Benin |
MNHN_MP_0606 Dahomey: Cercle de Zagnanado sur les rives du bas Ouémé à [Asuandjitomé]
MNHN_MP_0583 Kotonou
MNHN_MP_0585 Kotonou
MNHN_MP_0592 pres Zagnanado, Dahomey
MNHN_MP_0602 Zananado, bords de l’Oueme, Dahomey
MNHN_MP_0607 Dahomey, cercle de Zagnanado, sur les rivieres du Bas Oueme a Dogba
IRSNB_MP_0423 Lagune de Kotomou
IRSNB_MP_0425 Lagune de Kotomou
Cameroon |
MNHN_MP_0587 Nono, riv. Wuri
MNHN_MP_0601 Lac Ossa
BMNH_1911-10-27-3 River Logone, South of Lake Chad
Central African Republic |
MNHN_MP_0203 Haut Oubangui
MNHN_MP_0542 affluent de la Kémo at de la Comi (trib Oubangi - Congo)
MNHN_MP_0589 Mamoun (Chari)
Chad |
MNHN_MP_0197 Lac Tchad
MNHN_MP_0238 Lac Tchad
MNHN_MP_0225 Lac Tchad
MNHN_MP_0292 Lac Chad
MNHN_MP_0301 Lac Tchad
UMMZ_248788 Chari River, sand bar in river, at J’D’jamena, Republic of Chad
SMF_12248_01 Muse Elu (Lere See), Benue Gebiet
MNHN_MP_0593 Fort Lamy, Chari
MNHN_MP_0608 Parc National de Zakouma, Tchad
MNHN_MP_0611 Lac Tchad, Baga Sola
MNHN_MP_0612_01 Lac Tchad (Bol)
MNHN_MP_0613 Lac Tchad
MNHN_MP_0614 Lac Tchad
MNHN_MP_0615 Lac Tchad
MNHN_MP_0617 Lac Tchad
MNHN_MP_0618 Lac Tchad
MNHN_MP_0619 Lac Tchad
MNHN_MP_0620 Lac Tchad
MNHN_MP_0616 Lac Tchad (nord)
MNHN_MP_0622 Lac Tchad
MNHN_MP_0624 Baga Sola, Lac Tchad
MNHN_MP_0625 Mayo Kebi près e Lére (Tchad)
MNHN_MP_0626 Le Bas Chari
MNHN_MP_0628 Lac Tchad, Baga Sola
MNHN_MP_0631 Samia (lac Tchad)
MNHN_MP_0632 Fort Lamy, lac Tchad, dans le Chari
BMNH_1932-2-8-64-67 Lake Chad
BMNH_1923-3-6-15 Lake Chad, Sudan
MRAC_798073 Lac Tchad: Fort Lamy
IRSNB_MP_0529 Lac Tchad...
Congo (Brazzaville) |
MNHN_MP_0749 Oubanghi (bas)
MNHN_MP_0579 L’Oubangui
Congo (DRC) |
MRAC_59259 Lac Albert Mahagi
MRAC_483032 Lac Albert Kasenyi
ZMB_108807 Kassenye, Albert Nyanza
ZMB_112993 Albert See, Kassenji
ZMB_108808 Undussuma, ... Albert Nyansa
ANSP_134051 Garamba River, Belgian Congo
ANSP_133858 W shore of L. Albert
MRAC_58433 Lac Albert Mahagi Port
MRAC_58436 Lac Albert Mahagi Port
MRAC_58440 Lac Albert Kasenyi
MRAC_58443 Garamba
MRAC_58931 Lac Albert Mahagi Port
AMNH_72066 Aba River, Africa
AMNH_72067 Middle Garambe River, Belgian Congo (Zaire), Africa
ZMB_MP_0392 Kassenge, SW Albert Nyansa
MCZ_172816 Lake Edward, Ishango, Belgian Congo
MCZ_41064 Lake Albert, Mahagi, Belgian Congo
MCZ_171875 Lake Edward, N shore, Kasindi, Belgian Congo
IRSNB_MP_0679 Nsendwe, Congo Belge
IRSNB_MP_0680 Nsendwe, Haut-Lualaba, Congo Belge
IRSNB_MP_0696 Kasenga Luapula, Congo Belge
IRSNB_MP_0706 Lac Edouard Isango, Congo Belge
IRSNB_MP_0726 Nsendwe, Congo Belge [This doesn’t look like anything from the Congo]
Côte d'Ivoire |
MNHN_MP_0597 Côte d’Ivoire, river Bagoe pres de Kouto, (bassin de Niger)
Egypt |
USNM_126439 [Nile R.], Nubia, Africa
USNM_126956B R. Nile, Egypt
USNM_160045 Syene, Upper Egypt
UF_93228 Egypt
MNHN_MP_0280 Bahr Yousef, Egypte
USNM_86783 Nile R., Egypt
UF_270738 Nile River, North of Alexandria, Egypt
AMNH_30889 Nile River, Egypt
AMNH_31288 River Nile, Egypt
DMNH_120068 Nile River, Egypt
ZMB_35201 Bahr el Jussuf
ANSP_403518 Nile River, Maadi, about 10 km south of Cairo, Egypt; 29 58- -N, 031 15 --E
ANSP_146183 Mahmoudich Canal, Africa
ANSP_149616 Nile River, Egypt
UMMZ_111998 Darde, nr Asswan, Egypt
UMMZ_111999 Canal Mahmoudich, Egypt
UMMZ_46010 Nile River, Egypt
UMMZ_111981 The Nile, Egypt
UMMZ_111982 Port Said
MRAC_58572 Egypte: le Nil
SMF_83009 Debod, Egypten
SMF_83008 Nilufer Insel, Elephantine yegenub. Assuan
SMF_12253 Ob. Egypten [Upper Egypt]
SMF_12257 Egypten, Africa
SMF_83007 Debod, Egypten
SMF_319638 Nil bei Luxor, Egypten
SMF_12256 Bahr el Karum, bei El Fayum, U. Eg.
SMF_12250_02 Mahmudie-Kanal, bei Alexandrien
SMF_319215 Abu Simbel, shore of Lake Nassar, Aegypten
MRAC_59008 Egypte: Canal Mahmoudieh
MCZ_156706 Nile River, Egypt
MNHN_MP_0594 canal, Ismallia
MNHN_MP_0595 canal, d’Ismallia (Egypte)
MNHN_MP_0598 canal, Ismalia
MNHN_MP_0612_02 Egypte
MNHN_MP_0623 The Nile, Egypt
MNHN_MP_0629 Le Nil, Egypte
MNHN_MP_0630 Egypte
MNHN_MP_0633 Nil, Egypt
MNHN_MP_0634 Ismalia
MNHN_MP_0635 Ismailia canal
MNHN_MP_0636 du canal St. Joseph, Egypte, Nil
AMNH_292216 River Nile, Egypt
BMNH_MP_211 Bahr el Faraomijeh
UMMZ_111984 Canal Mahmoudich, Egypt
UMMZ_57494 Lake Karum, Karanis, Fayum District, Egypt
IRSNB_MP_0375 Canal Ismaileh (eau douce) a Ismailia
IRSNB_MP_0389 Alexandrie
IRSNB_MP_0391 Ismaila dans le canal d’eau douce Ismailia
IRSNB_MP_0392 Ismailia dans le canal d’eau douce Ismailieh
MCZ_60131 Nile River, Egypt
MCZ_134061 Suez at Port Said, Egypt
BMNH_46-7-24-18 Syene, Egypt
IRSNB_MP_0642 Canal Mahmoudieh, Egypte
IRSNB_MP_0694 Ismaila
BMNH_46-7-24-19 Syene, Egypt
Gambia |
MNHN_MP_0534 Gambie
Ghana |
MRAC_799163 Ghana: lac Volta, Zikpo
MRAC_799164 Ghana: lac Volta, Zikpo
MRAC_799165 Ghana: lac Volta, Kabutey
MRAC_799166 Ghana: lac Volta, Agogovi Kope
Kenya |
BMNH_1904-7-17-5 Lake Rudolf
Mali |
MNHN_MP_0512 Haut Senegal, Niger
MNHN_MP_0586 Bamako (canal)
MNHN_MP_0588 Bamakou, Niger
MNHN_MP_0591 Yiri Madio (Niger)
MNHN_MP_0605 Niger, pres d’ Mopti
IRSNB_MP_0395 Koulikoro Niger
Morocco |
MNHN_MP_0582 Maroc
Niger |
MNHN_MP_0580 Gourao
MNHN_MP_0584 Gourao
MNHN_MP_0609 Gourao (Niger)
MNHN_MP_0610 Gourao (Niger)
MNHN_MP_0627 Ténéré
Nigeria |
ZMB_17668 Niger Maschel bei Rabba
BMNH_1905-1-30-9-12 N. Nigeria
BMNH_904-5-19-1-5 The Dago at Zungeru, Northern Nigeria
BMNH_1949-12-7-2 Niger River, Lokoja, Nigeria
MCZ_40868 Wudil, Kano, Northern Nigeria
Senegal |
CM_61.1541 Senegal
MNHN_MP_0245 Fleuve Faleme, Senegal
AMNH_31291 Senegal
AMNH_61950 Senegal
AMNH_31290 Senegal
DMNH_172993 Senegal
DMNH_173146 Senegal
ZMB_112998 Senegal
ZMB_112989 Senegal
MRAC_57575 Senegal
MRAC_57576 Senegal
UMMZ_111977 Senegambia, West Africa
MRAC_58424 Senegal
MNHN_MP_0523 Senegal
MNHN_MP_0525 Senegal
MNHN_MP_0531 Pambélé sur de Sénégal (Afrique occidentale)
MNHN_MP_0533 Senegal
MNHN_MP_0535 Senegal
MNHN_MP_0537 Senegal
MNHN_MP_0539 Senegal
MNHN_MP_0543 de al Faleme.... confluent dans le Sénégal
MNHN_MP_0544 Senegal
MNHN_MP_0599 Faleme, Senegal
AMNH_30887 Senegal
BMNH_MP_188 Senegal
BMNH_40-2-22-21 Senegal
BMNH_MP_258 Senegal
IRSNB_MP_0377 Senegal
MCZ_171542 Senegal, French West Africa
IRSNB_MP_0634 Senegal
IRSNB_MP_0677 Senegal
IRSNB_MP_0688 Senegal
Sudan |
BMNH_MP_380 mouth of the White Nile
BMNH_MP_385 mouth of the White Nile
USNM_215180 White Nile, Gordon Tree, above Khartoum
ZMB_53587 Fachoda
ZMB_37440 Sennaar
UMMZ_248936 Swampy area North of Kosti bridge, White Nile River, Sudan
UMMZ_248935 Swampy bank of White Nile of Kosti, Sudan & across from Aba Is.
UMMZ_111993 Fachoda, Anglo Egyptian Sudan
UMMZ_111988 Upper Nile, Africa
UMMZ_108020 River Nile, between Rejat and Nimula, Sudan, East Africa
MRAC_58425 Embouchure du Nil Blanc
SMF_12254 Fachoda
SMF_12251 Sudan
SMF_993 Lakadivia-Insel, Bahr-el-Abiad [Bahr al Abyad = White Nile] [Sudan]
SMF_319214 N Sudan
MNHN_MP_0673 Nil Blanc
MNHN_MP_0675 Nil Blanc
MNHN_MP_0676 Nil Blanc
MNHN_MP_0677 Nil Blanc
MNHN_MP_0678 Nil Blanc
MNHN_MP_0679 Sennar
MNHN_MP_0682 Soudan Anglo Egyptien
MNHN_MP_0683 Soudan Anglo Egyptien
MNHN_MP_0684 Sennar
MNHN_MP_0685 Nil Blanc
MNHN_MP_0689 Fleuve Blanc
BMNH_MP_196 south of Melut
BMNH_1923-6-8-1161 White Nile, Khartum, S. Sudan
BMNH_MP_198 Gebel En
BMNH_MP_179 Masran Is.
BMNH_MP_186 Masran Island
BMNH_MP_190 Gebel Ahmed Agha
BMNH_1923-6-8-1142 Gebel Ahmed Agha
BMNH_1923-6-8-1157-1160 near Mogran, S. Sudan
MRAC_799133 Soudan: rive gauche du Nil a Eyzumar pres du Village de Tabo Northern Prov.
MRAC_97730 Soudan: Bahr el Abiad, Khor Adar
MRAC_97746 Soudan: Bahr el Abiad, Aradiba
IRSNB_MP_0371 Fachoda
IRSNB_MP_0390 riv. SE du lac Tchad entre Bol et le confluent du Bahr el Gazal
MCZ_88900 Lol River, Nyanlel, Equitoria, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
MCZ_75736 Gel River, between Rumbek and Tonj, Equitoria, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
Uganda |
USNM_215182 Albert Nyanza, Butiaba
USNM_215183 Rhino Camp, L. Enclave
USNM_606826 Lake Albert, Butiaba, Uganda
ANSP_164951 Lake Edward, Butiaba, Africa
ANSP_348827 Stand of Lake Albert, Butiaba, Uganda; 1.48 N; 31.21 E
UMMZ_111985 Lake Albert, British Uganda, Africa
UMMZ_67728 Lake Albert, Butiaba, Uganda, East Africa
UMMZ_108021 Masindi, between L. Albert and Victoria, Africa
SMF_12249 Kioga See, zw Victoria und Albert See, O. Afrika
MCZ_260519 Lake Victoria, Queen Elizabeth Park, Uganda
MNHN_MP_0687 lac albert, Kaiso (Afrique Orientale)
MNHN_MP_0688 Uganda
BMNH_1940-7-31-1-3 Lake Albert, Butiaba
BMNH_MP_191 Lake Albert, Ugandan shore, between Kibro and Tonya
BMNH_1930-12-3-365-367 Uganda
BMNH_MP_174 Tonia, Albert Nyanza
MCZ_53506 Kioga, lake between Lake Albert and Lake Victoria, Uganda
MCZ_175081 Lake Albert, Butiaba, Uganda
MCZ_139758 Lake Albert, Bugungu, near Butiaba, Uganda
unknown |
IRSNB_MP_0757 Afrique Tropicale
UF_93193 Nile River
USNM_25683 River Nile
MRAC_275691 Mabaqi, presque’ile Tunduru
USNM_86775 [no locality available - Africa]
MRAC_406727 Lac Edward
AMNH_61953 [no locality available - Africa]
DMNH_56407 Le Nil (Nile River)
ZMB_112995 Albert Eduard See
ZMB_112994 Albert Eduard See
ZMB_112992 Afrika
ZMB_112987 Land
ZMB_112997 Afrika
ZMB_9617 [no locality available - Africa]
ZMB_112974 Mion
ZMB_111982 Afrika
ZMB_111981 Mbugu, Victoria Nyansa
ZMB_109093 Ituri [this is presumably from Lake Albert]
ANSP_125479 W. Africa
UMMZ_111975 West Africa
UMMZ_111986_02 Tropical Africa
UMMZ_23171 Africa
UMMZ_111973 Africa
ANSP_9059 River Nile
ANSP_129951 River Nile
UMMZ_111976 The Nile
UMMZ_22892 Africa
UMMZ_111979 The Nile, Africa
FMNH_3259 Africa
MRAC_58423 Africale
MRAC_58427 West Africa
MRAC_58428 Africa
MNHN_MP_0715 Niger
MRAC_58557 Le Nil
MRAC_58571 Le Nil
SMF_12252 [no locality available - Africa]
SMF_12247 Nil in Nubien
SMF_319216 Viktoria-See, Tansania [Lake Victoria, Tanzania]
SMF_12255 [no locality available - Africa]
MNHN_MP_0577 [no locality available - Africa]
MNHN_MP_0578 Le Nil
MNHN_MP_0590 Niger
MNHN_MP_0596 Nil
MNHN_MP_0600 Nil
MNHN_MP_0603 Niger
MNHN_MP_0604 Niger
MNHN_MP_0637 Le Nil
MNHN_MP_0638 Nil
MNHN_MP_0639 Nil
MNHN_MP_0640 Nil
MNHN_MP_0674 Le Nil
MNHN_MP_0686 [no locality available - Africa]
MNHN_MP_0722 Le Nil
MRAC_614283 Lac Edouard, plage de Berra
BMNH_1901-8-16-24 Albert Nyanza, British Central Africa
BMNH_MP_201 Africa
BMNH_MP_202 Africa
BMNH_MP_177 Nile River
AMNH_30890 [no locality available - Africa]
MRAC_783612 Lac Edward
BMNH_46-7-24-15-16 Nile River
BMNH_1900-7-17-304 Nile River
BMNH_MP_165 Lake Albert
BMNH_MP_173 Nile River
BMNH_MP_219 Africa
BMNH_MP_217 Africa
BMNH_1901-8-16-13 Albert Nyanza
BMNH_46-4-24-17 Egypt & Senegal
BMNH_MP_205 Nile River
BMNH_MP_199 Egypt & Senegal
AMNH_30888 [no locality available - Africa]
IRSNB_MP_0340 Lac Albert
IRSNB_MP_0366 [no locality available - Africa]
IRSNB_MP_0369 [no locality available - Africa]
IRSNB_MP_0370 [no locality available - Africa]
IRSNB_MP_0372 [locality illegible]
IRSNB_MP_0385 Victoria See Uganda
IRSNB_MP_0386 Africa
IRSNB_MP_0398 [no locality available - Africa]
IRSNB_MP_0400 Nil
IRSNB_MP_0418 [no locality available - Africa]
MCZ_72825 Lake Edward, Uganda
ANSP_41818 Africa
IRSNB_MP_0459_02 Afrique Tropicale
IRSNB_MP_0630 Le Nil
IRSNB_MP_0631 Nil
IRSNB_MP_0636 Nil
IRSNB_MP_0678 Afrique Tropicale
IRSNB_MP_0682 Nil
IRSNB_MP_0690 Nil
IRSNB_MP_0693 [no locality available - Africa]