
Page last updated
Mon 20 Jan 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

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This page documents data for Fukata & Iigo (2020), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.

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Publication information

Fukata, Y. & M. Iigo. 2020. The complete mitochondrial genome of freshwater mussel Pronodularia japanensis (Gonideinae, Unionidae, Unionida) from Tochigi Prefecture, Japan, and its phylogenetic analysis. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources 5(2): 1215-1217.

Click here for online access.

Cladogram Figures

(click the figure number to see the cladogram)

fig. 1

Attributed Species Names

Unio crassus Soroka, 2005
‘Philippson’ of Authors.
Soroka, 2005, Zool. Sci. 22: 1138, Table 1.
Soroka, 2010, Folia Malac. 18(4): Table 2. [in part]
Reis et al., 2013, Graellsia 69(1): 22, Table 2.
Prié & Puillandre, 2014, Hydrobiologia 735(1): online resource 1 [as ‘Unio crassus crassus’].
Douda et al., 2014, J. Appl. Ecol. 51: 1087. [in part]
Froufe et al., 2016, Org Divers Evol 16(3): 606, fig. 3. [in part]
Klishko et al., 2017, Zootaxa 4286(1): 98, Table 3.
Soroka & Burzynski, 2017, mtDNA B 2(2): 863.
Burzynski et al., 2017, MPE 107: 606.
Lopes-Lima et al., 2017, Biol. Rev. 92(1): Table S1 [as ‘Unio crassus crassus’]. [in part]
Araujo et al., 2018, J. Linn. Soc., Zool. 182(2): supplementary table. [in part]
Klishko et al., 2018, Systemat. Biodiv. 16(3): 291.
Burzynski & Soroka, 2018, PeerJ 6, e5573: 3.
Wang et al., 2018, Conserv. Genet. Resour. 10(4): 611.
Wang et al., 2018, Conserv. Genet. Resour. 11: 140.
Cha et al., 2018, mtDNA B 3(2): 946.
Aunins et al., 2018, mtDNA B 3(2): 1125.
Wu et al., 2018, PLoS One 13(8), e0200956: 6. [in part]
Klishko et al., 2019, Ruthenica 29(1): 57, Table 1.
Wu et al., 2019, ZooKeys 812: 29.
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S5. [in part]
Fukata & Iigo, 2019, mtDNA B 4(2): 3489.
Guerra et al., 2019, BMC Evol. Biol. 19 (229): Table S1.
Froufe et al., 2019, Heredity 124: 185.
Soroka, 2020, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 58(2): Table 2.
Fukata & Iigo, 2020, mtDNA B 5(2): 1216.
Sano et al., 2020, Plankton Benthos Res. 15(2): 99.
Wu et al., 2020, Invert. Syst. 34: Table S2.
Kilikowska et al., 2020, Life 10(7): 1. [in part]
Lopes-Lima et al., 2021, MPE 163: fig. 6 [by voucher number]. [in part]
Sayenko et al., 2021, Systemat. Biodiv. 19: 58, Table 1.
Wu et al., 2021, J. Lake Sci. 33(6): attached Table 2.
Zieritz et al., 2021, Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 193(3): 1092.
Kim et al., 2021, mtDNA B 6(1): 80.
Pfarrer et al., 2022, Hydrobiologia 849: ESM1.
Wu et al., 2022, Zool. Scripta 51: Table S2.
Dai et al., 2023, Invert. Syst. 37(2): Table 2.
Chen et al., 2023, ZooKeys 1173: Table 1.
Wu et al., 2023, Org Divers Evol (2023): Table 2.
Dai et al., 2024, Zool. Scripta 53: Table 1.
Wu et al., 2024, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 2024, 1499508: Table 2.
Wu et al., 2024, Zool. Scripta early online: Table S3.
Dai et al., 2024, Invert. Syst. 38(6): Table 3. [in part]
(misidentified reference to Unio crassus Retzius, 1788)

Lamprotula gottschei He et al., 2016
‘Martens’ of Authors.
He et al., 2016, mtDNA 27(1): 246.
Xue et al., 2016, mtDNA 27(4): 2699.
Zhou et al., 2016, mtDNA 27(6): 4616.
Fonseca et al., 2016, mtDNA B 1(1): 955.
Lopes-Lima et al., 2017, J. Moll. Studies 83: 250.
Araujo et al., 2017, Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 179(2): 280.
Soroka & Burzynski, 2017, mtDNA B 2(2): 863.
Aunins et al., 2018, mtDNA B 3(2): 1125.
Cha et al., 2018, mtDNA B 3(2): 946.
Fukata & Iigo, 2019, mtDNA B 4(2): 3489.
Fukata & Iigo, 2020, mtDNA B 5(2): 1216.
Sano et al., 2020, Plankton Benthos Res. 15(2): 100.
Chen et al., 2020, mtDNA B 5(3): 2800.
Kim et al., 2021, mtDNA B 6(1): 80.
Pavan-Kumar et al., 2022, Mol. Biol. Rep. 49: Table S1.
(misidentified reference to Unio gottschei Martens, 1894)

Lampsilis ornate Xue et al., 2016
Xue et al., 2016, mtDNA 27(4): [2].
Wu et al., 2016, mtDNA 27(6): 4521.
Chong et al., 2016, Ecol. & Evol. 6(8): Table S2.
Zhou et al., 2017, Conserv. Genet. Resour. 9: 235.
Wu et al., 2018, Conserv. Genet. Resour. 10: 732.
Fukata & Iigo, 2020, mtDNA B 5(2): 1216.
(error for Unio ovatus var. ornatus Conrad, 1835)

Lamprotula scripta Wang et al., 2018
of Authors.
Wang et al., 2018, Conserv. Genet. Resour. 10(4): 611.
Aunins et al., 2018, mtDNA B 3(2): 1125.
Wang et al., 2018, Conserv. Genet. Resour. 11: 140.
Cha et al., 2018, mtDNA B 3(2): 946 [as ‘Aculamprotula’].
Froufe et al., 2019, Heredity 124: 185.
Fukata & Iigo, 2020, mtDNA B 5(2): 1216.
Chen et al., 2020, mtDNA B 5(3): 2800.
(misidentified reference to Unio scriptus Heude, 1875)

Taxonomic Opinions

Aculamprotula tientsinensis

Acuticosta chinensis

Alasmidonta heterodon

Alasmidonta varicosa

Anodonta anatina

Anodonta arcaeformis

Anodonta cygnea

Anodonta euscaphys

Anodonta lucida

Arconaia lanceolata

Cristaria plicata

Cumberlandia monodonta

Cuneopsis capitata

Cuneopsis heudei

Cuneopsis pisciculus

Elliptio complanata

Gibbosula crassa

Hyriopsis cumingii

Hyriopsis schlegelii

Lamprotula caveata

Lamprotula coreana

Lamprotula gottschei

Lamprotula leai

Lamprotula scripta

Lamprotula tortuosa

Lampsilis cardium

Lampsilis ornate [sic]

Lampsilis powellii

Lampsilis siliquoidea

Lanceolaria gladiola

Lanceolaria grayana

Lepidodesma languilati

Leptodea leptodon

Margaritifera marocana

Monodontina vondembuschiana

Nodularia douglasiae

Pilsbryoconcha exilis

Potamilus alatus

Potomida littoralis

Pronodularia japanensis

Ptychorhynchus pfisteri

Pyganodon grandis

Quadrula quadrula

Schistodesmus lampreyanus

Sinanodonta woodiana

Solenaia carinatus

Solenaia oleivora

Solenaia rivularis

Unio crassus

Unio delphinus

Unio pictorum

Unio tumidus

Uniomerus tetralasmus

Utterbackia peninsularis

Venustaconcha ellipsiformis

Villosa lienosa

Cladogram Figure 1
                          +----- Gibbosula_crassa           
  |                       |  +-- Pseudunio_marocanus        
  |                       +--+                              
  |                          +-- Cumberlandia_monodonta     
  |                          +-- Quadrula_quadrula          
  |        +-----------------+                              
  |        |                 +-- Uniomerus_tetralasmus      
  |     +--+                                                
  |     |  |  +----------------- Elliptio_complanata        
  |     |  |  |                                             
  |     |  +--+              +-- Potamilus_leptodon         
  |     |     |  +-----------+                              
  |     |     |  |           +-- Potamilus_alatus           
  |     |     +--+                                          
  |     |        |  +----------- Leaunio_lienosus           
  |     |        |  |                                       
  |     |        +--+        +-- Lampsilis_cardium          
  |     |           |  +-----+                              
--+     |           |  |     +-- Lampsilis_ornata           
  |  +--+           +--+                                    
  |  |  |              |  +----- Venustaconcha_ellipsiformis
  |  |  |              +--+                                 
  |  |  |                 |  +-- Lampsilis_powellii         
  |  |  |                 +--+                              
  |  |  |                    +-- Lampsilis_siliquoidea      
  |  |  |                                                   
  |  |  |                    +-- Sinohyriopsis_cumingii     
  |  |  |        +-----------+                              
  |  |  |        |           +-- Sinohyriopsis_schlegelii   
  |  |  |        |                                          
  |  |  |        |           +-- Pilsbryoconcha_exilis      
  |  |  +--------+  +--------+                              
  |  |           |  |        +-- Pseudodon_vondembuschianus 
  |  |           |  |                                       
  |  |           |  |        +-- Lamprotula_caveata         
  |  |           |  |     +--+                              
  |  |           +--+     |  +-- Lamprotula_leaii           
  |  |              |  +--+                                 
  +--+              |  |  |  +-- Pronodularia_japanensis    
     |              |  |  +--+                              
     |              |  |     +-- Potomida_littoralis        
     |              +--+                                    
     |                 |     +-- Sinosolenaia_carinata      
     |                 |  +--+                              
     |                 |  |  +-- Sinosolenaia_oleivora      
     |                 +--+                                 
     |                    |  +-- Parvasolenaia_rivularis    
     |                    +--+                              
     |                       +-- Ptychorhynchus_pfisteri    
     |  +----------------------- Lepidodesma_languilati     
     |  |                                                   
     |  |                 +----- Lanceolaria_gladiola       
     |  |  +--------------+                                 
     |  |  |              |  +-- Lanceolaria_grayii         
     |  |  |              +--+                              
     |  |  |                 +-- Lanceolaria_lanceolata     
     +--+  |                                                
        |  |     +-------------- Acuticosta_chinensis       
        |  |     |                                          
        |  |     |     +-------- Cristaria_plicata          
        |  |     |     |                                    
        |  |     |  +--+     +-- Sinanodonta_woodiana       
        |  |  +--+  |  |  +--+                              
        +--+  |  |  |  |  |  +-- Sinanodonta_lucida         
           |  |  |  |  +--+                                 
           |  |  |  |     |  +-- Anemina_arcaeformis        
           |  |  |  |     +--+                              
           |  |  +--+        +-- Anemina_euscaphys          
           |  |     |                                       
           |  |     |        +-- Anodonta_anatina           
           |  |     |  +-----+                              
           |  |     |  |     +-- Anodonta_cygnea            
           |  |     |  |                                    
           |  |     +--+     +-- Pyganodon_grandis          
           +--+        |  +--+                              
              |        |  |  +-- Utterbackia_peninsularis   
              |        +--+                                 
              |           |  +-- Alasmidonta_varicosa       
              |           +--+                              
              |              +-- Prolasmidonta_heterodon    
              |           +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa     
              |  +--------+                                 
              |  |        |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis
              |  |        +--+                              
              |  |           +-- Aculamprotula_coreana      
              |  |                                          
              +--+     +-------- Unio_tumidus               
                 |  +--+                                    
                 |  |  |  +----- Unio_nanus                 
                 |  |  +--+                                 
                 |  |     |  +-- Unio_pictorum              
                 |  |     +--+                              
                 +--+        +-- Unio_delphinus             
                    |        +-- Schistodesmus_lampreyanus  
                    |  +-----+                              
                    |  |     +-- Cuneopsis_heudei           
                       |  +----- Pseudocuneopsis_capitata   
                          |  +-- Nodularia_douglasiae       
                             +-- Tchangsinaia_piscicula     

Page updated: 13:44:03 Mon 20 Jan 2025

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"Making the world a better place, one mollusk at a time."