hanley (1843), Sowerby (1868)
Odatelia radiataRafinesque (1832)
Anodonta lataFerussac (1835)
Margarita (Unio) dehiscensLea (1836), Lea (1838)
Hemilastena lataAgassiz (1852)
Margaron (Margaritana) dehiscensLea (1852), Lea (1870)
Leptodea lataConrad (1853)
Baphia dehiscensAdams & Adams (1857)
Microcondylaea lataVest (1866)
Margaritana dehiscensLewis (1871), B.H. Wright (1888)
Unio (Margaritana sec. Hemistena) dehiscensFischer (1887)
Lastena lataSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Walker (1918), Ortmann (1918), Ortmann & Walker (1922)
Unio (Anodonta) dehiscensCall (1900)
Unio (Sayunio) dehiscensde Gregorio (1914)
Hemistena lataFrierson (1927), Haas (1969), Burch (1975), Parmalee & Bogan (1998), Williams et al. (2008), Watters et al. (2009)

Unio oriens Lea, 1831
Lea, 1831, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 4 [O. 1]: 73, pl. 6, fig. 5.
(renamed Odatelia radiata Rafinesque, 1832)
Type(s): HOLOTYPE USNM_86271, Cincinnati, (Ohio R.), Ohio.

Unio oriensLea (1831), Jay (1835), Küster (1861), Sowerby (1868)
Odatelia radiataRafinesque (1832)
Anodonta lataFerussac (1835)
Margarita (Unio) dehiscensLea (1836), Lea (1838)
Unio dehiscensHanley (1843), Sowerby (1868)
Hemilastena lataAgassiz (1852)
Margaron (Margaritana) dehiscensLea (1852), Lea (1870)
Leptodea lataConrad (1853)
Lastena lataSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Ortmann & Walker (1922)
Hemistena lataFrierson (1927), Haas (1969), Burch (1975), Parmalee & Bogan (1998), Williams et al. (2008), Watters et al. (2009)

Anodonta prelonga Rafinesque, 1832
‘Green’ Rafinesque, 1832, Atl. Jour. 1(4): 154.
Rafinesque, 1864, [in] Binney & Tryon, reprint: 92.
(intro'd as syn of Odatelia radiata Rafinesque, 1832)

Anodonta prelongaRafinesque (1832)
Odatelia radiataRafinesque (1832)
Anodonta lataFerussac (1835)
Hemistena lataFrierson (1927)

Odatelia radiata Rafinesque, 1832
Rafinesque, 1832, Atl. Jour. 1(4): 154.
Rafinesque, 1864, [in] Binney & Tryon, reprint: 92.
(new name for Unio dehiscens Say, 1829; new name for Unio oriens Lea, 1831)

Odatelia radiataRafinesque (1832)
Anodonta lataFerussac (1835)
Lastena lataSimpson (1914), Ortmann & Walker (1922)
Hemistena lataFrierson (1927), Haas (1969), Burch (1975), Parmalee & Bogan (1998), Williams et al. (2008), Watters et al. (2009), Campbell & Lydeard (2012)

Unio hildrethi Delessert, 1841
Delessert, 1841, Recueil Coquilles Lamarck: pl. 19, figs. 4a-b.

Unio hildrethiDelessert (1841)
Lastena lataSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Hemistena lataFrierson (1927), Haas (1969), Parmalee & Bogan (1998), Williams et al. (2008)

Unio (Sayunio) dehiscens var. oriensopsis de Gregorio, 1914
de Gregorio, 1914, Il Nat. Siciliano 2: 62, pl. 7, figs. 2a-b; pl. 10, figs. 4a-b.
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Unio dehiscens Say, 1829)

Unio (Sayunio) dehiscens var. oriensopsisde Gregorio (1914)
Hemistena lataParmalee & Bogan (1998), Williams et al. (2008), Watters et al. (2009), Campbell & Lydeard (2012)

Taxonomic History (since 1900)

Lastena lataSimpson (1900), Ortmann (1912), Simpson (1914), Vanatta (1915), ..., Ortmann (1924), Ortmann (1925), Haas (1969), Stansbery (1970)
Unio (Anodonta) dehiscensCall (1900)
Unio (Sayunio) dehiscensde Gregorio (1914)
Unio (Sayunio) dehiscens var. oriensopsisde Gregorio (1914)
Hemistena lataFrierson (1927), Thiele (1934), Haas (1969), Burch (1975), ..., Inoue et al. (2020), FMCS (2021), Graf & Cummings (2021), Hopper et al. (2023)

Page updated: 09:37:05 Thu 06 Mar 2025

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