
Page last updated
Wed 04 Dec 2024

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!

Cladomics pages are experimental — even more so than the rest of this site!

The purpose of the cladomics pages for each genus and family-group level taxon is to provide statistics and references indicating the extent to which published phylogenetic work supports the classification used here.

The Cladomics Summary provides an overview of the number of studies that have included terminal species representing this taxon as well as an indication of how frequently it has been recovered as monophyletic.

Following the summary, the available published clades representing the taxon are listed.

For more information, visit the Cladomics FARQ (frequently asked rhetorical questions) page. Abbreviations for the various statistics are explained on the FARQ!

Search the database pages:

Bivalvia | Unionoida | Unionoidea | Unionidae | Unioninae | Unionini

genus Aculamprotula Wu, Liang, Wang & Ouyang, 1999: cladomics
     9 valid species

Cladomics Summary

number of species = 9

analyzed in 98 cladograms in 55 publications
maximum number of terminals in an analysis = 5, mean = 2.6

Basic Monophyly

number of cladograms that test basic monophyly (i.e., more than 1 included species) = 57
maximum number of included terminals = 5, mean = 3.75
proportion of cladograms that support basic monophyly = 1.0

Pairwise Cladogram Clustering

The graphs below depict in two dimensions all pair-wise ingroup distances within the cladome. See the Cladmoics FARQ for more information.

PCoA Ordination

NJ tree

Lopes-Lima et al., 2020 [Publ 4080], fig. 2-4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 115 21 7 0.0

*** Top Monophyly Cladogram ***

        +----------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |     |  +-------- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |     +--+                                    
  |        |  +----- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |        +--+                                 
--+           |  +-- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      
  |           +--+                              
  |              +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +-------------- Middendorffinaia           
  |  |                                          
  +--+  +----------- Unio                       
     |  |                                       
     +--+  +-------- Nodularia                  
        |  |                                    
        +--+  +----- Schistodesmus              
           |  |                                 
           +--+----- Cuneopsis                  
              |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
                 +-- Inversiunio                

Chen et al., 2023 [Publ 4302], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 39 16 9 --

*** Top Sister-Group Cladogram ***

  +----------------- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **
  |              +-- Middendorffinaia     
--+  +-----------+                        
  |  |           +-- Nodularia            
  |  |                                    
  +--+  +----------- Cuneopsis            
     |  |                                 
     |  |        +-- Diaurora             
        |        +-- Schistodesmus        
        |  +-------- Pseudocuneopsis      
           |  +----- Inversiunio          
              |  +-- Tchangsinaia         
                 +-- Unio                 

Wu et al., 2024 [Publ 4350], fig. 8a_S1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 87 17 6 2.0
        +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  +-----+     +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |     |  +--+                              
  |     |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |     +--+                                 
  |        |  +-- Aculamprotula_polysticta **   
--+        +--+                              
  |           +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  +----------- Unio                       
  |  |                                       
  +--+  +-------- Nodularia                  
     |  |                                    
     +--+-------- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +----- Schistodesmus              
           |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
              +-- Cuneopsis                  

Wu et al., 2022 [Publ 4238], fig. 2d

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 34 18 7 2.0
              +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  +-----------+     +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |           |  +--+                              
  |           |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |           +--+                                 
--+              |  +-- Aculamprotula_polysticta **   
  |              +--+                              
  |                 +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  +----------------- Unio                       
     |  +-------------- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +----------- Nodularia                  
           |  +-------- Schistodesmus              
              |  +----- Cuneopsis                  
                 |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
                    +-- Inversiunio                

Huang et al., 2019 [Publ 3843], fig. S3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 191 12 5 2.0
        +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  +-----+     +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |     |  +--+                              
  |     |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |     +--+                                 
--+        |  +-- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      
  |        +--+                              
  |           +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +----------- Unio                       
     |  +-------- Nodularia                  
        |  +----- Schistodesmus              
           |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
              +-- Cuneopsis                  

Wu et al., 2021 [Publ 4366], fig. 3-BI

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 69 10 6 2.0
           +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  +--------+     +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |        |  +--+                              
  |        |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_polysticta **   
  |        +--+                                 
--+           |  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |           +--+                              
  |              +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +-------------- Unio                       
     |  +----------- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +-------- Nodularia                  
           |  +----- Schistodesmus              
              |  +-- Cuneopsis                  
                 +-- Tchangsinaia               

Huang et al., 2019 [Publ 3843], fig. S1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 40 9 4 4.0
        +-------- Nodularia                  
  |     |  +----- Tchangsinaia               
  |     +--+                                 
  |        |  +-- Schistodesmus              
--+        +--+                              
  |           +-- Cuneopsis                  
  |  +----------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
     |  +-------- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
        |  +----- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      
           |  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
              +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      

Wu et al., 2024 [Publ 4379], fig. 5

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 49 24 6 2.0
           +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  +--------+     +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |        |  +--+                              
  |        |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |        +--+                                 
--+           |  +-- Aculamprotula_polysticta **   
  |           +--+                              
  |              +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  +-------------- Unio                       
     |  +----------- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +-------- Nodularia                  
           |  +----- Schistodesmus              
              |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
                 +-- Cuneopsis                  

Wu et al., 2020 [Publ 4121], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 45 9 6 2.0
           +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  +--------+     +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |        |  +--+                              
  |        |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |        +--+                                 
--+           |  +-- Aculamprotula_polysticta **   
  |           +--+                              
  |              +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  +-------------- Unio                       
     |  +----------- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +-------- Nodularia                  
           |  +----- Tchangsinaia               
              |  +-- Cuneopsis                  
                 +-- Schistodesmus              

Wu et al., 2018 [Publ 3836], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 48 9 5 0.0
     +----------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |  |  +-------- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  +--+                                    
  |     |  +----- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |     +--+                                 
--+        |  +-- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      
  |        +--+                              
  |           +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |     +-------- Unio                       
  |     |                                    
  +-----+     +-- Nodularia                  
        |  +--+                              
        |  |  +-- Schistodesmus              
           |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
              +-- Cuneopsis                  

Wu et al., 2022 [Publ 4238], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 69 15 6 2.0
           +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  +--------+     +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |        |  +--+                              
  |        |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |        +--+                                 
--+           |  +-- Aculamprotula_polysticta **   
  |           +--+                              
  |              +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  +-------------- Unio                       
     |  +----------- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +-------- Nodularia                  
           |  +----- Schistodesmus              
              |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
                 +-- Cuneopsis                  

Wu et al., 2023 [Publ 4339], fig. 4_S5-nt

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 91 17 6 2.0
              +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **      
  +-----------+     +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **       
  |           |  +--+                               
  |           |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis ** 
  |           +--+                                  
  |              |  +-- Aculamprotula_polysticta **    
--+              +--+                               
  |                 +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **       
  |  +----------------- Unio                        
  |  |                                              
  +--+  +-------------- Pseudocuneopsis             
     |  |                                           
     +--+  +----------- Nodularia                   
        |  |                                        
        +--+        +-- Schistodesmus_lampreyanus__1
           |  +-----+                               
           |  |     +-- Cuneopsis                   
              |  +----- Tchangsinaia                
                 |  +-- Schistodesmus_lampreyanus__2
                    +-- Schistodesmus_spinosus      

Zhou et al., 2007 [Publ 2658], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 18 4 3 2.0
              +-- Tchangsinaia               
  |           +-- Nodularia                  
  |  +----------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
     |  +-------- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
        |  +----- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
           |  +-- Aculamprotula_zonata **       
              +-- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      

Dai et al., 2024 [Publ 4386], fig. 6

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 35 15 6 2.0
           +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  +--------+     +-- Aculamprotula_polysticta **   
  |        |  +--+                              
  |        |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |        +--+                                 
--+           |  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |           +--+                              
  |              +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +-------------- Unio                       
     |  +----------- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +-------- Nodularia                  
           |  +----- Schistodesmus              
              |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
                 +-- Cuneopsis                  

Huang et al., 2019 [Publ 3843], fig. S4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 193 13 5 2.0
  +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
--+     +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |  +--+                              
  |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
     |  +-- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      
        +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **

Huang et al., 2019 [Publ 3843], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 37 9 4 0.0
  +----------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |  +-------- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
     |  +----- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
        |  +-- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      
           +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **

Wu et al., 2021 [Publ 4366], fig. 4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 64 10 6 2.0
           +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  +--------+     +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |        |  +--+                              
  |        |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_polysticta **   
  |        +--+                                 
--+           |  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |           +--+                              
  |              +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +-------------- Unio                       
     |  +----------- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +-------- Nodularia                  
           |  +----- Schistodesmus              
              |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
                 +-- Cuneopsis                  

Wu et al., 2023 [Publ 4339], fig. 4_S5-aa

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 91 17 6 2.0
        +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  +-----+     +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |     |  +--+                              
  |     |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |     +--+                                 
  |        |  +-- Aculamprotula_polysticta **   
--+        +--+                              
  |           +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  +----------- Unio                       
  |  |                                       
  +--+        +-- Nodularia                  
     |  +-----+                              
     |  |     +-- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +----- Tchangsinaia               
           |  +-- Schistodesmus              
              +-- Cuneopsis                  

Zhou et al., 2007 [Publ 2658], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 16 2 2 2.0
  +----------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |  +-------- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
     |  +----- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      
        |  +-- Aculamprotula_zonata **       
           +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **

Lopes-Lima et al., 2020 [Publ 4080], fig. 5

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 4 2 1 4.0
  +-------------- Nodularia                  
  |  +----------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
     |  +-------- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
        |  +----- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      
           |  +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
              +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      

Huang et al., 2019 [Publ 3843], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 2 5 193 13 5 1.0
        +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  +-----+  +----- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |     |  |                                 
  |     +--+----- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |        |                                 
--+        |  +-- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      
  |        +--+                              
  |           +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +----------- Unio                       
     |  +-------- Schistodesmus              
        |  +----- Nodularia                  
           |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
              +-- Cuneopsis                  

Wu et al., 2021 [Publ 4366], fig. 3-ML

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 69 10 6 2.0
           +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  +--------+     +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |        |  +--+                              
  |        |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_polysticta **   
  |        +--+                                 
--+           |  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |           +--+                              
  |              +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +-------------- Unio                       
     |  +----------- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +-------- Nodularia                  
           |  +----- Tchangsinaia               
              |  +-- Schistodesmus              
                 +-- Cuneopsis                  

Wu et al., 2024 [Publ 4350], fig. 8b_S2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 3 5 87 17 6 2.0
        +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  +-----+     +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |     |  +--+                              
  |     |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |     +--+                                 
  |        |  +-- Aculamprotula_polysticta **   
--+        +--+                              
  |           +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  +----------- Unio                       
  |  |                                       
  +--+  +-------- Nodularia                  
     |  |                                    
     +--+-------- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +----- Schistodesmus              
           |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
              +-- Cuneopsis                  

Pfeiffer & Graf, 2013 [Publ 3531], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
5 5 2 5 29 2 2 2.0
           +-- Unio                       
  |        +-- Nodularia                  
  |  +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |  |                                    
  +--+  +----- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
     |  |                                 
     +--+  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
        |  |                              
        +--+-- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      
           +-- Aculamprotula_zonata **       

Konopleva et al., 2023 [Publ 4269], fig. S1_4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
4 4 2 4 52 8 5 1.0
  +-------------- Middendorffinaia           
  |     +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
--+  +--+                                    
  |  |  |  +----- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  |  +--+                                 
  |  |     |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  +--+     +--+                              
     |        +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
     |  +-------- Unio                       
        |  +----- Nodularia                  
           |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
              +-- Cuneopsis                  

Wu et al., 2019 [Publ 3864], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
4 4 2 4 43 9 6 1.0
           +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |        |  +----- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |        +--+                                 
  |           |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
--+           +--+                              
  |              +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |  +-------------- Unio                       
     |  +----------- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +-------- Nodularia                  
           |  +----- Tchangsinaia               
              |  +-- Cuneopsis                  
                 +-- Schistodesmus              

Wu et al., 2020 [Publ 4121], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
4 4 2 4 30 1 1 3.0
  +----------- Unio                       
  |  +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
     |  +----- Aculamprotula_polysticta **   
        |  +-- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      
           +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **

Huang et al., 2019 [Publ 3843], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
4 4 2 4 53 7 4 1.0
     +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |  |  +----- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  +--+                                 
  |     |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
--+     +--+                              
  |        +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |  +-------- Unio                       
     |  +----- Nodularia                  
        |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
           +-- Schistodesmus              

Wu et al., 2020 [Publ 4147], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
4 4 2 4 25 6 6 1.0
           +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |        |  +----- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |        +--+                                 
  |           |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
--+           +--+                              
  |              +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |  +-------------- Unio                       
     |  +----------- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +-------- Nodularia                  
           |  +----- Schistodesmus              
              |  +-- Cuneopsis                  
                 +-- Tchangsinaia               

Wu et al., 2020 [Publ 4147], fig. 4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
4 4 2 4 10 1 1 1.0
  +----------- Unio                       
  |  +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
     |  +----- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
        |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
           +-- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      

Wu et al., 2020 [Publ 4121], fig. S1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
4 4 2 4 30 1 1 3.0
  +----------- Unio                       
  |  +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
     |  +----- Aculamprotula_polysticta **   
        |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
           +-- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **      

Wu et al., 2018 [Publ 4143], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
4 4 2 4 18 2 2 1.0
           +-- Unio                       
  |        +-- Nodularia                  
  |  +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
     |  +----- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
        |  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
           +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **

Cha et al., 2018 [Publ 3916], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 36 7 4 2.0
        +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |     |  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |     +--+                              
--+        +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +-------- Unio                       
     |  +----- Schistodesmus              
        |  +-- Nodularia                  
           +-- Tchangsinaia               

Huang et al., 2018 [Publ 3828], fig. 6

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 40 6 3 2.0
     +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |  |  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |  +--+                              
--+     +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +----- Unio                       
     |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
        +-- Nodularia                  

Aunins et al., 2018 [Publ 3863], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 38 8 5 2.0
           +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |        |  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |        +--+                              
--+           +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +----------- Unio                       
     |  +-------- Nodularia                  
        |  +----- Tchangsinaia               
           |  +-- Cuneopsis                  
              +-- Schistodesmus              

Wu et al., 2021 [Publ 4366], fig. 6

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 88 8 5 2.0
           +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |        |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |        +--+                              
--+           +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  +----------- Unio                       
     |  +-------- Nodularia                  
        |  +----- Cuneopsis                  
           |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
              +-- Schistodesmus              

Froufe et al., 2019 [Publ 3936], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 42 7 4 2.0
        +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |     |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |     +--+                              
--+        +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |  +-------- Unio                       
     |  +----- Nodularia                  
        |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
           +-- Schistodesmus              

Sano et al., 2020 [Publ 4138], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 66 10 5 2.0
           +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |        |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |        +--+                              
--+           +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |  +----------- Unio                       
     |  +-------- Inversiunio                
        |  +----- Nodularia                  
           |  +-- Schistodesmus              
              +-- Tchangsinaia               

Wu et al., 2024 [Publ 4379], fig. 4_6

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 19 11 2 2.0
  +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |  +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
     +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **

Zieritz et al., 2021 [Publ 4231], fig. 3-F_5

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 46 7 4 2.0
        +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |     |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |     +--+                              
--+        +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |  +-------- Unio                       
     |  +----- Nodularia                  
        |  +-- Schistodesmus              
           +-- Tchangsinaia               

Sano et al., 2020 [Publ 4138], fig. 4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 66 10 5 2.0
           +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |        |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |        +--+                              
--+           +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |  +----------- Unio                       
     |  +-------- Nodularia                  
        |  +----- Inversiunio                
           |  +-- Schistodesmus              
              +-- Tchangsinaia               

Sano et al., 2020 [Publ 4138], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 66 10 5 2.0
           +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |        |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |        +--+                              
--+           +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |  +----------- Unio                       
     |  +-------- Inversiunio                
        |  +----- Nodularia                  
           |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
              +-- Schistodesmus              

Wu et al., 2021 [Publ 4366], fig. 2_I

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 88 8 5 2.0
           +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |        |  +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |        +--+                              
--+           +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +----------- Unio                       
     |  +-------- Nodularia                  
        |  +----- Cuneopsis                  
           |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
              +-- Schistodesmus              

Wu et al., 2016 [Publ 3711], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 18 2 2 2.0
        +-- Unio                       
  |     +-- Nodularia                  
  |  +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
     |  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
        +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **

Soroka & Burzynski, 2017 [Publ 3837], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 21 7 4 2.0
        +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |     |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |     +--+                              
--+        +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |  +-------- Unio                       
     |  +----- Schistodesmus              
        |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
           +-- Nodularia                  

Froufe et al., 2019 [Publ 3936], fig. 6

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 42 7 4 2.0
        +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |     |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |     +--+                              
--+        +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |  +-------- Unio                       
     |  +----- Nodularia                  
        |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
           +-- Schistodesmus              

Fukata & Iigo, 2020 [Publ 4106], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 51 9 6 2.0
           +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |        |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |        +--+                              
--+           +-- Aculamprotula_coreana **      
  |  +----------- Unio                       
  |  |                                       
  +--+        +-- Schistodesmus              
     |  +-----+                              
     |  |     +-- Cuneopsis                  
        |  +----- Pseudocuneopsis            
           |  +-- Nodularia                  
              +-- Tchangsinaia               

Zhou et al., 2017 [Publ 3788], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
2 2 0 2 15 2 2 --
     +-- Nodularia                  
  |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
  |  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
     +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     

Chen et al., 2020 [Publ 4170], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
2 2 0 2 32 1 1 --
  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana ** 
  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **

Pavan-Kumar et al., 2022 [Publ 4263], fig. 4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
2 2 0 2 34 4 4 --
           +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |        +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     
  |  +-------- Unio                       
     |  +----- Schistodesmus              
        |  +-- Nodularia                  
           +-- Tchangsinaia               

Liu et al., 2023 [Publ 4310], fig. 4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
2 2 0 2 22 12 7 --
  +----------------- Unio                       
--+              +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  +-----------+                              
  |  |           +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
     |  +----------- Cuneopsis                  
     |  |                                       
     +--+        +-- Nodularia                  
        |  +-----+                              
        |  |     +-- Schistodesmus              
           |  +----- Tchangsinaia               
              |  +-- Inversiunio                
                 +-- Pseudocuneopsis            

Pavan-Kumar et al., 2022 [Publ 4263], fig. S5

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
2 2 0 2 37 4 4 --
  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **     

Dai et al., 2024 [Publ 4358], fig. 4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
2 2 0 2 50 15 6 --
                 +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |              +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +-------------- Unio                       
     |  +----------- Pseudocuneopsis            
        |  +-------- Nodularia                  
           |  +----- Schistodesmus              
              |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
                 +-- Cuneopsis                  

Liu et al., 2023 [Publ 4310], fig. 5

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
2 2 0 2 22 12 7 --
  +-------- Unio                       
  |     +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |     +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  +----- Cuneopsis                  
  |  |                                 
  |  |  +-- Nodularia                  
  |  +--+                              
  +--+  +-- Schistodesmus              
     |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
     |  |                              
     +--+-- Inversiunio                
        +-- Pseudocuneopsis            

Lopes-Lima et al., 2017 [Publ 3792], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
2 2 0 2 31 5 4 --
           +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  |        +-- Aculamprotula_coreana ** 
  |  +-------- Unio                  
     |  +----- Schistodesmus         
        |  +-- Tchangsinaia          
           +-- Nodularia             

Wu et al., 2023 [Publ 4296], fig. 4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
2 2 0 2 21 11 7 --
  +----------------- Unio                       
--+              +-- Aculamprotula_scripta **      
  |  +-----------+                              
  |  |           +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
     |  +----------- Cuneopsis                  
     |  |                                       
     +--+        +-- Nodularia                  
        |  +-----+                              
        |  |     +-- Schistodesmus              
           |  +----- Tchangsinaia               
              |  +-- Inversiunio                
                 +-- Pseudocuneopsis            

Fonseca et al., 2016 [Publ 3775], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
2 2 0 2 30 5 4 --
           +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  |        +-- Aculamprotula_coreana ** 
  |  +-------- Unio                  
     |  +----- Schistodesmus         
        |  +-- Nodularia             
           +-- Tchangsinaia          

Wen et al., 2017 [Publ 3795], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
2 2 0 2 14 1 1 --
  +-- Aculamprotula_coreana ** 
  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **

Wang et al., 2018 [Publ 3865], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 31 6 3 --
  +-------- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +----- Unio                       
     |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
        +-- Nodularia                  

Dai et al., 2023 [Publ 4285], fig. 5

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 52 6 6 --
  +-------------- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
--+  +----------- Unio                       
  |  |                                       
  +--+        +-- Pseudocuneopsis            
     |  +-----+                              
     |  |     +-- Nodularia                  
        |  +----- Schistodesmus              
           |  +-- Cuneopsis                  
              +-- Tchangsinaia               

Wu et al., 2022 [Publ 4238], fig. 2e

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 16 11 6 --
  +----------------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  |  +-------------- Unio                  
     |  +----------- Pseudocuneopsis       
        |  +-------- Nodularia             
           |  +----- Tchangsinaia          
              |  +-- Cuneopsis             
                 +-- Schistodesmus         

Kim et al., 2021 [Publ 4197], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 16 10 4 --
-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis

Wang et al., 2018 [Publ 3846], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 31 7 4 --
  +----------- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **
  |  +-------- Unio                       
     |  +----- Nodularia                  
        |  +-- Tchangsinaia               
           +-- Cuneopsis                  

Fukata & Iigo, 2019 [Publ 4108], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 15 11 6 --
-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis

Ouyang et al., 2011 [Publ 3408], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 12 2 2 --
-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa

Sano et al., 2020 [Publ 4138], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 33 6 4 --
-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa

Chen et al., 2023 [Publ 4302], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 39 16 9 --
  +----------------- Aculamprotula_fibrosa **
  |              +-- Middendorffinaia     
--+  +-----------+                        
  |  |           +-- Nodularia            
  |  |                                    
  +--+  +----------- Cuneopsis            
     |  |                                 
     |  |        +-- Diaurora             
        |        +-- Schistodesmus        
        |  +-------- Pseudocuneopsis      
           |  +----- Inversiunio          
              |  +-- Tchangsinaia         
                 +-- Unio                 

Guerra et al., 2017 [Publ 3772], fig. 2b

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 24 1 1 --
-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa

Lopes-Lima et al., 2017 [Publ 3745], fig. 1-2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 79 10 5 --
  +-------------- Unio                  
  |  +----------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
     |  +-------- Nodularia             
        |  +----- Schistodesmus         
           |  +-- Tchangsinaia          
              +-- Cuneopsis             

Burzynski & Soroka, 2018 [Publ 3862], fig. 5a

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 19 4 1 --
  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  +-- Unio                  

Jeratthitikul et al., 2022 [Publ 4260], fig. S1_1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 75 9 5 --
  +----------------- Unio                  
  |  +-------------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
     |  +----------- Nodularia             
        |  +-------- Schistodesmus         
           |  +----- Cuneopsis_heudei      
              |  +-- Tchangsinaia          
                 +-- Cuneopsis_rufescens   

Guerra et al., 2019 [Publ 4168], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 40 4 2 --
  +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  |  +-- Schistodesmus         
     +-- Unio                  

Sonowal et al., 2021 [Publ 4221], fig. 3b

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 14 2 1 --
-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis

Sonowal et al., 2021 [Publ 4221], fig. 3a

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 14 2 1 --
-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis

Soroka & Burzynski, 2018 [Publ 3762], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 6 1 1 --
  +-- Unio                  
  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **

Wu et al., 2024 [Publ 4388], fig. 6

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 53 8 6 --
  +----------------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  |  +-------------- Unio                  
     |  +----------- Pseudocuneopsis       
        |  +-------- Nodularia             
           |  +----- Tchangsinaia          
              |  +-- Cuneopsis             
                 +-- Schistodesmus         

Bolotov et al., 2017 [Publ 3761], fig. S1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 138 9 5 --
  +-------------- Unio                  
  |  +----------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
     |  +-------- Nodularia             
        |  +----- Cuneopsis             
           |  +-- Tchangsinaia          
              +-- Schistodesmus         

Sonowal et al., 2021 [Publ 4221], fig. 4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 15 2 1 --
-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis

Dai et al., 2024 [Publ 4386], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 12 9 5 --
-- Aculamprotula_scripta

Guerra et al., 2019 [Publ 4168], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 40 4 2 --
-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa

Huang et al., 2018 [Publ 3828], fig. 3_5

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 28 1 1 --
  +-- Unio                       
  +-- Aculamprotula_tientsinensis **

Dai et al., 2024 [Publ 4386], fig. 5-ML

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 20 10 6 --
  +----------------- Aculamprotula_scripta **
  |  +-------------- Unio                 
     |  +----------- Middendorffinaia     
        |  +-------- Nodularia            
           |  +----- Cuneopsis            
              |  +-- Inversiunio          
                 +-- Schistodesmus        

Guerra et al., 2019 [Publ 4168], fig. 1-M

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 21 4 2 --
  +----- Schistodesmus         
  |  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
     +-- Unio                  

Bolotov et al., 2017 [Publ 3761], fig. S2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 138 9 5 --
  +----------- Unio                  
--+  +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  |  |                               
  |  +-------- Schistodesmus         
     +-------- Nodularia             
     |  +----- Cuneopsis_heudei      
        |  +-- Tchangsinaia          
           +-- Cuneopsis_rufescens   

Burzynski et al., 2017 [Publ 3774], fig. 1-bottom

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 12 2 1 --
  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  +-- Unio                  

Burzynski & Soroka, 2018 [Publ 3862], fig. 5b

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 9 4 1 --
  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  +-- Unio                  

Araujo et al., 2017 [Publ 3801], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 13 2 2 --
  +-- Schistodesmus         
  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **

Guerra et al., 2019 [Publ 4168], fig. 2-M

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 21 4 2 --
  +----- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  |  +-- Schistodesmus         
     +-- Unio                  

Dai et al., 2024 [Publ 4386], fig. 5-BI

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 20 10 6 --
-- Aculamprotula_scripta

Guerra et al., 2017 [Publ 3772], fig. 2a

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 24 1 1 --
  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  +-- Unio                  

Soroka & Burzynski, 2018 [Publ 3762], fig. 3-M

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 6 1 1 --
  +-- Unio                  
  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **

Huang et al., 2019 [Publ 3843], fig. 3-M

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 22 4 2 --
  +----- Schistodesmus         
  |  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
     +-- Unio                  

Huang et al., 2018 [Publ 3828], fig. 6-M

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 16 3 1 --
  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  +-- Unio                  

Bolotov et al., 2017 [Publ 3764], fig. S1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 124 9 5 --
  +-- Unio_crassus          
  +-- Unio_pictorum         
  +-- Unio_tumidus          
  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  +-- Cuneopsis_heudei      
  +-- Tchangsinaia          
  +-- Cuneopsis_rufescens   
  +-- Nodularia_douglasiae  
  +-- Nodularia_nuxpersicae 
  +-- Schistodesmus         

Jeratthitikul et al., 2022 [Publ 4260], fig. S2_2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 75 9 5 --
  +----------------- Unio                  
  |  +-------------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
     |  +----------- Nodularia             
        |  +-------- Schistodesmus         
           |  +----- Cuneopsis_heudei      
              |  +-- Tchangsinaia          
                 +-- Cuneopsis_rufescens   

Rosenberg et al., 1997 [Publ 2720], fig. 2B

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 21 1 1 --
-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa

Xue et al., 2016 [Publ 3659], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 15 3 3 --
  +-------- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  |  +----- Schistodesmus         
     |  +-- Nodularia             
        +-- Unio                  

Burzynski et al., 2017 [Publ 3774], fig. 1-top

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 12 2 1 --
  +-- Aculamprotula_tortuosa **
  +-- Unio                  

Page updated: 14:57:31 Wed 04 Dec 2024

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