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Mon 17 Feb 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
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This page documents data for Konopleva et al. (2019), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.
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Publication information
Konopleva, E.S., J.M. Pfeiffer, I.V. Vikhrev, A.V. Kondakov, M.Yu. Gofarov et al. 2019. A new genus and two new species of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) from western Indochina. Scientific Reports 9. 4106 (14 pp.).
Click here for online access.
Cladogram Figures
(click the figure number to see the cladogram) fig. 1
Attributed Genus Names
Attributed Species Names
Pseudodon vondembuschianus Graf, 2002
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Graf, 2002, J. Moll. Studies 68: 66.
Graf & Cummings, 2006, Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 148: 348.
Hoeh et al., 2009, Malacologia 51(2): 310.
Whelan et al., 2011, MPE 61: 506. [in part]
Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015, Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 175(2): 310. [in part]
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 2’]. [in part]
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Pseudodon aff. vondembuschianus sp. 2’]. [in part]
Konopleva et al., 2017, Systemat. Biodiv. 15(3): 207. [in part]
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 2’]. [in part]
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4 [as ‘Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 2’]. [in part]
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 2’]. [in part]
(reference to Margaritana vondembuschiana Lea, 1840)
Radiatula bonneaudii Whelan et al., 2011
‘Eydoux’ of Authors.
Whelan et al., 2011, MPE 61: 506.
Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015, Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 175(2): [4].
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: 10, Table 3 [as ‘sp. 1’].
Konopleva et al., 2017, Systemat. Biodiv. 15(3): 207.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: [5].
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1.
Pfeiffer et al., 2018, J. Moll. Studies 84(4): [4]. [in part]
Jeratthitikul et al., 2019, Tropical Nat. Hist. 19(1): 25.
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘Radiatula bonneaudii sp. 1’].
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4.
Ortiz-Sepulveda et al., 2020, MPE 148: Table S1.
(misidentified reference to Unio bonneaudii Eydoux, 1838)
Pseudodon cambodjensis Pfeiffer & Graf, 2013
‘Petit’ of Authors.
Pfeiffer & Graf, 2013, J. Moll. Studies 79: 251.
Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015, Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 175(2): 310.
Zieritz et al., 2016, Sci. Total Environ. 571: 1071.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Lopes-Lima et al., 2017, MPE 106: 177.
Konopleva et al., 2017, Systemat. Biodiv. 15(3): 207.
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Razak et al., 2018, Conserv. Genet. Resour. 11: 459.
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Bolotov et al., 2020, Sci. Repts. 10: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina cambodiensis’ (sic)].
Konopleva et al., 2021, Sci. Repts. 11: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina cambodiensis’ (sic)].
Jeratthitikul et al., 2021, Eur. J. Taxonomy 775: 123 [as ‘Monodontina cambodiensis’ (sic)].
Pfeiffer et al., 2021, Invert. Syst. 35: 453 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Wu et al., 2021, ZooKeys 1054: 87 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Wu et al., 2021, J. Lake Sci. 33(6): attached Table 1.
Konopleva et al., 2023, Diversity 15(1), 10: Table S2 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Dai et al., 2023, Invert. Syst. 37(2): Table 1 [as ‘Monodontina cambodjensis’].
Dai et al., 2024, Zoosyst. Evol. 100(4): Table 2.
(misidentified reference to Monocondylea cambodjensis Petit de la Saussaye, 1865)
Type(s): SEQUENCED SPECIMEN UMMZ_304350, Pursat River, just downstream (north) of Highway 5 bridge, Pursat City, Cambodia.
Pilsbryoconcha exilis Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015, Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 175(2): 310.
Ng et al., 2016, PLoS One 11(8), e0161130: [5]. [in part]
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘P. aff. exilis sp. 1’].
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘P. aff. exilis sp. 1’].
Konopleva et al., 2017, Systemat. Biodiv. 15(3): 207.
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1 [as ‘P. aff. exilis sp. 1’].
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4 [as ‘P. aff. exilis sp. 1’].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘P. aff. exilis sp. 1’].
Lopes-Lima et al., 2020, MPE 146: Table 1 [as ‘P. aff. exilis sp. 1’].
Zieritz et al., 2020, Biodivers. Conserv. 29: 2244.
Wu et al., 2021, ZooKeys 1054: 87.
Wu et al., 2021, J. Lake Sci. 33(6): attached Table 1.
Wu et al., 2021, J. Lake Sci. 33(6): attached Table 1.
Konopleva et al., 2023, Diversity 15(1), 10: Table S2 [as ‘P. aff. exilis’].
Dai et al., 2023, Invert. Syst. 37(2): Tables 1-2. [in part]
(misidentified reference to Anodonta exilis Lea, 1838)
Type(s): SEQUENCED SPECIMEN UMMZ_304647, Beung Dang Teuk Leach Community Fishery Pursat Province, Cambodia.
Ensidens sagittarius Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015, Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 175(2): 310.
Konopleva et al., 2017, Systemat. Biodiv. 15(3): 207.
Lopes-Lima et al., 2017, MPE 106: 177.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Ensidens aff. sagittarius sp. 1].
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Ensidens aff. sagittarius sp. 1].
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1 [as ‘Ensidens aff. sagittarius sp. 1].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘E. aff. sagittarius sp. 1].
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4 [as ‘Ensidens aff. sagittarius sp. 1].
Zieritz et al., 2020, Biodivers. Conserv. 29: 2242.
Lopes-Lima et al., 2020, MPE 146: Table 1.
Wu et al., 2021, J. Lake Sci. 33(6): attached Table 1.
(misidentified reference to Unio sagittarius Lea, 1856)
Contradens contradens Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015, Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 175(2): 310.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Contradens aff. contradens sp. 1’].
Konopleva et al., 2017, Systemat. Biodiv. 15(3): 207.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Contradens aff. contradens sp. 1’].
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1 [as ‘Contradens aff. contradens sp. 1’].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Ecologica Montenegrina 24: Appendix 1 [as ‘Contradens aff. contradens sp. 1’].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘Contradens aff. contradens sp. 1’].
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4 [as ‘Contradens aff. contradens sp. 1’].
Bolotov et al., 2020, Sci. Repts. 10: Table S1 [as ‘Contradens aff. contradens sp. 1’].
Konopleva et al., 2023, Diversity 15(1), 10: Table S2 [as ‘Lens aff. contradens’].
(misidentified reference to Unio contradens Lea, 1838)
Pseudodon mouhotii Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015, Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 175(2): 310.
Lopes-Lima et al., 2017, MPE 106: 177.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Pseudodon aff. mouhotii sp. 3’].
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Bineurus aff. mouhotii sp. 3’].
Konopleva et al., 2017, Systemat. Biodiv. 15(3): 207.
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1 [as ‘Bineurus aff. mouhotii sp. 3’].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘Bineurus aff. mouhotii sp. 3’].
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4 [as ‘Bineurus aff. mouhotii sp. 3’].
(misidentified reference to Monocondyloea mouhotii Lea, 1863)
Pseudodon vondembuschianus Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015, Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 175(2): 310. [in part]
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Pseudodon aff. vondembuschianus sp. 2’]. [in part]
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 2’]. [in part]
Konopleva et al., 2017, Systemat. Biodiv. 15(3): 207. [in part]
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 2’]. [in part]
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4 [as ‘Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 2’]. [in part]
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 2’]. [in part]
(reference to Margaritana vondembuschiana Lea, 1840)
Radiatula humilis Bolotov et al., 2017
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Radiatula humilis sp. 3].
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1 [as ‘Radiatula humilis sp. 3].
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4 [as ‘Radiatula humilis sp. 3’].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘Radiatula humilis sp. 3’].
Ortiz-Sepulveda et al., 2020, MPE 148: Table S1. [in part]
(misidentified reference to Unio humilis Lea, 1856)
Radiatula khadakvaslaensis Bolotov et al., 2017
‘Ray’ of Authors.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Radiatula khadakvaslaensis sp. 1’].
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Indonaia khadakvaslaensis sp. 1’].
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1 [as ‘Indonaia khadakvaslaensis sp. 1’].
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4 [as ‘Indonaia khadakvaslaensis sp. 1’].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘Indonaia khadakvaslaensis sp. 1’].
Bolotov et al., 2020, Sci. Repts. 10: Table S1 [as ‘Indonaia khadakvaslaensis’].
Bolotov et al., 2022, Hindawi 6600359: Table S1 [as ‘Indonaia khadakvaslaensis’].
(reference to Indonaia khadakvaslaensis Ray, 1966)
Ensidens sagittarius Bolotov et al., 2017
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Ensidens aff. sagittarius sp. 2’].
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Ensidens aff. sagittarius sp. 2’].
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1 [as ‘E. aff. sagittarius sp. 2’].
Muanta et al., 2019, J. Moll. Studies 85(2): 227 [as ‘Clade B4’].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘E. aff. sagittarius sp. 2’].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Ecologica Montenegrina 24: Appendix 1 [as ‘E. aff. sagittarius sp. 2’].
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4 [as ‘Ensidens aff. sagittarius sp. 2’].
Zieritz et al., 2020, Biodivers. Conserv. 29: 2242 [as ‘Ensidens aff. sagittarius sp. 2’].
(misidentified reference to Unio sagittarius Lea, 1856)
Pseudodon mouhotii Bolotov et al., 2017
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Pseudodon aff. mouhotii sp. 2’].
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Bineurus aff. mouhotii sp. 2’].
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1 [as ‘Bineurus aff. mouhotii sp. 2’].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘Bineurus aff. mouhotii sp. 2’].
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4 [as ‘Bineurus aff. mouhotii sp. 2’].
(misidentified reference to Monocondyloea mouhotii Lea, 1863)
Pseudodon vondembuschianus Bolotov et al., 2017
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Pseudodon aff. vondembuschianus sp. 1’].
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 1’].
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 1’].
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4 [as ‘Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 1’].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1 [as ‘Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 1’].
Lopes-Lima et al., 2020, MPE 146: Table 1 [as ‘Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 1’].
(misidentified reference to Margaritana vondembuschiana Lea, 1840)
Pseudodon avae Bolotov et al., 2017
‘Theobald’ of Authors.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1 [as ‘Pseudodon cf. avae’].
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1.
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1.
Konopleva et al., 2019, Ecologica Montenegrina 24: Appendix 1 [as ‘Pseudodon cf. avae’].
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4.
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1.
Zieritz et al., 2020, Biodivers. Conserv. 29: 2244.
Lopes-Lima et al., 2020, MPE 146: Table 1.
Dai et al., 2023, Invert. Syst. 37(2): 155, Table 1.
(misidentified reference to Monocondylaea avae Theobald, 1873)
Indonaia lima Bolotov et al., 2017
‘Simpson’ of Authors.
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: Table S1.
Bolotov et al., 2018, Sci. Repts. 8: Table S1.
Huang et al., 2019, MPE 130: Table S4.
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1.
Jeratthitikul et al., 2019, Tropical Nat. Hist. 19(1): 25.
Bolotov et al., 2020, Sci. Repts. 10: Table S1.
Bolotov et al., 2022, Hindawi 6600359: Table S1.
(misidentified reference to Nodularia (sec. Radiatula) lima Simpson, 1900)
Contradens novoselovi Konopleva et al., 2019
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: 2 [as ‘Contradens sp. “Vieng Phou Kha”]. [MS]
Konopleva et al., 2019, Ecologica Montenegrina 24: 26, figs. 1-3.
Yaukthwa paiensis Konopleva et al., 2019
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: 9, fig. 4d.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE UF_505164, Thailand, Salween River Drainage, Pai District, Mae Hong Son Province, Khong River, tributary of Pai River, off Rt. 1095, 19.4246° N, 98.4013° E.
Yaukthwa inlenensis Konopleva et al., 2019
Bolotov et al., 2017, Sci. Repts. 7: 10, Table 3 [as “T. sp. ‘Salween’].
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: 10, figs. 2, 4c.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE RMBH_BIV139_18, Myanmar, Salween Basin, Mway Stream, a tributary of Nam Pilu River, 19.7266° N, 97.0992° E.
Yaukthwa dalliana Konopleva et al., 2019
‘Frierson’ of Authors.
Bolotov et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1.
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: 7.
Konopleva et al., 2019, Ecologica Montenegrina 24: Appendix 1.
Zieritz et al., 2020, Biodivers. Conserv. 29: 2243.
Bolotov et al., 2020, Sci. Repts. 10: Table S1.
Pfeiffer et al., 2021, Invert. Syst. 35: Table S2.
(misidentified reference to Parreysia dalliana Frierson, 1913)
Hyriopsis gracilis Konopleva et al., 2019
‘Haas’ of Authors.
Konopleva et al., 2019, Sci. Repts. 9: Table S1.
Konopleva et al., 2019, Ecologica Montenegrina 24: Appendix 1.
Bolotov et al., 2020, Sci. Repts. 10: Table S1.
Zieritz et al., 2020, Biodivers. Conserv. 29: 2243.
(misidentified reference to Hyriopsis gracilis Haas, 1910)
Taxonomic Opinions
Arcidopsis footei (Theobald, 1876)
+ Trapezoideus prashadi Haas, 1922
Bineurus aff. mouhotii sp. 3 (Lea, 1863)
Contradens aff. contradens sp. 1 (Lea, 1838)
Contradens comptus (Deshayes & Jullien, 1874)
+ Diplodon ludovicianum Rochebrune, 1882
+ Harmandia munensis Brandt, 1974
Contradens eximius (Lea, 1856)
Contradens fulvaster (Drouet & Chaper, 1892)
Contradens gratiosus (Philippi, 1843)
Contradens inaequalis (Rochebrune, 1881)
Contradens misellus (Morelet, 1865)
Contradens pallegoixi (Sowerby, 1867)
Contradens peninsularis (Simpson, 1900)
Contradens semmelinki (Martens, 1891)
Contradens sp. “Vieng Phou Kha”
Contradens subcircularis (Brandt, 1974)
Ensidens aff. sagittarius sp. 3 (Lea, 1856)
Ensidens cf. ingallsianus (Lea, 1852)
Gibbosula laosensis (Lea, 1863)
Hyriopsis bialatus Simpson, 1900
Hyriopsis desowitzi Brandt, 1974
Hyriopsis gracilis Haas, 1910
Hyriopsis myersiana (Lea, 1856)
Hyriopsis sp. 1
Indochinella pugio (Benson, 1862)
Indonaia aff. khadakvaslaensis sp. 1 (Ray, 1966)
Indonaia andersoniana (Nevill, 1877)
Indonaia caerulea (Lea, 1831)
Indonaia lima (Simpson, 1900)
Indonaia subclathrata (Martens, 1899)
Lamellidens theca (Benson, 1862)
Margaritifera dahurica (Middendorff, 1850)
Monodontina aff. vondembuschiana sp. 2 (Lea, 1840)
Monodontina cambodjensis (Petit de la Saussaye, 1865)
Physunio cambodiensis (Lea, 1856)
Physunio friersoni Simpson, 1914
Physunio inornatus (Lea, 1856)
Physunio micropterus (Morelet, 1866)
Physunio modelli Brandt, 1974
Physunio superbus (Lea, 1843)
Pilsbryoconcha aff. exilis sp. 1 (Lea, 1838)
Pilsbryoconcha compressa (Martens, 1860)
Pseudodon avae (Theobald, 1873)
Pseudodon bogani Bolotov, Kondakov & Konopleva, 2017
Pseudodon manueli Konopleva, Kondakov & Vikrev, 2017
Radiatula cf. bonneaudii sp. 1 (Eydoux, 1838)
Radiatula mouhoti Vikhrev, Bolotov & Konopleva, 2017
Radiatula myitkyinae (Prashad, 1930)
Rectidens sumatrensis (Dunker, 1852)
Scabies aff. humilis sp. 3 (Lea, 1856)
Scabies phaselus (Lea, 1856)
Trapezoideus foliaceus (Gould, 1843)
Yaukthwa cf. dalliana (Frierson, 1913)
Yaukthwa inlenensis sp. nov.
Yaukthwa nesemanni (Konopleva, Vikhrev & Bolotov, 2017)
Yaukthwa paiensis sp. nov.
Yaukthwa panhai (Konopleva, Bolotov & Kondakov , 2017)
Yaukthwa peguensis (Anthony, 1865)
Yaukthwa zayleymanensis (Preston, 1912)
Cladogram Figure 1
+-- Gibbosula_laosensis
| +-- Margaritifera_dahurica
| +-- Indopseudodon_indawgyiensis
| |
| +--+-- Indopseudodon_bogani
| | |
| | +-- Indopseudodon_salwenianus
| |
| | +-- Bineurus_mouhotii
| +--------------------------+ |
| | | +-- Pseudodon_vagulus
| | | |
| | | +-- Pseudodon_mekongi
--+ | | |
| | | +-- Pilsbryoconcha_exilis
| | +--+
| | +-- Pilsbryoconcha_carinifera
| | |
| | +-- Bineurus_loeiensis
| | |
| | +-- Bineurus_exilis
| | |
| | +-- Pseudodon_vondembuschianus
| |
| | +----------- Indonaia_shurtleffiana
| | +--+
| | | | +-------- Indonaia_rugosa
| | | +--+
+--+ | | +----- Indonaia_andersoniana
| | +--+
| | | +-- Indonaia_caerulea
| +--------------+ +--+
| | | +-- Indonaia_subclathrata
| | |
| | | +----------- Indochinella_pugio
| | | |
| | | | +-- Scabies_humilis
| | +--+ |
| | | +-----+-- Scabies_mandarinus
| | | | |
| | +--+ +-- Scabies_phaselus
| | |
| | | +----- Radiatula_mouhoti
| | +--+
| | | +-- Radiatula_myitkyinae
| | +--+
| | +-- Radiatula_chaudhurii
| |
+--+ +-- Ensidens_ingallsianus
| +-----+
| | +-- Ensidens_telus
| +-----+
| | | +----- Ensidens_sagittarius
| | +--+
| | | +-- Ensidens_jaculus
| +-----------+ +--+
| | | +-- Ensidens_spiculus
| | |
| | | +----------- Hyriopsis_desowitzi
| | | |
| | +--+----------- Rectidens_sumatrensis
| | |
| | | +-------- Hyriopsis_panhai
| | +--+
| | | +----- Hyriopsis_myersiana
| | +--+
+--+ | +-- Hyriopsis_khoratensis
| +--+
| +-- Hyriopsis_bialata
| +-- Yaukthwa_paiensis
| +-----+
| | +-- Yaukthwa_inlenensis
| +--------------+
| | | +----- Yaukthwa_panhai
| | +--+
| | | +-- Yaukthwa_nesemanni
| | +--+
+--+ +-- Yaukthwa_rectangularis
| +----- Physunio_superbus
| +--------------+
| | | +-- Physunio_modelli
| | +--+
+--+ +-- Physunio
| +----------------- Trapezoideus_foliaceus
| |
+--+ +-- Lens_contradens
| +-----------+
| | +-- Lens_micropterus
| +----------- Lens_misellus
| +-------- Lens_eximius
| +----- Lens_pallegoixi
| +-- Lens_comptus
+-- Lens_novoselovi
Page updated: 09:58:55 Mon 17 Feb 2025 |