
Page last updated
Wed 11 Sep 2024

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

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This page documents data for Lopes-Lima et al. (2017), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.

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Publication information

Lopes-Lima, M., M.M. Fonseca, D.C. Aldridge, A.E. Bogan, H.M. Gan et al. 2017. The first Margaritiferidae male (M-type) mitogenome: mitochondrial gene order as a potential character for determining higher-order phylogeny within Unionida (Bivalvia). Journal of Molluscan Studies 83: 249-252.

Click here for online access.

Cladogram Figures

(click the figure number to see the cladogram)

fig. 2
fig. 2-M

Attributed Species Names

Lamprotula gottschei He et al., 2016
‘Martens’ of Authors.
He et al., 2016, mtDNA 27(1): 246.
Xue et al., 2016, mtDNA 27(4): 2699.
Zhou et al., 2016, mtDNA 27(6): 4616.
Fonseca et al., 2016, mtDNA B 1(1): 955.
Lopes-Lima et al., 2017, J. Moll. Studies 83: 250.
Araujo et al., 2017, Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 179(2): 280.
Soroka & Burzynski, 2017, mtDNA B 2(2): 863.
Aunins et al., 2018, mtDNA B 3(2): 1125.
Cha et al., 2018, mtDNA B 3(2): 946.
Fukata & Iigo, 2019, mtDNA B 4(2): 3489.
Fukata & Iigo, 2020, mtDNA B 5(2): 1216.
Sano et al., 2020, Plankton Benthos Res. 15(2): 100.
Chen et al., 2020, mtDNA B 5(3): 2800.
Kim et al., 2021, mtDNA B 6(1): 80.
Pavan-Kumar et al., 2022, Mol. Biol. Rep. 49: Table S1.
(misidentified reference to Unio gottschei Martens, 1894)

Taxonomic Opinions

Aculamprotula coreana

Aculamprotula tortuosa

Anemina arcaeformis

Anemina euscaphys

Anodonta anatina

Arconaia lanceolata

Cristaria plicata

Cuneopsis pisciculus

Lamprotula gottschei

Lamprotula leai

Lampsilis ornata

Lanceolaria grayana

Lasmigona compressa

Margaritifera dahurica

Margaritifera falcata

Margaritifera marocana (Pallary, 1918)

Nodularia douglasiae

Potomida littoralis

Pronodularia japanensis

Pyganodon grandis

Quadrula quadrula

Sinanodonta lucida

Sinanodonta woodiana

Sinohyriopsis cumingii

Sinohyriopsis schlegelii

Solenaia carinata

Solenaia oleivora

Toxolasma parvum

Unio delphinus

Unio pictorum

Utterbackia imbecillis

Utterbackia peninsularis

Venustaconcha ellipsiformis

Cladogram Figure 2
                       +----- Pseudunio_marocanus        
  |                    |  +-- Margaritifera_falcata      
  |                    +--+                              
  |                       +-- Margaritifera_dahurica     
  |                 +-------- Quadrula_quadrula          
  |  +--------------+                                    
  |  |              |  +----- Toxolasma_parvum           
--+  |              +--+                                 
  |  |                 |  +-- Lampsilis_ornata           
  |  |                 +--+                              
  |  |                    +-- Venustaconcha_ellipsiformis
  |  |                                                   
  |  |                    +-- Sinohyriopsis_cumingii     
  |  |           +--------+                              
  |  |           |        +-- Sinohyriopsis_schlegelii   
  |  |           |                                       
  +--+  +--------+        +-- Sinosolenaia_oleivora      
     |  |        |  +-----+                              
     |  |        |  |     +-- Sinosolenaia_carinata      
     |  |        +--+                                    
     |  |           |  +----- Potomida_littoralis        
     |  |           +--+                                 
     |  |              |  +-- Pronodularia_japanensis    
     |  |              +--+                              
     |  |                 +-- Lamprotula_leaii           
     |  |                                                
     |  |                 +-- Lanceolaria_lanceolata     
     |  |     +-----------+                              
     +--+     |           +-- Lanceolaria_grayii         
        |     |                                          
        |  +--+           +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa     
        |  |  |  +--------+                              
        |  |  |  |        +-- Aculamprotula_coreana      
        |  |  |  |                                       
        |  |  +--+        +-- Unio_delphinus             
        |  |     |  +-----+                              
        |  |     |  |     +-- Unio_pictorum              
        |  |     +--+                                    
        |  |        |  +----- Schistodesmus_lampreyanus  
        |  |        +--+                                 
        +--+           |  +-- Tchangsinaia_piscicula     
           |           +--+                              
           |              +-- Nodularia_douglasiae       
           |     +----------- Anodonta_anatina           
           |  +--+                                       
           |  |  |  +-------- Platynaias_compressa       
           |  |  +--+                                    
           |  |     |  +----- Pyganodon_grandis          
           |  |     +--+                                 
           +--+        |  +-- Utterbackia_peninsularis   
              |        +--+                              
              |           +-- Utterbackia_imbecillis     
              |     +-------- Cristaria_plicata          
              |     |                                    
              +-----+     +-- Sinanodonta_lucida         
                    |  +--+                              
                    |  |  +-- Sinanodonta_woodiana       
                       |  +-- Anemina_arcaeformis        
                          +-- Anemina_euscaphys          
Cladogram Figure 2-M
  +----------------- Pseudunio_marocanus        
  |              +-- Venustaconcha_ellipsiformis
--+  +-----------+                              
  |  |           +-- Quadrula_quadrula          
  |  |                                          
  +--+        +----- Sinosolenaia_carinata      
     |  +-----+                                 
     |  |     |  +-- Potomida_littoralis        
     |  |     +--+                              
     +--+        +-- Pronodularia_japanensis    
        |  +-------- Unio_delphinus             
           |  +----- Anodonta_anatina           
              |  +-- Utterbackia_peninsularis   
                 +-- Pyganodon_grandis          

Page updated: 09:52:21 Wed 11 Sep 2024

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"Making the world a better place, one mollusk at a time."