
Page last updated
Thu 06 Feb 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

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Unionoida | Unionoidea | Unionidae | Ambleminae | Lampsilini | Cambarunio iris

nominal species Unio iris Lea, 1829

Lea, 1829, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 3 [O. 1]: 439, pl. 11, fig. 18.
Type(s): SYNTYPES USNM_86035, Cincinnati, Ohio.

= Cambarunio iris

Taxonomic Opinions

= Cambarunio iris (Lea, 1829) — Hopper et al., 2023
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Jeratthitikul et al., 2022
= Cambarunio iris (Lea, 1829) — Graf & Cummings, 2021
= Cambarunio iris (Lea, 1829) — FMCS, 2021
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Bolotov et al., 2020
= Villosa irisInoue et al., 2020
= Villosa irisKlymus et al., 2020
= Villosa irisGasparini et al., 2020
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Huang et al., 2019
= Cambarunio iris (Lea, 1829) — Pfeiffer et al., 2019
= Villosa irisPorto-Hannes et al., 2019
= Cambarunio iris (Lea, 1829) — Watters, 2018
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Bolotov et al., 2018
= Villosa irisChase et al., 2018
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Lopes-Lima et al., 2017
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Bolotov et al., 2017
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Bolotov et al., 2017
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Williams et al., 2017
= Villosa irisChong et al., 2016
= Villosa irisKongim et al., 2015
= Villosa irisJones, 2015
= Villosa irisZieritz et al., 2015
= Villosa irisInoue et al., 2013
= Villosa iris (I. Lea, 1829) — ITIS, 2012
= Villosa iris (I. Lea, 1829) — Szumowski et al., 2012
= Villosa irisHaag, 2012
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — McMurray et al., 2012
= Villosa irisBreton et al., 2011
= Villosa iris Lea, 1829 — Bogan, 2010
= Villosa irisCummings & Graf, 2010
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Watters et al., 2009
= Villosa irisJadhav & Jamkhedkar, 2009
= Villosa irisHoeh et al., 2009
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Williams et al., 2008
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Graf & Cummings, 2007
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Tiemann et al., 2007
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Graf & Cummings, 2006
= Villosa iris (I. Lea, 1829) — Zanatta & Murphy, 2006
= Villosa iris (I. Lea, 1829) — Zanatta & Murphy, 2006
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Campbell et al., 2005
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Campbell et al., 2005
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Cicerello & Schuster, 2003
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Graf, 2002
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1830) — Bogan, 2002
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Graf & Ó Foighil, 2000
= Villosa iris (Lea) — Lydeard et al., 1999
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Parmalee & Bogan, 1998
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Turgeon et al., 1998
= Villosa iris (Lea) — Strayer & Jirka, 1997
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Cummings & Mayer, 1997
= Villosa iris (I. Lea) — Williams et al., 1993
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Cummings & Mayer, 1992
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Turgeon et al., 1988
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Oesch, 1984
= Villosa iris (Lea) — Davis & Fuller, 1981
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — R.I. Johnson, 1980
= Villosa iris (Lea) — Mackie et al., 1980
= Villosa irisGordon et al., 1979
= Villosa iris (Lea) — Mathiak, 1979
= Villosa iris (Lea, 1829) — Burch, 1975
+ Ligumia nervosa (Rafinesque, 1820) — Haas, 1969
+ Lampsilis (Ligumia) nervosa (Rafinesque, 1820) — Frierson, 1927
= Micromya iris (Lea) — Ortmann, 1925
= Micromya irisOrtmann, 1924
= Eurynia (Micromya) iris (Lea) — Utterback, 1916
= Lampsilis (Eurynia) iris (Lea, 1829) — Simpson, 1914
= Unio iris Lea — de Gregorio, 1914
= Eurynia (Micromya) iris (Lea, 1829) — Ortmann, 1912
= Lampsilis iris (Lea) — Ortmann, 1910
= Lampsilis iris (Lea) — Ortmann, 1909
= Lampsilis iris Lea — Ortmann, 1909
= Lampsilis iris (Lea) — Ortmann, 1909
= Lampsilis (sec. Eurynia) iris Lea — Simpson, 1900
= Unio (s.s.) iris Lea, 1829 — Call, 1900
= Unio iris Lea — B.H. Wright, 1888
= Unio iris Lea — Lewis, 1871
= Margaron (Unio) iris (Lea) — Lea, 1870
= Unio iris Lea, 1829 — Reeve, 1865
+ Unio subrostratus Say — Küster, 1861
= Unio iris Lea — Lapham, 1860
= Unio iris Lea — Adams & Adams, 1857
+ Unio subrostratus Say, 1830 — Conrad, 1853
= Margaron (Unio) iris (Lea) — Lea, 1852
= Unio iris Lea — Hanley, 1843
= Margarita (Unio) iris Lea — Lea, 1838
= Margarita (Unio) iris (Lea, 1829) — Lea, 1836
= Unio iris Lea — Ferussac, 1835
= Unio irisJay, 1835
= Unio iris Lea — Lea, 1829

Page updated: 12:28:30 Thu 06 Feb 2025

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