
Page last updated
Thu 06 Mar 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!

This page documents data for Razak et al. (2018), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.

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Publication information

Razak, N.F.A., C.V. Supramaniam & A. Zieritz. 2018. A dichotomous PCR–RFLP identi cation key for the freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida) of Peninsular Malaysia. Conservation Genetics Resources 11: 457-464.

Click here for online access.

Attributed Species Names

Pseudodon cambodjensis Pfeiffer & Graf, 2013
‘Petit’ of Authors.
Pfeiffer & Graf, 2013, J. Moll. Studies 79: 251.
Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015, Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 175(2): 310.
Zieritz et al., 2016, Sci. Total Environ. 571: 1071.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Lopes-Lima et al., 2017, MPE 106: 177.
Konopleva et al., 2017, Systemat. Biodiv. 15(3): 207.
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Razak et al., 2018, Conserv. Genet. Resour. 11: 459.
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Bolotov et al., 2020, Sci. Repts. 10: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina cambodiensis’ (sic)].
Konopleva et al., 2021, Sci. Repts. 11: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina cambodiensis’ (sic)].
Jeratthitikul et al., 2021, Eur. J. Taxonomy 775: 123 [as ‘Monodontina cambodiensis’ (sic)].
Pfeiffer et al., 2021, Invert. Syst. 35: 453 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Wu et al., 2021, ZooKeys 1054: 87 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Wu et al., 2021, J. Lake Sci. 33(6): attached Table 1.
Konopleva et al., 2023, Diversity 15(1), 10: Table S2 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Dai et al., 2023, Invert. Syst. 37(2): Table 1 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Dai et al., 2024, Zoosyst. Evol. 100(4): Table 2.
(misidentified reference to Monocondylea cambodjensis Petit de la Saussaye, 1865)
Type(s): SEQUENCED SPECIMEN UMMZ_304350, Pursat River, just downstream (north) of Highway 5 bridge, Pursat City, Cambodia.

Taxonomic Opinions

Contradens contradens (Lea, 1838)

Hyriopsis bialata (Simpson, 1900)

Physunio superbus (Lea, 1843)

Pilsbryoconcha compressa (Martens, 1860)

Pilsbryoconcha exilis (Lea, 1838)

Pseudodon cambodjensis (Petit de la Saussaye, 1865)

Pseudodon cumingii (Lea, 1850)

Pseudodon vondembuschianus (Lea, 1840)

Rectidens sumatrensis (Dunker, 1852)

Sinanodonta woodiana Lea, 1834

Page updated: 09:48:31 Thu 06 Mar 2025

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