
Page last updated
Mon 20 Jan 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

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This page documents data for Inoue et al. (2020), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.

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Publication information

Inoue, K., K.S. Cummings, J.S. Tiemann, T.D. Miller, N.A. Johnson et al. 2020. A new species of freshwater mussel in the genus Popenaias Frierson, 1927, from the Gulf coast rivers of central Mexico (Bivalvia: Unionida: Unionidae) with comments on the genus. Zootaxa 4816(4): 457-490.

Click here for online access.

Cladogram Figures

(click the figure number to see the cladogram)

fig. 2
fig. 3

Attributed Species Names

Popenaias berezai Inoue et al., 2020
Inoue et al., 2020, Zootaxa 4816(4): 464, figs. 5-7, 8A, 9A.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE (ORIG. DESIG.) CNMO_8037, Rio Valles (= Rio Micos), Estacion Micos, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 22.11417, -99.16166.

Taxonomic Opinions

Actinonaias ligamentina
+ Unio callosus Lea, 1841

Amblema elliottii

Amblema neislerii

Amblema plicata

Cyrtonaias explicata

Cyrtonaias tampicoensis

Epioblasma triquetra

Glebula rotundata

Lampsilis cardium

Ligumia recta

Nephronaias ravistella (Morelet, 1849)
+ Unio veraepacis Tristram, 1863

Nephronaias rowellii (Lea, 1859)

Pachynaias spheniopsis

Popenaias berezai Inoue et al. n. sp.
+ Unio popeii Fischer & Crosse, 1894

Popenaias ganina (Pilsbry, 1910)
+ Lampsilis semirasa Pilsbry, 1910
+ Elliptio (Popenaias) popei var. regalis Haas, 1929

Popenaias metallica (Say, 1831)

Popenaias popeii (Lea, 1857)

Popenaias tehuantepecensis (Crosse & Fischer, 1893)

Potamilus alatus

Psoronaias semigranosa

Psorula guatemalensis

Psorula percompressa

Psorula profunda

Psorula rudis

Psorula usumasintae

Ptychobranchus fasciolaris

Quadrula quadrula

Reginaia ebenus

Reginaia rotulata

Sphenonaias microdon

Truncilla truncata

Villosa iris

Cladogram Figure 2
  +-------------------------- Quadrula_quadrula          
  |                       +-- Reginaia_ebenus            
  |  +--------------------+                              
  |  |                    +-- Reginaia_rotulata          
--+  |                                                   
  |  |                 +----- Amblema_plicata            
  |  |  +--------------+                                 
  |  |  |              |  +-- Amblema_elliottii          
  |  |  |              +--+                              
  +--+  |                 +-- Amblema_neislerii          
     |  |                                                
     |  |              +----- Popenaias_popeii           
     |  |           +--+                                 
     |  |           |  |  +-- Popenaias_berezai          
     |  |           |  +--+                              
     |  |           |     +-- Popenaias_semirasa         
     +--+           |                                    
        |  +--------+     +-- Psoronaias_profunda        
        |  |        |     |                              
        |  |        |     +-- Psoronaias_semigranosa__1  
        |  |        |     |                              
        |  |        |     +-- Psoronaias_semigranosa__2  
        |  |        |     |                              
        |  |        +-----+-- Psoronaias_guatemalensis__1
        |  |              |                              
        |  |              +-- Psoronaias_guatemalensis__2
        +--+              |                              
           |              +-- Psoronaias_percompressa    
           |              |                              
           |              +-- Psoronaias_semigranosa__3  
           |              +-- Glebula_rotundata          
           |  +-----------+                              
           |  |           +-- Cyrtonaias_tampicoensis    
           |  |                                          
           +--+  +----------- Potamilus_alatus           
              |  |                                       
              |  |        +-- Ptychobranchus_fasciolaris 
              +--+  +-----+                              
                 |  |     +-- Truncilla_truncata         
                 |  |                                    
                 |  |  +----- Ortmanniana_ligamentina    
                 +--+  |                                 
                    |  +----- Epioblasma_triquetra       
                    |  |                                 
                    |  +----- Lampsilis_cardium          
                    |  |                                 
                    +--+----- Ligumia_recta              
                       +----- Cambarunio_iris            
                       +----- Pachynaias_spheniopsis     
                       |  +-- Cyrtonaias_explicata       
                          +-- Sphenonaias_microdon       
Cladogram Figure 3
  +----------------------------------------- Quadrula_quadrula          
  |                                      +-- Reginaia_ebenus            
  |  +-----------------------------------+                              
--+  |                                   +-- Reginaia_rotulata          
  |  |                                                                  
  |  |                                +----- Amblema_neislerii          
  |  |  +-----------------------------+                                 
  |  |  |                             |  +-- Amblema_plicata            
  +--+  |                             +--+                              
     |  |                                +-- Amblema_elliottii          
     |  |                                                               
     |  |                             +----- Popenaias_popeii           
     |  |                    +--------+                                 
     |  |                    |        |  +-- Popenaias_berezai          
     |  |                    |        +--+                              
     +--+                    |           +-- Popenaias_semirasa         
        |  +-----------------+                                          
        |  |                 |  +----------- Psoronaias_profunda        
        |  |                 |  |                                       
        |  |                 |  |     +----- Psoronaias_guatemalensis__1
        |  |                 +--+  +--+                                 
        |  |                    |  |  |  +-- Psoronaias_semigranosa__1  
        |  |                    |  |  +--+                              
        |  |                    +--+     +-- Psoronaias_percompressa    
        +--+                       |                                    
           |                       |  +----- Psoronaias_semigranosa__3  
           |                       +--+                                 
           |                          |  +-- Psoronaias_guatemalensis__2
           |                          +--+                              
           |                             +-- Psoronaias_semigranosa__2  
           |  +----------------------------- Cyrtonaias_tampicoensis    
           |  |                                                         
           +--+  +-------------------------- Ptychobranchus_fasciolaris 
              |  |                                                      
              +--+  +----------------------- Ligumia_recta              
                 |  |                                                   
                 +--+  +-------------------- Potamilus_alatus           
                    |  |                                                
                    +--+  +----------------- Pachynaias_spheniopsis     
                       |  |                                             
                       |  |              +-- Epioblasma_triquetra       
                       +--+  +-----------+                              
                          |  |           +-- Truncilla_truncata         
                          |  |                                          
                          +--+           +-- Ortmanniana_ligamentina    
                             |  +--------+                              
                             |  |        +-- Lampsilis_cardium          
                                |  +-------- Cambarunio_iris            
                                   |  +----- Sphenonaias_microdon__2    
                                      |  +-- Cyrtonaias_explicata       
                                         +-- Sphenonaias_microdon__1    

Page updated: 13:43:50 Mon 20 Jan 2025

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