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Mon 17 Feb 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!
For each valid genus, the nominal generic synonyms are listed. The taxonomic history (since 1900) at the bottom of the page lists the genera to which all of the currently included species have been classified.
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Bivalvia | Unionoida | Unionoidea | Unionidae | Gonideinae | Lamprotulini genus Potomida Swainson, 1840: nominal genera 13 valid species
Potomida Swainson, 1840
Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol.: 265, 268, 272-275, 280-281, 285, 289-290, 379.
Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol.: 275 [as ‘Potomidea’].
(intro'd as sub-gen. of Mysca Turton, 1822; renamed Potamida Agassiz, 1846)
Type species: Mysca (Potomida) corrugata Swainson, 1840 (orig. desig.) = Potomida littoralis |
Potomidea Swainson, 1840
Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol.: 275.
(error for Potomida Swainson, 1840)
Potamida Agassiz, 1846
Agassiz, 1846, Nomencl. Zool. Index Univ.: 306.
Herrmannsen, 1847, Ind. Gener. Malacol. 2: 329.
Thiele, 1934, Handb. Syst. Weichtierk. 3: 816 [1245].
(homonym of Brongniart, 1810 [Gastro.]; new name for Potomida Swainson, 1840)
Rhomboidiana Locard, 1889
‘Bourguignat MS’ Locard, 1889, Contr. Faune Malacol. Franc. 13: 18 [124].
(intro'd as sub-gen. of Unio Retzius, 1788)
Type species: Unio rhomboideus Moquin-Tandon, 1855 (orig. desig.) = Potomida littoralis |
Simonisiana Locard, 1889
‘Bourguignat MS’ Locard, 1889, Contr. Faune Malacol. Franc. 13: 20 [126].
(intro'd as sub-gen. of Unio Retzius, 1788)
Type species: Unio simonis Tristram, 1865 (orig. desig.) = Potomida semirugata |
Rhomboideana Fagot, 1892
Fagot, 1892, Bull. Soc. Ramond 27: 37.
Caziot, 1907, Bull. Soc. Sci. Hist. Nat. Yonne 60: 276.
(error for Rhomboidiana Locard, 1889)
Rhamboideana Fagot, 1893
Fagot, 1893, Bull. Soc. Ramond 28: 258.
(error for Rhomboidiana Locard, 1889)
Subreniformiana Fagot, 1893
Fagot, 1893, Bull. Soc. Ramond 28: 258. [nomen nudum]
(intro'd as sub-gen. of Unio Retzius, 1788)
Iridea Sabba Stefanescu, 1896
Sabba Stefanescu, 1896, Mém. Soc. Géol. France 15: 35.
(homonym of Swainson, 1840; renamed Cuneopsidea Wenz, 1928)
Type species: Unio sculptus Brusina, 1874 (original designation) = Potomida sculpta |
Psilunio Sabba Stefanescu, 1896
Sabba Stefanescu, 1896, Mém. Soc. Géol. France 15: 44.
Type species: Unio littoralis Cuvier, 1798 (sub. desig. by Thiele, 1934: 818) = Potomida littoralis |
Rytia Sabba Stefanescu, 1896
Sabba Stefanescu, 1896, Mém. Soc. Géol. France 15: 41.
(homonym of Hübner, 1823 [Lepidopt.]; renamed Sabbaia Cossmann, 1897)
Type species: Unio brandzae Sabba Stefanescu, 1896 (original designation) = Potomida brandzae |
Sabbaia Cossmann, 1897
Cossmann, 1897, Rev. Crit. Paléozool. 1: 156.
(new name for Rytia Sabba Stefanescu, 1896)
Rhombunio Germain, 1911
Germain, 1911, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 17: 67.
(intro'd as sub-gen. of Leguminaia Conrad, 1865)
Type species: Unio rothi Bourguignat, 1863 (sub. desig. by Haas, 1969: 271) = Potomida semirugata |
Migranaja Hannibal, 1912
Hannibal, 1912, Proc. Malac. Soc. London 10(2): 124.
Type species: Unio littoralis Cuvier, 1798 (orig. desig.) = Potomida littoralis |
Cuneopsidea Wenz, 1928
Wenz, 1928, Arch. Moll. 60: 270.
(new name for Iridea Sabba Stefanescu, 1896)
Wenziella Modell, 1959
Modell, 1959, Geol. Jhrb. 75: 235.
Modell, 1964, Arch. Moll. 93: 120.
Type species: Unio vukotinovici Hoernes, 1865 () = Potomida vukotinovici |
Migranaia Haas, 1969
‘Hannibal’ of Authors.
Haas, 1969, Das Tierreich 88: 271.
Haas, 1969, Treatise on Invert. Paleo: N441.
Bank et al., 2001, Heldia 4(1/2): 113.
(error for Migranaja Hannibal, 1912)
Rhombeidiana Cox et al., 1969
‘Locard’ of Authors.
Cox et al., 1969, Treatise on Invert. Paleo 2: N862.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1077.
(error for Rhomboidiana Locard, 1889)
Cyclopotomida Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 65, 284.
(intro'd as sub-gen. of Psilunio Sabba Stefanescu, 1896)
Type species: Unio munieri Sabba Stefanescu, 1896 (orig. desig.) = Potomida munieri |
Uralinaia Starobogatov, 1970
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 66, 284.
(intro'd as sub-gen. of Cuneopsidea Wenz, 1928)
Type species: Unio janschini Bogatschev, 1961 (orig. desig.) = Potomida janschini |
Misgranaja Daget, 1998
‘Hannibal’ Daget, 1998, Cat. Bivalves Africains: 84.
(error for Migranaja Hannibal, 1912)
Taxonomic History (since 1900)
Unio (sec. Lymnium) — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Parreysia (s.s.) — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Preston (1915)
Unio — Kobelt (1903), Rochebrune (1903), Pallary (1921), Daget (1998)
Unio (Rhomboïdiana) — Germain (1904)
Unio (Groupe Rhomboïdeana) — Caziot (1907)
Leguminaia (Rhombunio) — Germain (1911)
Migranaja — Hannibal (1912)
— Frierson (1913), Simpson (1914), Haas (1936), Pallary (1939), Modell (1964), Haas (1969), Daget (1998)
Unio (Rhombunio) — Prashad (1919)
Rhombunio — Haas (1924)
Psilunio — Modell (1931), Germain (1931), Thiele (1934), Zhadin (1938), ..., Giribet & Wheeler (2002), Giribet & Distel (2003), Campbell et al. (2005), Jeffrey et al. (2016)
Unio (Psilunio) — Pallary (1939)
Unio (Limnium) [sic] — Pallary (1939)
Potomida — Ellis (1946), Haas (1969), Schütt (1983), Schütt (1988), ..., Wu et al. (2024), Dai et al. (2024), Zhang et al. (2024), Jeratthitikul et al. (2025)
Caelatura [sic] (s.s.) — Haas (1969)
Potomida (s.s.) — Haas (1969)
Potomida (Cuneopsidea) — Haas (1969)
Psilunio (Cyclopotomida) — Starobogatov (1970)
Cuneopsidea (Uralinaia) — Starobogatov (1970)
Potamida [sic] — Bába (2000)
Page updated: 09:39:54 Mon 17 Feb 2025 |