Mussel of the

Page last updated
5 January 2016

Mussel of the Month

The 2015 Mussels of the Month.

December 2015

NephriticaPronodularia japanensis (Unionidae, Palearctic)

The December 2015 Mussel of the Month is Pronodularia japanensis. Pronodularia is a genus of two species restricted to Japan and Korea in the eastern Palearctic.

November 2015

NephriticaNephritica poeyana (Unionidae, Neotropical)

The November 2015 Mussel of the Month is Nephritca poeyana. Nephritica is a Mesoamerican genus of two species.

October 2015

LepidodesmaLepidodesma languilati (Unionidae, Indotropical)

The October 2015 Mussel of the Month is Lepidodesma languilati. Lepidodesma is a monotypic genus endemic to the Yangtze Basin in China.

September 2015

VenustaconchaVenustaconcha ellipsiformis (Unionidae, Nearctic)

The September 2015 Mussel of the Month is Venustaconcha ellipsiformis. Venustaconcha is a genus of two species found in the Mississippi and Great Lakes drainages of eastern North America.

August 2015

ContradensContradens contradens (Unionidae, Indotropical)

The August 2015 Mussel of the Month is Contradens contradens. Contradens is a genus of six species, widespread in tropical Southeast Asia and the Sunda Islands.

July 2015

ActinonaiasActinonaias sapotalensis (Unionidae, Neotropical)

The July 2015 Mussel of the Month is Actinonaias sapotalensis. Actinonaias is a genus of seven species endemic to Mexico.

June 2015

GrandidieriaGrandidieria burtoni (Unionidae, Afrotropical)

The June 2015 Mussel of the Month is Grandidieria burtoni. Grandidieria is a monotypic genus endemic to Lake Tanganyika in Central Africa.

May 2015

AneminaAnemina fluminea (Unionidae, Palearctic)

The May 2015 Mussel of the Month is Anemina fluminea.Anemina is a genus of five species found in eastern Asia.

April 2015

PhysunioPhysunio superbus (Unionidae, Indotropical)

The April 2015 Mussel of the Month is Physunio superbus. Physunio is a genus of nine species reported from India and Burma to the Mekong Basin and the Sunda Islands.

March 2015

AlathyriaAlathyria jacksoni (Hyriidae, Australasian)

The March 2015 Mussel of the Month is Alathyria jacksoni. Alathyria is a genus of four species endemic to Australia.

February 2015

AcostaeaAcostaea rivoli (Etheriidae, Neotropical)

The February 2015 Mussel of the Month is Acostaea rivoli. Acostaea is a monotypic genus, endemic to the Rio Madgalena, Colombia, South America.

January 2015

ToxolasmaToxolasma lividum (Unionidae, Nearctic)

The January 2015 Mussel of the Month is Toxolasma lividum. Toxolasma is a genus of eight species found in eastern North America, from the Great Lakes south to the Gulf of Mexico.

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