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Thu 06 Feb 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
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This page documents data for Habe (1991), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.
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Publication information
Habe, T. 1991. Catalogue of non-marine molluscs in Japan. Hitachiobi 56: 3-7.
Attributed Genus Names
Oguranodonta Kuroda & Habe, 1987
Kuroda & Habe, 1987, Venus 45: 217.
Habe, 1991, Hitachiobi 56: 4.
Type species: Oguranodonta ogurae Kuroda & Habe, 1987 (monotypy) = Sinanodonta tumens |
Inversidena Habe, 1991
‘Haas’ Habe, 1991, Hitachiobi 56: 4.
(error for Inversidens Haas, 1911)
Nipponohyria Habe, 1991
‘Starobogatov’ Habe, 1991, Hitachiobi 56: 4.
(error for Nipponihyria Starobogatov, 1970)
Inversiunio Habe, 1991
Habe, 1991, Hitachiobi 56: 3.
Type species: Unio reinianus Kobelt, 1879 (sub. desig. by Kondo, 1998: 86) = Inversiunio reinianus |
Attributed Species Names
Taxonomic Opinions
Anemina arcaeformis (Heude, 1877)
Anodonta (Sinanodonta) calipygos Kobelt, 1879
Anodonta (Sinanodonta) flavotincta Martens, 1905
+ Anodonta iwakawai Suzuki, 1939
Anodonta (Sinanodonta) woodiana (Lea, 1834)
+ Anodonta japonica Clessin, 1874
+ Anodonta lauta Martens, 1877
Cristaria plicata (Leach, 1815)
Cristaria spatiosa Clessin, 1875
Hyriopsis (Sinohyriopsis) cumingii (Lea, 1852)
Hyriopsis (Sinohyriopsis) schlegeli (Martens, 1861)
Inversidena [sic] brandti (Kobelt, 1879)
Inversidena [sic] japanensis (Lea, 1859)
Inversiunio reiniana (Kobelt, 1879)
Inversiunio yanagamensis [sic] (Kondo, 1982)
Lanceolaria grayana (Lea, 1834)
+ Lanceolaria oxyrhyncha cuspidata Kira, 1959
Lanceolaria oxyrhynchus (Martens, 1861)
Margaritifera (Dahurinaia) laevis (Haas, 1910)
+ Margaritifera (Dahurinaia) kunahiriensis Habe, 1991
Oguranodonta ogurae Kuroda & Habe, 1988
Pseudodon (Obovalis) omiensis (Heimburg, 1884)
Unio biwae Kobelt, 1879
Unio douglasiae Gray in Griffith & Pidgeon, 1834
+ Unio nipponensis Martens, 1877
Page updated: 12:20:26 Thu 06 Feb 2025 |